Was anyone bad?



  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I feel a lot better after my run today also.
  • i tried not to be bad, but it's hard when your husband wanted candy, or big heavy foods like chili, big breakfast burritos and other things. after eating those stuff i feel very sick and upset. i told myself i'm getting back to it.
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    I actually did very well. I measured out all of my Christmas dinner foods and even without exercise on Christmas Day, still had leftover calories for a small piece of my Fiance's homemade cherry pie!! I hit the gym Christmas Eve and and just got back from a good workout, so I rocked this Christmas!!! I did notice the massive amount of sodium I consumed in some of the foods I ate, and boy, is my body telling me about it!
  • Yes I was bad. But it wasnt worth it. I realized at the end of the day I felt like crap. Not just mentally but physically. I guess it was the sugar crash because I had cut out refined sugars for so long and then had a whole weeks worth in one day. Oh well, there's always tomorrow right.
  • nisku
    nisku Posts: 6
    I am actually scared to admit to myself how horrible i've been since I haven't had the internet till now to measure how much everything is. I am going to avoid the scale until january 5th....
  • YESSSSSS, the 24th is a big celebration here in Spain, also celebrated 25th and 26th Dec. Felt sick yesterday, but back on track today. I don´t think anyone should feel guilty or bad, Christmas is once a year!!!! As long as we´re back on track today, the extra weight will come off quickly. Good Luck every one...
  • I've been bad since Thursday, but thank goodness I haven't had any weight gain (crossing fingers for tomorrow)! The plan is to get a good workout in tonight, then back at it tomorrow.
  • LeanLisa4U
    LeanLisa4U Posts: 16 Member
    The whole week I was horrible. Weighed in and gained 5 pounds in a week! Seriously watching my caloric intake today.
  • I've been really bad since Wedensday. Ugh. I feel horrible! Like I have and inertube around my waistline! I gained 8 lbs. What I can't figure out is why I cant eat just ONE of anything sweet!!! It gets on my nerves so bad! If I ate one piece of fudge, I ate 20! So, tomorrow, Monday, it is back to being a rabbit. I must stay from my mothers house across the road though, she has way too many left over cookies, fudge, pumpkin bread, cake, etc...... and the list goes on! I feel like a drug addict that has been on a binge and is coming down!!! Does anyone else feel my pain???
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I'm doing OK on Xgiving. Saturday is my down fall. Those damn ribs!!!
    The only good thing is .. I worked out every day.
  • I wasn't "bad" in the traditional since, I ate 1501 calories which is 1 calorie over what I'm suppose to! but to prepare for the big Christmas brunch, I didn't eat breakfast or dinner, so I ate 1500 calories worth of pancakes, eggs, crabcakes, apple cider and eggnog!
    It was worth not eating breakfast or dinner that day plus I was full until I went to bed! had to work the next day at 6 am D:
  • auntbliz
    auntbliz Posts: 173 Member
    I binged like crazy, and didn't feel one ounce of bad for it. I decided early this month that I was going to enjoy all the Christmas food without stressing about how many calories I was gorging myself on. I've been carrying around this extra weight for years, so if it takes me a couple weeks longer to get it off because I truly enjoyed Christmas with my kids and family, then so be it. I'm good with that. I didn't overfill my plate with foods, but I did snack through the day on treats that we had hanging around. I know some healthier habits were with me without even thinking about it, but no way was I going to log my foods for the day. I only spent one day exercising too. I am going to try to make goody baskets with the leftover treats so that my little holiday doesn't turn into a month long splurge! I'm not so foolish to think that a month of this will come off so easily....
  • I have been really bad :-( I haven't done any exercise either. Its so hard still cos I am not back to work until Wednesday and there is still lots of junk food about. I haven't weighed myself, but I know I haved gained - and it all seems to be around my middle. God knows that I am gonna wear New Year's Eve!!!! Thats sort of keeping me on the straight and narrow - but, to be honest, I am pretty weak when it comes to food and drink.

    Tidying up the state of my bombsite house should burn at least 3000 cals I reckon!!!!!

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