redmcgee1 Member


  • thanks for all the input, I really did not know what to expect when I posted the question. I am one to always overdo seems I will be feeling great for 2 days max so I will clean the house really good and exercise too much for one day for myself. I am still trying to recover from the day over a week ago that I…
  • I am in! I will probably have to do mostly one handed I had rotor cuff surgery a couple months back and it is still not 100% useable.
  • This is what i do it works and also you can use stick deodrant, sound crazy I know, but just buy a cheap one and use it for that purpose only all you do is rub on your inner thighs it helps a bit and then I put powder on and then the compression shorts. But the best thing ever that works 100% is the compression shorts
  • I am not a morning person at all it takes me forever to get motivated in the mornings. So I do my cardio in the evenings.
  • I did it I did it. They were not the best squats but I did 150 of them (I did 3 sets of 50) The last 50 I was pushing it hard my muscles were so mad at me. But I actually completed a challenge. Can't wait till the next one.
  • Well here it goes I am gonna try to pull of 150 squats. I just now seen this post so I will try to do it within a couple of hours. Plus these are my first squats,.....since highschool probably...wish me luck.
  • I do flavored water all the time, either the MIO flavorings or the propel flavor...the others i do not care for. I have heard not to do it and others say it is fine. To me since I was so addicted to pepsi I feel the flavored water is much better than the pepsi...
  • I will join this. My goal will be, for the first week, to do cardio for 30 min. a day/ and more water.
  • I struggle alot, I have gained all mine that I lost also and it only took a few weeks to gain it back and took forever to lose it. Why is this such a mind battle...I guess we just take one day at a time and when we fall we just have to get back up again and look ahead not back. I am gonna add you as a friend.
  • Just now seen this posting so I am in but will start with week #2.....
  • Yes that is me to the "T". I do really good for a week or two and then something happens in life, everytime, and I fall off the wagon and seem to not get back on for months. It is such a mind battle. If we could get our mind under control then we would be set.
  • I love before and after pictures. Awesome job.