Banannafish512 Member


  • My whole thing with the way the series wrote Littlefinger is that everyone knows that he's a tricky b*stard. In the books though, he's just this amiable guy who makes funny quips and plots so well that no one knows what he's up to. And book Littlefinger would never be stupid enough to threaten Cersei with knowing her…
  • I agree! they're just doing what they want at this point. And imagine how good the show would be if they managed to incorporate the themes that GRRM has written....shows like Mad Men, Breaking Bad do a really great job of having a good story, but also a lot of symbolism and dialogue. the dialogue though makes me want to…
  • I agree that not using Lady Stoneheart as the final scene was a fail! The PERFECT mic drop! Can you imagine what the non-reader fandom would be thinking? they'd be talking about it the entire off-season! it's just not very smart writing OR marketing to leave her out. My passion to the show has cooled quite a's…
  • he's screaming too. that made it all the worse. poor ellaria.
  • i had to look away. My eyes could not take it.
  • that whole creepy Oedipal thing is missing with Sansa being LF's niece rather than his daughter. LF's whole history is obsessed with wanting to be like Brandon/Ned Stark, because he feels HE should have got the girl (Cat). In the books, he looks at Sansa and says something along the lines "You should have been my daughter,…
  • He was actually on the Good Wife a couple of seasons ago and was rather boring and a stuffed shirt almost in The Good Wife... which is why I was disappointed when they cast him as Oberyn. ...So relieved to have been wrong. Although I am a little disappointed his physical description doesn't match the books :(
  • starting low carb this new year as well! would really appreciate the support because my family thinks I'm nuts for eating as much protein and fat as I have been. They keep yelling at me about cholesterol!
  • Imagine if they got this badass hottie instead tho: I mean, Oberyn's a brown guy. C'mon game of thrones!
  • Depending on how far you are in the books, it ends up that Sansa is constantly in the hands of people who want to abuse her or threaten to abuse her. She has no agency by herself because her family is gone and she is stuck dealing with people who treat her as a pawn. Despite being beaten, threatened to the point of rape…
  • hodor, stop hodoring!! i'm glad they worked that in the show.
  • it's pretty bittersweet...and forgive the perez link!
  • How did you feel about some of the changes? Even with some of the changes, that emotional punch was still there. I thought the last scene was fantastically acted. Michelle Fairley whom I've always loved just blew it out of the water. I wonder if a lot of the nonreaders will drop the show out of frustration :/
  • I too love Storm of Swords! Thought it was the best written, as far as pacing and drama in the entire series. I threw my book down when I got to the Big One because I could not believe it! It was masterful! I hope it's just as good in the series. I sort of sense that the relationship between Catelyn and Robb is kind…
  • I just heard another amazing theory about where Tysha is. SPOILERS, obviously! I read that she might be the Sailor's wife, the *kitten* who only beds men she marries (and who Dareon "marries" before Sam rightfully punches him in the face). She has a blonde daughter named Lanna. Can it be that *kitten* go to Braavos?
  • Anytime I read that George is going here, going there, I want to be all "C'mon man! Just sit down and crank it out!" But sadly, it does not work that way :( That sample chapter is just whetting my appetite. At least Season 3 is coming out soon!
  • I'm rereading a Dance With Dragons and it's so hard to get through! Even though I love most of the POVs, they don't flow well with one another. I can't help compare it with the first 3 books which were definitely page-turners. Hopefully GRRM ups his game in the next book. But upon reading his blog, it sounds like all he…
  • The last episode of the season is entitled "Valar Morghulis," which makes it entirely possible. I don't remember the timing between the Battle of Blackwater and the Red Wedding...isn't there quite a gap between them? Although it's possible that the show wants to speed things along. It will definitely bring people back for…
  • I think Margarey would have to know...everyone else seems to. Cersei, Stannis, ( hell, anyone that heard that Renly married a woman), was surprised about it because it was so commonly known to the Court that Renly preferred men. Whether she knew her husband was in love with her brother, yeah, she might not have known that.
  • Ah Sansa...I actually really liked that scene. It's like Sansa has no control over her own life and here she has this servant who supposed to obey Sansa (for a change), but servant Shae doesn't know what she's doing, which just frustrates Sansa more that she's just always a hostage with no one she can trust.
  • Margarey just looks like she's always scheming, like there's a secret she could tell you, but she won't... Brienne was SO tall and well-cast. Hooray for gay guy sex! Although later, when Margarey wanted to call Loras back in to the bedroom...that was so much kinkier than what I expected from her. I thought the setup from…
  • It would be much worse to have banged Theon's not like anyone would brag about it, especially after what he's going to do...
  • I did not like the scene between Littlefinger/Cersei! It seemed very out of character for both of them. Cersei doesn't really think of LF as anything but a coin counter and LF would never challenge the queen so openly about her children because he plays the lickspittle so well. Also wish the scene between Robb and Catelyn…
  • no spoiling! and who knows? HBO might decide to do something differently....but in this case if they did, I feel as if there'd be a fan-based mutiny.
  • i was wondering why you thought the link was so funny...glad to know it wasn't me :happy:
  • I think I used putlocker
  • The North Remembers! Such an epic title for such a not as kickass episode. It seemed very much as it was setting the scene of what was to come. I liked the Robb and Catelyn scenes as well as Robb with the direwolf intimidating Jaime. One thing I was confused about, did it actually happen? Or was Jaime dreaming it? The…
  • I think he warged into Ghost. Or if not, Melisandre will pull some Rhllor magic and revive him. The whole stabbing did sound pretty lethal.
  • Warning everyone, that come Monday, there will be a post-season premiere gushfest. Probably about Margarey Tyrell who looks to have a more prominent part than the books. Bring it Natalie Dormer!