
  • lilpe5512
    lilpe5512 Posts: 397 Member
    92 squats
  • lckunz
    lckunz Posts: 56 Member
    Well, I ended up doing about 126 stairsteps, up and down my stairs. That along with the water aerobics and the hour long hike I took, has made me sufficiently tired, that I am calling it enough for today.:yawn:

    Bouncing on an exercise ball and hovering above every 3rd gentle bounce is one and another could be wall sits


    What if squats kill my knees? I have arthritis under my kneecaps. Please tell me there is something I can do to strengthen my quads!

    Want strong legs & a sweet booty? Of course you do!

    150 SQUATS! Body weight style or add weights if that's too easy.

    No weight? Grab anything a little heavy! Jug of milk? Books? Baby?

    You can do these ANYWHERE!

    I'll be doing them at work, in sets, throughout the day.

    If this is your second week then try to beat last week's # by at least 10. Put your new # in your ompletion post!

    Post once to join the challenge and again (before midnight!) when completed.

    Are you down?

  • GroverBlue78
    GroverBlue78 Posts: 97 Member
    Completed! Yeah me.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    finished..the last 15 were tough.

    Can't wait for tomorrow!
  • mrsmark2010
    mrsmark2010 Posts: 220
    150 (more but quit counting at 150) done.

    first 100 done in 3 in heels during a conference call. Rest done at bootcamp class with 18 or 22 pound body bar overhead.

    Mine are done too! and first 100 on bathroom breaks at my office in 3in heels (would have loved to have done them during my conference call but I would have probably gotten strange looks in my cube...)

    Then the rest were during my "dance toning" class tonight

    thankfully I can shut my door because the calls are often loud otherwise I would have some odd looks.
  • SuperSexyDork
    SuperSexyDork Posts: 1,669 Member
    I'm doing it! But I'll have to do them in the bathroom since I don't think the receptionist desk is a great place for them! Lol

    ^^Hahaha me too!

    OK, I'm really gonna do it this time. Off to do some squats...

    I'm in that boat tonight... maybe I'll get them done before I go in, lol!

    4 sets of 25 done.

    and done.

    50 done before leaving the house. 25 in the bathroom of the grocery store after my 20 minute walk there. 25 in heels before I left for work. 25 in heels in the bathroom at work (gah work was so busy I hardly had time to think!) 25 in my living room just now!
  • Kassielin13
    Kassielin13 Posts: 263
    Completed all 150 squats!!! Thanks for a mini challenge!
  • ccdog812
    ccdog812 Posts: 41 Member
    100 done and I think I will call it a day. I have heard my knee pop enough today :wink: Maybe do like 25 more before bed.
  • HeatherHoskins
    HeatherHoskins Posts: 157 Member
  • Larisonlj
    Larisonlj Posts: 426 Member
    I'm down for another mini challenge.

    50 regular
    25 chair(knees together)
    40 squat with 15lb overhead press (20 right arm & 20 left arm)
    15 w/20 lb kettlebell
    20 w/ 15 lb kettlebell

    Wow, my heart was pumping!
  • Just finished!!!! Now I can say I have done 150 in one day!!!!!
  • byebyeluvhandles
    byebyeluvhandles Posts: 149 Member
    Pushed it to complete 160........YAY!!!!!
  • chee4
    chee4 Posts: 93
    Done!! :)
  • tekeyla25
    tekeyla25 Posts: 84
    im in
  • MrsSweetT
    MrsSweetT Posts: 90 Member
    Completed today doing exactly 100...next week I'll add 5 more to each set. Looking to get a nice firm booty and legs. Can't wait to start seeing some results!
  • goforit06
    goforit06 Posts: 132 Member
  • completed and I also did the challenge from yesterday today :)
  • tbierly
    tbierly Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in!
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    I have 60 left, doing 20 each commercials (Comedy Central)!
  • redmcgee1
    redmcgee1 Posts: 14 Member
    Well here it goes I am gonna try to pull of 150 squats. I just now seen this post so I will try to do it within a couple of hours. Plus these are my first squats,.....since highschool probably...wish me luck.