Appetite supressants

ziggycat Posts: 27
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Does anyone know of any herbal ones which really do work? I eat healthy but I am always hungry - even after a big dinner!



  • akb2006
    akb2006 Posts: 198 Member
    Honestly the only thing I've really found to help with me is water and fiber. The fiber is sooo amazing! Maybe try getting some of that powdered fiber that you can sprinkle in your food? How much fiber have you been getting a day? Another thing would be adding in a little more protein too.
  • My doctor recommended Fiber Choice Weight Control formula. 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening with a full glass of water. Cynic that I am, I was convinced it was the water that was filling me up, so I skipped the fiber tablets last night. I did notice I was hungry before bed. It certainly isn't a miracle--but a modest improvement in managing hunger pains.
  • sarahricks
    sarahricks Posts: 90 Member
    I'm really hungry some water and metamucil helps alot. I think most of the time I'm not actully hungry i'm jus use to munching al the time and so I just want to eat.
  • Thanks everyone. Going to pop to the health shop tomorrow and get some fibre tabs. I have always had a huge appetite and it is a daily struggle as I feel hungry all the time.

  • According to South Beach diet, which I have not used in several years since I couldnt stick to it, they said fiber fills a person up and it gives a sense of being full. Some parts of the diet are worth implementing.
  • Hello. Congrats on the weightloss.

    You can also eat fiber one cereal. That helps you stay full as well. It's very high in fiber.

    Coffee is also supposed to kill your appetite. I have a cup of decaf after dinner so I don't keep snacking. (I make nescafe instant coffee)

    The 100 calorie popcorn packs are helpful as well. They have some fiber as well.

    Also, try eating less sugar. When you have too much sugar, your cravings and hunger get out of control because of all the insulin that is released into your blood. Try not having sugar for 2 days and see if you notice a difference.

    Good luck!!! :)
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    I also use a fiber supplement, got mine at Walmart about $4 generic (blue and white bottle).
  • I bought a fibre supplement today - not too sure how I feel yet! LOL. Also got a chromium supplement.

    Had another good day - and went for a run - reckon a bout 3 miles but didn't measure it - ran for about 30 mins so thats about 3 miles (5k) for me.

    If I can keep the running up it spurs me on to eat better - strange isn't it, as if i do run I can afford to have a little cheat. I am out Sat night for an indian, so hoping to be very very good up until then, then back on track sunday up until xmas day.

    My downfall is alcohol - so if I CAN steer clear then foodwise I am generally OK.

    How's everyone else doing?

  • The solution to this dilemma is sooooooo simple. Eat a diet of all natural food with absolutely no artificial ingredients. When you eat food with artificial carbs, trans fats, or even food that just isnt dense with nutrients then no matter how many calories you eat your body is simply not being fed. It's possible to eat a meal with just 140 calories and feel completely satisfied if those calories are dense enough with nutrients that the body really wants.

    ya know? Very very simple to do :)
  • Could you give me some examples please?

  • ooh - if you are going out for indian food, stay away from the creamy sauces and the deep fried appetizers. Yum, Indian food is so good! Opt for anything made in the Tandoori (clay oven) since it can't be that bad for you. Enjoy!
  • According to South Beach Diet, coffee ramps up the appetite and they suggest people use DECAF (uggg). They say to limit caffiene, not sure how valid that is!
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