5'6 ladies?



  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    I'm 5'6 and 32 years old.

    SW: 188 pounds
    CR: 183 pounds
    GW: 145-150
    Frame: large
  • I'd say I have a medium frame at 5'6", but good lord I can't IMAGINE weighing below 130. My goal weight is 140... maybe 135 but I feel like that would just be uncomfortable. I think I just have a ton of muscle and a booty (seriously, in 6th grade I weighed 125 pounds and wore a size 8, to put it in perspective.)

    But that doesn't mean 5'6" ladies are wrong for wanting to weigh less! It all depends on if you're curvy or muscular etc.
  • Paolinat
    Paolinat Posts: 81 Member
    I am 5'^"" and my goal weight was 126, until I did hydrostatic weighing, which measures my percentage fat and lean body mass. My lean body mass (muscles + bones + organs, etc.) was equal to 127 lbs. Goal of 126lbs would leave me with negative body fat (not realistic) I could not workout as much and eat less, reducing my muscle weight, but I am a foodie, so that is not realistic. Besides numbers on a scale don't matter. It is the way I feel and look that does matter. ;-)
  • jowings
    jowings Posts: 157 Member
    SW: 150
    CW/GW: 128-130

    Height is 5'7" and I have a medium frame (narrow waist, larger hips). Now I am just working on toning :). I got down to about 125, but I wasn't "fit" or working out and I looked too skinny. So I gained a bit of weight and have been going to the gym to tone up. Honestly, I wouldn't worry too much about the number on the scale so long as you are fit and healthy :D.
  • Jnine25
    Jnine25 Posts: 126 Member
    What are your GW/SW/CW?

    I'm just curious. also would you consider yourself to have a sm/med/lrg body frame?

    I'd say I have a small body frame and I want to weigh 118. My starting weight was 150, i'm not sure what i weigh now, im not weighing until later in the week when my bloating from my period goes away :/ sorry if thats TMI to some people. it's the truth though. water retention during my period is just terrible. i'm like a big water balloon. ANYWAY! enough with my rambling, does 118lb on a small-framed 5'6 lady pretty good of a goal? what are your goals?

    current weight it 233.6. I'm trying for a goal weight of 150. I have a large body frame. To give you an idea, when I graduated high school I had a 25 3/4 inch waste and weighed 148. And yes, I'm 5' 6".
  • wdruker
    wdruker Posts: 77 Member
    When I weighed myself and knew I needed to do something, I was 150lbs.

    My starting weight with MFP was 148.5
    My weight now ................................ 142.

    My goal weight ................................ 120 - 125lbs

    I am 5' 6" (44 yrs old, with two kids)'
    All of my weight is in my stomach area.
    I've been told I have a small frame, not sure if that changes. But maybe I do since I'm far from top heavy and don't have broad shoulders.
  • I thought this might be helpful to put things in perspective... if you weigh 170+ and you're shocked at some of these low goal weights for 5'6", here is a picture of me NOW at 160. My realistic goal weight is probably 145, but it is possible to carry 160 pounds on a 5'6" frame and still look fine. I am in great shape, and my RHR is about 52 bpm. For me 145 is purely vanity weight loss

  • OnyxPenguin
    OnyxPenguin Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 5'6" and 22.

    SW: 165
    CW: 143
    GW: 130

    I was 120-130 in high school and mostly happy with my body. I carry most of my weight through my hips, so I wasn't happy with my thighs at that time. I know better now. I'd say I have a medium frame...skinny through my arms and lower legs, bigger through my thighs and hips.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    I'm 5'7". SW 174, CW 168, GW 140 , (very optimistic 135)

    When I was 17 I lost weight for no apparent reason (culture shock I'm pretty sure) - I settled at 132, any less and I would have gone see a doctor...
  • I am 5'6" :) SW: 205 CW: 199 GW: 145

    About 2 years ago I was this weight and I loved it. Although I still had a tummy (I always have), and I think this time when I get to about 160 I will start to work on tone. But for right now I focus on what I am eating, being more aware of the types of food I put into my body. I am a medium frame, but when I tell people I am just under 200lbs, no one believes me. I dont look like I weigh that much. Although, the Lord did bless me with a big *kitten* lol. >...<
  • jillybean0123
    jillybean0123 Posts: 238 Member
    I started out way out of shape and started on weight watchers January of last year and lost 50 lbs. Have been on a plateau for like 6 months so I needed to shake things up so here I am.

