

  • I sometimes substitute a fruit smoothie (just some ice, water, frozen unsweetened fruit, and maybe some protein powder or a superfood green supplement,) for a meal every now and then. You get some of the same cleansing benefits without sacrificing real food. With a steady regimen of exercise every day, doing pure juice or…
  • Definitely true with fitness studies. They all seem to be in contradiction! I just thought it was interesting.
  • Great! Let me know how it goes/if you have any more questions about it! :smile:
  • I can definitely help! I struggled with them all through middle school, high school, and then into the beginning of college. However I finally learned how to cure them and I haven't gotten them since! Get a pilates resistance band.. the flat ones are the easiest to control for this exercise. It doesn't need to be a high…
  • Lol I get told that sort of thing so much I've actually come to love it a little hahaha :blushing: I mean whatever, its scientifically proven that guys are attracted to bodies like ours! And from my experience if you mix that body with some confidence, guys totally dig it!
  • That's awesome! You look great :) Congratulations!
  • Hahaha I love this, and you're right about Columbus! I think that was the biggest shocker to me when you realize your whole society has been lying to you... your whole life!
  • Like others have said, definitely try the peach chobani! I also like to buy plain and add splenda +whatever I'm in the mood for! That might be a good option for you because you're in charge of the sweetness. Sometimes I'll mix plain greek yogurt, splenda, and vanilla together, and dip strawberry slices into it. But…
  • I have this thing where I sort of like them... a lot of times guys get stretch marks from building muscle too. Some of the ... darker skinned :) athletes I've been with in the past have had them... and I am totally totally ok with it. I'm pretty sure they're not even that noticeable on white guys! haha
  • Is this real life? Go eat a d**m milkshake. Just kidding (well actually I might if I had 700 left.) I'm not trying to be mean though... you get hungrier the more you diet as the weeks go on and you won't run into this problem anymore! I'd say eat a couple tablespoons of peanut butter, or maybe some full fat greek yogurt.…
  • Oh who invited Buzz Killington to this forum? Those bars are AWESOME, and a great alternative to Samoas... I noticed the same thing. If you actually read those ingredients and understood what they are (with strong scientific research,) you wouldn't post something like that. There is more to losing weight and having good…
  • Actually it is true. I'm a biologist, but if you don't believe me feel free to research it on any journal site!
  • I absolutely love food and exercise, I'm a great cook (if I do say so myself,) and I'm even a little bit of a foodie. But no, I know I don't have a healthy relationship with food. As much as a "love" it, its still a battle every day and I get so obsessed thinking about it and counting calories and planning my next meal…
  • I'd like to clear up a few things on this thread. If you're running a deficit in your calories its going to be nearly impossible for you to do any major bulking up. You will definitely build muscle but don't worry, you're not going to "accidentally" end up looking like those female body builders who do competitions!…
  • OMG how have I not thought of that. Hello snack tomorrow afternoon!
  • Oh my goodness I could not have noticed this thread at a better time. I've been ranting and raving about greek yogurt all night on my profile (I'm obsessed.) I use oikos 0% organic. Oh and I use splenda as my sweetener, but feel free to use whatever sweetener you like (real sugar, stevia, agave, honey etc!) 1. One cup of…
  • Yeah, definitely make sure you are at least netting 1200. I started there also and at first it was fine but after a week or so I was hungry all the time. While I agree with everyone about eating veggies, honestly they're not truly THAT filling when you just eat them plain. I'd add them to other things to make you feel like…
  • Uh personally I'd just do like an endurance spin class that day and then EAT PIZZA AND PANCAKES LIKE CRAZY. My two favorite food groups!! I went to Cic's just the other day after endurance spin :) Pizza, cinnamon rolls, dessert pizza, and brownies!
  • I thought this might be helpful to put things in perspective... if you weigh 170+ and you're shocked at some of these low goal weights for 5'6", here is a picture of me NOW at 160. My realistic goal weight is probably 145, but it is possible to carry 160 pounds on a 5'6" frame and still look fine. I am in great shape, and…
  • I'd say I have a medium frame at 5'6", but good lord I can't IMAGINE weighing below 130. My goal weight is 140... maybe 135 but I feel like that would just be uncomfortable. I think I just have a ton of muscle and a booty (seriously, in 6th grade I weighed 125 pounds and wore a size 8, to put it in perspective.) But that…
  • I'm ordering myself pad thai. And buying myself roses. And eating chocolate. ... Then I'm going to a 90 minute endurance spin class...
  • In the beginning of the week, I'll slice up the veggies or fruit I want, measure them out, and put them in little bags. For peanut butter I do the same just by measuring out 2 tbsp into tiny tupperware containers. I also love white cheddar rice cakes (salty crunchy 45 calories) spread with a 35 calorie babybel light queso…
  • When I first started on here 3 weeks ago, I came so so close to posting the exact thing. Honestly just wait it out for a couple more days and you will be STARVING and want every single calorie you can possibly have. Once your body realizes what's going on, it's going to let you know. Note that I lost no weight my first 2…
  • Oh and guacamole... if you measure it out it can become a part of your dinner with the heart healthy fats! You can make a taco salad so easily with lean ground turkey, guacamole, light greek yogurt, and salsa... and a little cheese if you can afford it ;)
  • Newman's Own light sesame ginger!