lightnda Member


  • I get one delivered to work every week. They aren't cheap and you can make something similar up for a lot less, but when you need a little snack mid-afternoon they are much better than making a trip to the vending machine. If I had more free time then making up the boxes would definitely be a saving, but the cost to effort…
  • When I do similar workouts to this I put it down as "Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups), vigorous effort ". It's actually quite annoying as I don't get a very good burn rate from adding it as this, but I think it equates, and if it stops me from snacking in th evening as I haven't burnt enough during the day then that can't…
  • Stratford, E15.
  • Could be a few things.... Coming down with an illness (let's hope not) Different terrain from normal Different temperature/weather from normal You'd done additional exercise/effort prior to the run Not that I know much on this issue, but "time of the month" Different pace Just a couple of thoughts. Any of those ring a…
  • Teresa, have you been to have your gait analysed at a running shop and seen what shoes they advise? This could be the cause of the pain in your knee. Not saying it definitely is, but it could be. If it is not the shoes, then your body will change physiologically if you stick with it and the pain will decrease with time and…
  • Congratulations! You did exactly as you should have done. Tempered your goal a little due to the hot weather. And by doing so made sure that you finished! And something a wise man (or possibly woman) once told me was it is better to have a slow first mile than a slow last mile. All the energy you didn't waste at the…
  • When I was training for my last marathon I got some quite painful soreness in my left calf that also stopped me finishing off each step when I was walking. I went to my normal Sports Massage place and they did some acupuncture on the sore areas (they were knots in my muscles) and some deep tissue massage afterwards. The…
  • Any training you do now will not be of benefit to the actual race. If this is a key race for you I would suggest that the most you need to do between now and then is just to turn your legs over. Just a 15 to 30 min run to keep your legs fresh. If it is not a key race for you then I would continue with your normal training…
  • Hi, I'm Dave and I'm 38. I started running when I was 29, with the aim of running a marathon before I was 30. I've been a runner on and off ever since. My weight has yo-yo'd for years, with me training for a marathon and losing shed loads of weight and then piling it all back on when I stop training after the marathon.…
  • One of my favourite quotes of all time.... "Doesn't matter how slow you are running, you are still lapping those sitting on the couch" You are definitely a runner as far as I'm concerned. D.
  • If I run a long race and I have been training for the race then I will do trainign runs in the shirt/vest I have been given to wear. The key reason for this is that you need to know whether it rubs, whether you get hot, so you know what to expect in the race. I don't really wear the shirts once I;ve raced anyway. I have…
  • Past couple of weeks have been pretty good run wise, with some good increases in distance if not speed. Last two long runs have been 17 miles and 18 miles, which both felt gruelling, but a great feeling to have got round. The one beforethat got aborted at about 5 miles as it was raining and I wasn't "feeling it". 20 mile…
  • Training is going OK. May be a little bit behind where I'd optimally want to be, but the long runs are coming on. Did my first half marathon last weekend, and am hoping to do a 16 miler this weekend, which is a little bit behind schedule, but I am catching up. Have been doing lots of speed ensurance running, with a 2 *…
  • Yep, just round the corner. Run around Wanstead Flats regularly!
  • Have run 4, and am training for my fifth. You will both absolutely love it as long as you do the right training, eat the right food to train properly (don't starve yourself) and don't try and go out too fast. My first time: 1. I went out too fast. My fastest half-marathon that year was the first half of the London…
  • I'm just round the corner from you. Have just joined the site and any help with keeping up with a regime is always useful! if you wanted to go for a run sometime I would be up for that. Dave.