    SW: 260
    CW: 210
    GW: 135

    I have a fairly wide frame and I think anything under 135 would just look sickly on me. Who knows, I may need to adjust when I get closer.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I thought this might be helpful to put things in perspective... if you weigh 170+ and you're shocked at some of these low goal weights for 5'6", here is a picture of me NOW at 160. My realistic goal weight is probably 145, but it is possible to carry 160 pounds on a 5'6" frame and still look fine. I am in great shape, and my RHR is about 52 bpm. For me 145 is purely vanity weight loss


    You look great! Do you have kids, because your stomach looks fantastic?

    I'm 5'6", current weight 174.8, start weight 234, goal weight 134. Honestly, that's just something to aim at. I'm really not sure how I'd look at that weight because the smallest I can remember being was 155, and I looked pretty good then.

    Med. frame I think. My wrists are about 6.5", big hands and feet (size 10.5) and pretty broad shouldered.
  • I'm 5'6 medium frame, My goal is not a weight but body fat %. I want to be at 17% fat. The last time I reached that goal I weighed 155. It seems heavy, but I had great muscle definition and could run 5 miles at 6.5mph. My goal is to get back there
  • tigertchr23
    tigertchr23 Posts: 418 Member
    I'm 5'6, and 46 years old. Ideally, I would like to be 130 pounds. At this weight, Iwould most likel.y have a 24 inch waist., 36 around the bust, and 35 around the hips. That's where I have been in the past, and where I feel comfortable. I carry my weight more heavily, and people are always surprised with what my true weight is, thinking I would be lighter. I am not. We are all a little different. Picking a goal weight is really dependent upon your body type, and not always something you can model off another person. Good luck with your program!!

    SAME^ except I think my measurements would be a few inches bigger.
  • cjones0992
    cjones0992 Posts: 55 Member
    I thought this might be helpful to put things in perspective... if you weigh 170+ and you're shocked at some of these low goal weights for 5'6", here is a picture of me NOW at 160. My realistic goal weight is probably 145, but it is possible to carry 160 pounds on a 5'6" frame and still look fine. I am in great shape, and my RHR is about 52 bpm. For me 145 is purely vanity weight loss


    woah I think we're twins. 5'7" Currently 160....with a goal of 143ish. I was about 147 in high school and after looking back at those pictures, that is my goal. My heaviest was 175. These hips ain't going no where....so I'll be happy to squeeze into a size 8 in the future.
  • bemott
    bemott Posts: 180
    Wow, most of these numbers for people my same height are not even close to anything I imagine weighing. But I am 41 and never expect to wear a bikini or be skinny. My goal weight now is 180. When I reach that I was thinking of changing it to 165. I think I will be more than happy at that weight and will look healthy and fit. But already, just down to 189 from the 206 I'd been stuck at for years feels amazing. Good luck everyone!
  • Lizi19
    Lizi19 Posts: 180 Member
    It is a good goal! I am also small framed and just made it to 114lbs. I started with 145, so we have similar stats.
  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    Highest weight: 158ish...

    Current weight: 155...

    Goal Weight: 140

    Ultimate Goal Weight: 125-130...depending on how I look. :D
  • I am 5 ft 5 3/4" my sw was 196, my cw is 193 and my gw is 140 i am a medium build. My skinniest was135 when I was 16..Oh for the day!!!
  • irenep22
    irenep22 Posts: 59
    Im 5'6 and weight 185 . My goalm 130 ;)