When do you break the news to your kids? (Spoiler alert)



  • picassoadagio
    picassoadagio Posts: 407 Member
    My daughter kind of figured it out on here own and she is only 4.
  • swood0114
    swood0114 Posts: 43
    Hahaha I love this, and you're right about Columbus! I think that was the biggest shocker to me when you realize your whole society has been lying to you... your whole life!
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    When they start asking questions, soul crusher. Geez!

    Haha. Yes! They'll figure it out eventually and start asking. My brothers ruined it for me as well as some classmates.
  • MommyLyssa
    MommyLyssa Posts: 134
    We have never done any of them, but they all know NOT to say that to other kids :) Personally, I feel like I am lying to my kids, but I know how fun it can be for others to play along :) (My parents never did any of that stuff with me either)
    We have, however, started our own thing (my parents did and we adopted it), and they always made our gifts from random important people in our lives from the past year (for example, if you kiddos favorite show was Dora, you would have gifts from Dora, Boots, etc.). We always thought it was fun to see who and what our parents thought were most important to us that year :)

    And to the poster who said that will make them have no imagination, clearly you have never met my children. LOL.
  • KBside
    KBside Posts: 45
    Let them enjoy it! We waited until our son said something to us. Then we sat down and talked with him.
  • My son's teacher told the class that Santa wasn't real. My mother wanted to go up to the school and beat the woman black and blue. I should've let her

    This is how I found out! At that age, kids were always asking each other if we believed, and I said no, but I really did. In fourth grade, our teacher gave us an assignment to write about how we found out Santa wasn't real- WHAT? I went home crying- and my mom DID march up there and give the teacher a piece of her mind. I wrote an essay about how Santa doesn't have to be a man in a red suit, but all about believing in something special...blah blah blah. I was pretty insightful, lol. My teacher went on to further embarass me by making me read it in front of the class. Geez, leave the poor gullible kid alone!
  • sebbysmommy
    sebbysmommy Posts: 63 Member
    My oldest came to me the other day and told me that the Easter bunny just doesn't make sense and she thinks it is me. She is going to be 8 in a few weeks. She still has not figured out the rest (Santa, tooth fairy, etc.) but I know it won't be long. She has agreed to keep the Easter bunny alive for her 4 younger siblings :)