

  • I have been really bad :-( I haven't done any exercise either. Its so hard still cos I am not back to work until Wednesday and there is still lots of junk food about. I haven't weighed myself, but I know I haved gained - and it all seems to be around my middle. God knows that I am gonna wear New Year's Eve!!!! Thats sort…
  • Today was my first day of the 200 crunches challenge - and what a shock I was in for. I started running a year ago following the couch to 5k and now run between 5-8K and really enjoy it, I classed myself as pretty fit!!!! Well, on the initial testt, I couldn't even comple3te 10 crunches!!!! Just done colum 1 week 1 for the…
  • Could you give me some examples please? Thanks Ziggy
  • I bought a fibre supplement today - not too sure how I feel yet! LOL. Also got a chromium supplement. Had another good day - and went for a run - reckon a bout 3 miles but didn't measure it - ran for about 30 mins so thats about 3 miles (5k) for me. If I can keep the running up it spurs me on to eat better - strange isn't…
  • Hi Jennifer - well you made the big step of getting back on here - just like I did yesterdasy. Staying is motivated is soooo hard, but I think sometimes it is better to focus of being healthy. I have had a bad few months, and even though I have not gained too much back I have felt rubbish in myself from all the bad food…
  • Thanks everyone. Going to pop to the health shop tomorrow and get some fibre tabs. I have always had a huge appetite and it is a daily struggle as I feel hungry all the time. Ziggy
  • FuzzBuzz - i hope you are feeling OK about your binge today. It is done with now so try not to sress. Maybe drop your cals for a day or two to compensate and up your exercise a bit. This generally helps a bit.
    in I binged! Comment by ziggycat July 2009
  • Cucumber!!! That was what I was gonna say - but I don't think I would worry if I was just 20 cals under. Ziggy
  • Thanks everyone. I do count everything I was just wondering what everyone else did. As you said, 10 cals here and there soon add up don't they. The salad I have been making up is approx 90 cals without any dressing or annything in it, so basically thats nearly 100 cals isn't it. The good thing with the salad/veg though is…
  • Do you count your veg and salad calories. I was speaking to someone the other day and they don't bother. Ziggy
  • I feel so guilty eating all my 1100 cals, let alone my exercise cals!!!! I think its cos i tend to go over a lot at the weekend, then feel the need to claw back whatever i can througout the week. Does anyone else feel like that? Ziggy
  • I feel so guilty eating all my 1100 cals, let alone my exercise cals!!!! I think its cos i tend to go over a lot at the weekend, then feel the need to claw back whatever i can througout the week. Does anyone else feel like that? Ziggy
  • I feel so guilty eating all my 1100 cals, let alone my exercise cals!!!! I think its cos i tend to go over a lot at the weekend, then feel the need to claw back whatever i can througout the week. Does anyone else feel like that? Ziggy
  • Wishing you a speedy recovery. Ziggy
  • I logged on this morning with this question in mind - so many thanks. I didn't overdo it the whole weekend like I used to - I would finish work fri and start with wine and takeaway fri night. I was good fri, and sat day up until 7.30 I had only had something lilke 700 cals, then I sort of lost it - had very good dinner -…
  • I did the couch to 5k before xmas, but have slacked and now can only run a few mins again - so..... I'm gonna re-start ASAP!!!! ZIggy
  • I hve been pretty good all week, but when I jumped on the scales today it wasn't being very kind. Its weigh-in day tomorrow, so do you reckon if I drink tons and tons of water tonight the scales will be a bit kinder tomorrow. I so wanted to lose some tomorrow. Ziggy
  • I haven't tried spinning yet!!! I average it out at about 100 cals burned for 10 mins walking/running and also x training. I start of on a flat, then run/walk for 20 mins between 6.0-8.-, then I stick it on incline for about another, walking at about 7.2 and going up to about 15 incline. I like running, walking and x…
  • How many cals in a slimfast can? Ziggy
  • Hi ya - I had 3 slices of ham - 60 cals, mush 30 and toms 36. I usually have porridge or oatibix which are actually higher in cals for less food. Ziggy
  • Well done - keep up the good work :heart:
  • Hi everyone, I joined MFP today as I want to lose 14lbs before I am 40 in June. My current starting weight is 9st 10. I follow a healthy eating plan, but to give myself an extra boost and a bit of a change I am also counting calories. I am finding it quite hard to begin with, but I'm sure as I get used to it I will be OK.…
    in Hi All Comment by ziggycat February 2009