ChristinaLB Member


  • I am looking forward to going back. I started in January and have been stalled the past few weeks bc I don't get as much done at home off my schedule. Anyone is free to add me. I am hoping - no working hard to loose 25 more pounds (that would be 100 total) by Christmas. Loved buying new school clothes today and buying…
  • I am a mother of three and love to encourage. I have been doing this since January and have had good success although the summer and staying at home has totally stalled me but I will continue and can support you with encouragement :) Anyone can add me.
  • with portions, I often go ahead and split up the portions and serve myself first so that others can get what they want and it doesn't throw me off.
  • you can add me. I am on everyday and I love to encourage. I can also point out if you are not drinking your water or eating enough. (We all need a day to go over here and there so .... ) I understand. I have support at home and work so I am lucky but no one can have too much support.
  • Feel free to add me! I am a good cheerleader!
  • ACTUALLY DR OZ recommends againts it uless your dr puts you on it.
  • sliced cucumbers and they have vitamins to boost energy (believe it or not) also I put pineapple juice instead of lemon on my apples to keep them from going brown. I don't like lemon flavored apples.
  • I'm in!! I am 5'3" and 246. I've lost 60 pounds since January and still heading downward. My diary is open although I don't log all of my exercise since my fitbit does it for me, I will try to remember to make notes. Anyone is welcome to friend me. I will encourage and support! I log in everyday. btw if you need some low…
  • I'm not even close to there yet but I am walking 5K's right now. I wanted to do a half but didn't think you could walk it. I will be happy to "train" with you. right now I am at a 20 min mile and trying to get it down from there. Add me if you want a buddy. I will encourage you if nothing else. I am a great cheerleader!
  • mine will be being able to shop for new clothes in any store I want to and not having to go to a special section and see all the cute clothes in sizes too small for me. :happy:
  • sending you a request. I am a cancer survivor too (hystiofibroussarcoma) which I found while I was pregnant with my 2nd child. Have lost 51 pounds so far but I have a long way to go. I have started walking 5Ks and found the motivation to keep cutting my time is helpful. We can certainly support each other. I have been on…
  • Starting Weight – 265 (Sunday 1st April) Goal Weight Loss – 254.4 (10.6lbs) Week 1 – 259.6 5.4 lbs. and 2.037% lost (Monday 9th April) Very good start! Week 2 - xxx lbs. and xx % lost (Monday 16th April) Week 3 - xxx lbs. and xx % lost (Monday 23rd April) Week 4 - xxx lbs. and xx % lost (Monday 30th April)
  • You are only a failure if you quit. Sounds like you are still trying. So you are not a failure. Just don't give up on yourself. You can do it.:bigsmile:
  • Count me in. This will be my first group but I love a challenge. And I need to be ready for the coming Zombies. I have always said, there always needs to be at least one person behind me so I can be safe.
  • You could add me. I need to loose 130 or so (hopefully more but we will see once we get there) already down 40 and hoping to win our BL competition tomorrow. But still have a long way to go. Really trying hard not to be the BIGGEST sister anymore, just the oldest! (And hopefully I can achieve this by our Disney trip in…
  • :smile: I am in! Starting Weight – 265 Goal Weight Loss – 10.6 pounds I love a challenge! I am also walking my first 5K at the end of this month! Wish me luck! Hoping to finish in less than an hour. Right now I am at an hour and 8 minutes so I hope I can also shave off 10 minutes!! :smile: