

  • It;s really funny you made this post. I remember me and my mom trying to weigh my boobs when i was younger. i also have DD's. they don't like to lose weight and as you know. no one wants us to lose the boobs just the weight. id have to say DD would be 4-5lbs each so total 9-10lbs.
  • Wii Active Personal Trainer
  • Thank you all for your responses!!! I appreciate all the love. I will sit down and talk to him even though it should be self explanatory that i am serious. I am doing personal training 2 hours a week and 2 hours a week i am either walking 30 mins home from work our i am going to the gym and getting on the elliptical. I am…
  • There is a easy answer for that question. He's coming around because you let him. That is how a man who likes to manipulate does things. they like to know they can still be around or have some kind of a effect on you. so when they need you for something they know you will let them. I say that i know u probably love this…
  • Give in to the temptation you can keep better tabs on your work outs and food. :) my mom still has a flip phone. I just bought it for her about 4 months ago shes in love its so cute. I taught her how to text. I think for her birthday i am going to get her a Ipod touch and see what she does.
  • I never used the programs before my Fiances does them a lot. Right now i am working out on one 4 days a week plus 2 hours of personal training. i use the eliptical for 30 mins as everyone else on level 5 with 3 resistance working my way up. my fiance does 30 mins and does level 13-17 hes friggin crazy lol
  • Headaches can be brought on by Stress, Tight Neck Muscles, Dehydration as well
  • I love wii active personal training it's a lot like having a real personal trainer which i have right now. I don't use wii fit very much because i don't feel it is hard enough to get a decent work out. I think it is more for people who don't have to lose very much weight like u know skinny people. now for me i got a lot of…
  • Sounds like the right attitude. No one is going to get you where you want to be but you when you are ready. I was in the same boat. I am currently working out 240 mins a week. I am personal training 2 hours and on 4 other days a week i am doing 30 mins of extra work either walking home from work at a fast pace or on the…
  • Hi Stephanie, I definitely know how it is. I have had thyroid issues pretty much since birth. It's very rare but i know how hard it is. That no one seems to want to help you and its good that its been found out as soon as possible before you get too much over weight. my biggest has been 250lb. which is when i found MFP. i…
  • Thanks so much. sorry for all the typo's in that post heheh. congrats on your 22lbs lost. I am doing really good right now. I am determined to get my self out of being a candidate for pre diabetes and get my self where i want and be healthy. I am doing personal training and working out on my own 4 hours a week. I am also a…