ForbiddenFruit Member


  • Thank you all. It's just the best support here <3
  • I don't eat dairy so my fats tend to be EVOO and coconut oil. I've read about the issues with counterfeit olive oil but I don't think we have quite the same issue here on the UK. Most of my fat though comes from oily fish, which I eat 2 to 3 times most days, and avocados
  • I've only just started out but I'm trying to stay around 25 net carbs. This may well get tweaked along the way
  • So. I had my assessment this evening and, although my ordinary weighing scales aren't showing any downward movement, as was suggested my fat weight has gone down by 2.2kg and my muscle weight has increased by 2kg (I'm guessing the missing .2 is water) My trainer will revise my eating plan in the morning. It'll still be low…
  • Thank you both! So, having added a few more items after running that script, I'm on 24 net carbs on my finished day. That's not bad is it?
  • @BUZZIEST it's really interesting to hear that you've also found this way of eating has helped your psoriasis and joints too. I'm delighted as my next stop was methotrexate and I really, really didn't want to. I have my reassessment tonight so I'll see if my inches and body fat have changed even if my weight has stalled.…
  • Thank you @dragonwolf. I have a reassessment session with my trainer on Thursday and I think he did mention actually taking my calories up, which sounds really counterintuitive but you're saying it as well. Your thoughts on the autoimmune stuff make sense as well. It's not just the psoriasis that's been helped but also my…
  • Thank you. She's our beautiful rescue girl <3 I've not really settled on macros. I did just work them out using the link @morrowsarah suggested, so maybe I need to do some tweaking. I do have a few auto immune things going on (psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and I've been tested for coeliac disease, which came back…
  • Thank you! Yes, I weigh everything on digital scales. We're not big on using cup measurements here in the UK anyway and I know they can cause issues depending on how much you pack them
  • Ok. I found the link and worked out my figures. My initial thought was that the fat looked scary, but actually my diary shows I've been in the 80s and 90s so maybe it's not so difficult Here are your personal macros: 1385 kcal Daily Calorie Intake 25 g Carbs (7%, 100 kcal) 88 g Protein (25%, 352 kcal) 104 g Fat (68%, 933…
  • I've amended my settings now to show fibre (or fiber :wink: ) so that might help? I'll go see if I can find the pinned post. Thank you.
  • So are we :smiley: Via Narvik, Bodo (sorry, don't have the right o available) and Trondheim
  • I've loved looking at these. We have been to Norway and were in Finland in January. We'll be back in Sweden and Norway at the end of August for our honeymoon (my fiance proposed under the Northern Lights in January <3 ) We'd read bad reviews of the food in the hotel in Finland but we loved it. I think you had to like oily…
  • My dad developed a shellfish allergy in his 50s, having eaten it at least weekly for his whole life with no problems. 1st time he had a reaction his lips swelled a bit. He took a Benadryl, not thinking that it was the shellfish, and it went away. 2nd time, he came out in a rash over his body. Again, he didn't link it to…
  • Thank you so much! : (*)
  • Thank you. 2152 according to that. I've put myself down as lightly active as I dog walk a minimum of 3 miles a day and sometimes over 5. I will go and look for groups :-)
  • From your profile, it seems you're close to target anyway so it wouldn't hurt to start taking your calories up. You'll need to be starting to look at maintenance soon anyway and you're unlikely to sustain 1200 calories for good. I hope it works for you :-)
  • The nutritionist set 2lb a week for me. Given that I am substantially heavier than you, with a start weight of over 200lbs, it's not an unreasonable target to start with. And it appears I can do it while eating more calories than the 1200 that MFP thinks I would need to eat. We review every 2 weeks and if I need to change…
  • It's good isn't it? I'd read so much about eating more to lose but never really believed it. It took quite a leap of faith to do it and I'm still not sure I would have done if it hadn't been for the nutritionist telling me to do it. I was always too scared before, convinced that it couldn't possibly work
  • I'm 5ft 8 and have about 35lbs to lose :-)
  • I've still got a bit to go on it but my partner reached his target on it before Christmas and dropped to 1 day a week to maintain the benefits. If he feels a bit extra going on e.g. we've been a bit piggy over Christmas and New Year he just sticks a 2nd day back in. I have to say, where every other diet I've tried has…
  • Thank you all for your replies :-) I'll have a look at the resources mentioned and see which one works for me. My back's been playing up and my chiropractor recommended some upper body work to get my shoulder blades moving.
  • Thank you. I don't think I can quite bring myself to go as high as 1700 so I'll try to eat my BMR and see what happens. I am planning to start C25K so I'm guessing I'll need to add that in as well. I forsee quite a lot of protein shakes as I've not been hungry on 1200 lol
  • I had it set for 1 1/2 lbs. I've changed it to 1lb and it still only thinks I should be on 1410 1700 seems huge but could make for an interesting experiment. I'm struggling to feel comfortable with that :-s
  • I've just had a look at your diary and it looks pretty good. The only thing I would say is that perhaps you're actually not eating enough. You really shouldn't be below 1200 a day and, as far as I remember, you've not hit that since Monday. I always keep a protein shake (check the carbs though - mine is low carb) handy to…
  • Thank you :-) I definitely won't go any lower than 1200. On the days where I've struggled to get to 1200 I make sure that I have a protein drink to up my calories and proteins without adding to my carbs
  • Potentially in a lot of ways if you don't know what you're doing and you don't replace what he's getting from grains with minerals, vitamins, fibre with the same from other sources. Don't get me wrong, children (and adults, and I know, because I can't eat wheat and I've had to learn how to manage my diet) can manage…
  • I'm making the assumption your son is a young(ish) child, so please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I would say that it's one thing to start playing around with your own diet on a hunch as an adult, in fact I did it myself to see if I felt I needed to be tested, which I then was to confirm the wheat allergy. However,…
  • It was psoriasis that tipped me off to a possible wheat/gluten problem too. I've had stomach problems for years but just assumed it was one of those things. It wasn't until the psoriasis started and I started reading around it that I put two and two together (only took me until 46 years of age lol). My doctor tested me for…
  • I'm late to this as I've only just discovered it. We've signed up for a 50 mile charity ride in September and I'm fairly new to cycling. This is just road riding. I'll normally add in my stationery bike work but I haven't got it logged on my ride activity as I didn't know about this thread. The rides have odd names as…