Stronger, Better, Faster.......Feb 12th

Good morning pebbles! (Yes, I claim you as my pebbles too :laugh: )

This morning the scale is a little up but it's all good. I had Charley's last night and my sodium was extremely high (not to mentioned I washed it down with Mt Dew instead of water :embarassed: )

Today is all about water!!!
I'm going to try and get to the gym (I've REALLY been lacking on that :frown: )
But I also have to fight the crowds at the grocery store today (it's payday for most military depending on which bank you use and the commissary is packed, but it's cheaper than Walmart so I just deal with it)

Well, I'm off to take my kitty to the vet. He's getting neutered and declawed. You guys have a good day!


  • Renae_Nae
    Renae_Nae Posts: 935 Member
    Good morning pebbles! (Yes, I claim you as my pebbles too :laugh: )

    This morning the scale is a little up but it's all good. I had Charley's last night and my sodium was extremely high (not to mentioned I washed it down with Mt Dew instead of water :embarassed: )

    Today is all about water!!!
    I'm going to try and get to the gym (I've REALLY been lacking on that :frown: )
    But I also have to fight the crowds at the grocery store today (it's payday for most military depending on which bank you use and the commissary is packed, but it's cheaper than Walmart so I just deal with it)

    Well, I'm off to take my kitty to the vet. He's getting neutered and declawed. You guys have a good day!
  • RKJR925
    RKJR925 Posts: 254
    I agree today is all about water. Yesterday was a hectic day and I only drank about 1/2 gallon of water instead of the usual gallon.

    I did not go to the gym last night (Rest Day) but I got a good nights sleep and I am ready to hit it hard tonight.

    I am going to the beach for the weekend and I need to get workouts in before I leave. So tonight and then 5:30 Friday monring before I leave. That is the GOAL but leavning for the beach at 9am might make me think twice when that alarm goes off in the morning. Small Goals right???
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    Good morning!
    This morning is grocery shopping! I need to get some more cleaning done. I haven't been doing as much since the in laws are here. I am also going to try to get in a walk if I can. Then this afternoon I need to go see my neighbor in the home again. Tonight DH is taking me out on a date since we have free babysitters! No dessert though. :cry: Oh well. I always seem to eat out on Thursday nights so when I weigh in on Fridays the scale has gone up. I may not weigh in tomorrow because of that.
    I know I have lost weight since counting but it may be slowing down, so next Tuesday (after the inlaws return home) I will get back to seriously working out.
    MIL's treatment went well yesterday! She didn't have any side effects except for a tension headache. I hope it continues to go as well!
    I need to get to the store. I will check back in later!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Ever get mad a people you don't know? I get really angry at those that say "I gave up white flour and lost 30 lbs" or "I started exercising 3x a week and I lost 15 lbs." If it were only so easy. I didn't read anything on mfp, I just was thinking about it this morning.

    Sometimes I have the "unfairs" about my weight loss. I just need to focus on how many blessings I have.

    Yesterday, I went to the gym and did elliptical/walk/jog. Still not sure which thing I'm doing is bothering my knee. I felt it a little bit on the extension on the elliptical with a higher resistance. Also taught yoga - theme was 1 leg - lots of balance poses.

    Today- back to the gym.

    Don't forget to push yourself!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Just a quick check-in before I leave for what feels like an over-scheduled day. . .

    You know those days when there are fifty things you're suddenly inspired to do around the house, but you have to go do other things (like work. . .lol).

    I'm aiming for a spin class (hooray!!:bigsmile: ) after work/meetings/school appointments today, and before choir practice. I've been up since six thirty doing household/organization things. . .so I don't want to leave it.

    Lots of water, spinning and meeting my schedule for the day are my goals. Oh, and eating the lunch I packed rather than giving in to the food court on campus.

    Take care.:flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Ever get mad a people you don't know? I get really angry at those that say "I gave up white flour and lost 30 lbs" or "I started exercising 3x a week and I lost 15 lbs." If it were only so easy. I didn't read anything on mfp, I just was thinking about it this morning.

    Sometimes I have the "unfairs" about my weight loss. I just need to focus on how many blessings I have.

    Oh man, me too. . .the latest thing I heard was "I started eating grass-fed beef exclusively" (I don't think the exclusively means what they think it means. . .) "and I lost the last twenty pounds." I wish there were such "magic foods". . . I was convinced when I eliminated wheat I would be magically skinny. I'm not. . .which is why I get so defiant. . .developing a case of the "unfairs" (stealing that, btw. . .) about it. :noway:
  • helkat922
    helkat922 Posts: 150 Member
    :smooched: My daughter and I had shots yesterday and my arm was hurting like hell this morning (guess I shouldn't have done an arm workout beforehand :explode: )

    I FORCED myself to get up and run this morning, even though it was -15 outside :sad: (I live in Canada)... feels good though :tongue: LOTS of water for me today!
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Good morning! Well today I ground out an hour on the treadmill which is big for me lately. I had a rude awakening the last couple of days, I've felt out of sorts and I took my bloodpressure. It was sky high for me. This is why I initially started here was to lose weight because of my bloodpressure, but I kind of lost sight of that along the way while I was losing and feeling good. So the weight came back little by little but now I get the blood pressure reading high at a lower weight, which while the lower weight is good the reading is bad so back on the treadmill for me. If it doesn't go down significantly after I work at it for a little while I'll have to go see somebody. I really don't want to do that!

    On the plus side I have half my waters in and my exercise done for the day and actually watched a show while I was exercising and I got a load of laundry done too. I haven't multitasked like this in a month :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I have to drive the varsity girls team to a game this afternoon, so my evening was shot anyway, but I'm packing my own supper to go with me. I made some homemade lentil soup yesterday with a recipe off the web and it's ok but nothing to rave about. But I plan on eating it for supper tonight.

    A good thing about being a bus driver is I never hear the comments about losing weight on different diets, kids eat and eat constantly and never talk about diets:bigsmile: . It was icy here today so I used the chains on my bus.

    Have a nice day everyone! Think spring! I keep telling myself it's coming soon. Then it will be mud season:sad: :sad:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,697 Member
    It sounds like you all are having my kind of day. :tongue: I got grouchy after exercising. Is that normal? :laugh: I think I was irritated with my son more than anything. He didn't do anything wrong. I was just having a "I don't want an autistic son" moment. But I did get a walk in.
    I haven't gotten to read up on everyone's posts. I will have to do that later. I need to get Alex ready for a na. He's having some plumbing issues right now. I think he's scared to go. He hasn't gone in several days and I have literally tried everything. Maybe that's why he's been getting on my nerves. :laugh:
  • ziggycat
    I hve been pretty good all week, but when I jumped on the scales today it wasn't being very kind. Its weigh-in day tomorrow, so do you reckon if I drink tons and tons of water tonight the scales will be a bit kinder tomorrow. I so wanted to lose some tomorrow.
