

  • I use the resistance bands in the pool and find that they help me tremendously~~ Let me know if you come up with anymore that are good~~ I have read some really great suggestions and will try those.... Im always looking for more tho~~
  • Thanks.... I know I know..... I should take the test.... but part of me wants to know first for sure before I take the test..... I have wanted this for soooo long I dont want my hopes up again!!
  • Ok so I still dont think that im pregnant, but...... I still fell a little sick...... not half as bad as before.... and I have managed to maintain my weight instead of loosing it all........ I guess now that I have a girlfriend to walk with everyday we will find out!! thanks for all your suggestions tho everyone!!
  • No seasoning... just veggies..... I find that carrots are sweet enough..... but you know the next day IO felt sooo gross...... I didnt get my protein and so instead all I ended up getting out of it was a REALLY bad headache!!
  • You are not the only people that have guessed the preggers thing...... I dont think that I am it is possible.... I have thought that I was pregnant before and wasnt and so I am sceptical everytime.... I also always ASSUMED that pregnant meant that I actually lost my cookies not just "felt barfy" I dont know anything about…
  • Hey I was doing killer on my weight loss..... then I noticed that I started to feel barfy..... then I began to get some of the weight back.. and now im having trouble keeping it off... and I havent changed anything really...... What is going on...... I thought mayb the flu but I wouldnt gain weight with the flu... Would I??
  • Wow... soooo good for you..... its people like yourself that i look up too!!! Keep on truckin~~~
    in Hi! Comment by AlysaDixon February 2009
  • Wow... soooo good for you..... its people like yourself that i look up too!!! Keep on truckin~~~
    in Hi! Comment by AlysaDixon February 2009
  • I wish I could run around screaming... lol REALLY... haha My buy trouble isnt over one boy unfortunatly...... I waited for 3 years for this one guy..... long storey short.... met new guy but was never really over old guy... been with new guy three years..... so 6 years since old guy and I were together..... Love ew guy to…
  • I do when I get lunches......... Is there like office work outs??? any ideas??
  • The obviouse thing is working out...... I unfortunatly work a desk job all day... i always walk at night after dinner for about an hour.... is there ways to keep my mind healthy durring the day at work??
  • Thanks you guys....... I am just sooo lost thats all...... Sometimes I feel like im getting abck on track then then something like this happens....... Its Stupid!! JEEZ!!!
  • Thanks I will try that...... I hate it when your head wont let you do anything else but think of the one thing you dont really wanna think of.... Reminds me of why im here in the first place!!
  • I have been Stressed latley and its taking a toll on my health....... I guess you can say I have not really ever learned to handle stress and this one is really buggin me...... Any suggestions?? PS Its boy trouble haha~~
  • Welcome..... Good for you starting your new journey off by getting healthier!!~ I admire people like yourself and that is exactly what drew me to this site!! Good luck!! Alysa~~
  • Welcome..... Im rather new as well and so far I have told anyone within ear shot and who will listen about this site!!! even had my SKinny little sister in law sign up!! haha if you can beleive it~~ Anyway Good to see yet another smiling face!! Alysa~~
  • For the first time in a VERY long time I didnt wanna eat anything other than steamed Veggies last night...... Thats all I ate!!! sat there and Ate Veggies...... Wow the more I say that.... the dummer I sound!! lol~~ PS They were REALLY good!!
  • Yuck... PMS...... Im not Regular and so when I get it....... Watch out...... I actually feel bad for my boyfriend..... poor guy~~~ My PMS comes with the headaces and everything..... Yuck......... I do find that walking helps tho!! And even in the unusual cold weather we have been experiencing..... Walking is a must just to…
  • Mmmmmmmmmm that looks yummy!!
  • I have those days....... No matter what you do you are hungry........ Just remember to eat right no matter what...... Choose veggies instead of whatever...... and maybe try and stay away from filler foods!!! Good luck!
  • Good luck... I just started on this site about 3 days ago...... this journey started about 2 and a half weeks ago tho.... anywho.... I found that everyone was soooooo supportive even tho my weightloss goals are set pretty high....... I just think this place is amazing!!! Anywho...... good luck~~ and im sure we will run…
  • Thanks everyone for the good luck wishes...... This may sound a little silly but I dont think that I have this kind of support in real life... Everyone wants it to happen but no one will help....... My boyfriend and his sista live with me..... She is extreamly skinny and he is definatly not large.... so when I say things…
  • Hello, My name is Alysa and I am new here!!! It has taken me a long time to realize how actully big I am, and now I have my mind set on getting to where I will be healthy..... I came upon this website by accident but it seems like a great way to get started for me!!! A way for me to track myself and get started!! Anyway…