

  • I heard from someone that had gastric bypass surgery and attended weightloss counciling speak on those very thoughts. She told me that after being "fat" that getting over those images would never pass. It was something we would have to live and deal with everyday. It has been 2 yrs since I lost my weight and I still see…
  • I didn't know this...will keep a check on this and see if it does it to me. I have actually stopped using articial sweeteners, especially on my cereal...I learned I like the taste of food without sweetness..best thing I ever did!
  • Check with your doctor if it doesn't stop, but i would bet your body is detoxing. When we start messing with the foods and additives we eat on a daily basis, our body goes through many changes. I battled headaches when I first started my weight loss journey, they soon passed. I noticed if I didn't drink high caffiene…
  • I platued a year ago and I got frustrated and quit. I haven't gained much, 2-3 lbs, but I am now back on...I have tried 1 week and haven't lost..PMSing as well...but I am getting back ontrack. i work fulltime, college parttime, two teenage daughters and a home to run. I am SUPER busy and don't always have time to…
  • I am the same way! I have on my thick robe and under a blanket at the moment. I freeze all the time, especially after I eat...but I would rather freeze and be skinny than to be warm and fat!...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • and there's always SPANDEX!!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • I lost 60 lbs and my mid section looks aweful!!! It firms up some and age has a lot to do with it, drinking lots of water is great for the skin and keeps it hydrated, most of the time it firms up some. But, there's always surgury...:ohwell: I have considered doing that, but it get expensive... Good luck and if you find…
  • All over workout...the Biggest Loser Last Chance workout....burns TONS of calories..
  • I have never heard of Body Gospel, please share, what is it???
  • :grumble: I couldn't find the Biggest Loser Last chance workout on the list as well, so I just chose aerobics (moderate) for me. I have one of those things you wear around the chest and arm to measure how many calories you burn in a day. I am considering dragging it out and putting it on just to get an idea of the calories…
  • I usually see 3-4 lbs difference between morning and night and because of this I NEVER step on the scales at night. I do not weigh on monday morning because I am very suseptable to water weight from high sodium foods and we eat out alot over the weekends, so I usually weigh Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, first thing after…
  • Is Monday too soon???
  • Hang in there, Platues are no fun, but you will break through...
  • its ok..you just got more protien than you thought you would.....hey, is it protein enriched?!?!...LOL! JK....it is really gross but I just wanted you to get a little laugh out of it....
  • :heart: :heart: Dont beat yourself up:heart: :heart: ....climb back on today and keep going.:flowerforyou: ... Stuff like this IS going to happen...but think about this.....Who do you love more? YOU or the COOKIES!! Love yourself more and you can do this.... Good Luck!:heart:
  • THANK YOU!!!! This is really my downfall....cravings....and 1 or 2 cookies wont fix it....even if they are only 50 calories each.... I am rejoining myfitnesspal...I am at a standstill and I am so afraid i will gain the weight back...ao this list will help me immensely....
  • I cant survive with out the pill...I have pms BAD:explode: :grumble: :angry: I am on Yasmin...and it helped me lose weight also...I do get a little whiny, fussy and hateful about 2 days before I start, but its better than what I was. I do take the generic for it because of insurance...but still, i need it. It took me 3…
  • yup...I loved sweets as a kid and still do. I firmly believe we are what we eat and I mean that from birth.. I try to teach my children differently, but they unfortunetly have a grandmother who thinks she can give them any sweets 24 hours a day...I preach constantly about healthy food to my girls. I have battled weight my…
  • We threw a huge party for them yesterday. I had seen family that I havent seen since before Christmas. Well, I have lost a total of 43 pounds since I started trying to lose weight. When they saw me, they were all congratulating me and asking me how I did it. My brother actually wants a copy of my diet. I told them I was…
  • yes. My mom...who is also using myfitnesspal has R.A. She excercises on a gazelle and can only tolerate it a few minutes a day. But she has lost almost 20lbs. I am so proud of her. She will work out about 10 minutes then break, excersize 10 more then break. She is 70 yrs old and has had 2 hips, 2 shoulders and a knee…
  • thanks for the input. The whole metabolism thing is such a trick to figure out:frown: :frown: , BUT when you do....WOOO_HOOOO:happy: :happy: ANgie
  • O'K... 6:00 get up, get ready for work 7:00 leave the house 8:30 Eat breakfast Do I need to eat earlier? I am starving by the time I get to eat, but I dont want to eat at 6:00 am. I am not hungry when i get up. Also I eat lunch at 11:00...so I know I will need a snack about 9 or 10:00. What do you think? Breakfast at home,…
  • www.eatbetteramerica.com I found it on the Biggest Loser website. Some of the stuff looks pretty good... Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Online Calorie Counter
  • I went over on fried food Friday night and yesterday (Saturday) my breasts hurt all evening...I never thought about it being the fried foods, but maybe that was it the whole time. I am going to start watching this and see if it really is true. I know that since I started eating healthy, my breasts haven't hurt much at all.…
  • Sounds like you made the first right step by admitting you need to change. Once you get into the plan, you might have some weak spots, but DONT give up....It is worth it all...I have lost 25lbs so far :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: and I did it since January 25th. So you can lose 18lbs in 2 months. Right now I am…
  • 20 cal....wow, you are down to the nitty gritty..I am usually off by 50-60...I always try to be under a little incase I missed some... Man, maybe I need to rethink this..:huh: :huh: :huh:
  • sometimes you go up before you start going back down.... there is an article on these posts somewhere where it talks about gaining weight before losing the weight. Maybe someone can link it up for you... Hang in there..I an losing about .5-1lb a week and I get frusterated. i even went up 2 lbs when I joined this site. Give…
  • I have strep and double ear infection. I am soooooo sick:sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: I went to the doctor today and we talked about weight loss. I asked her since I was eating healthier, why was I getting sick, that I thought eating healthy meant feeling better. Well, she proceeded to tell me that my body was…
  • Oh My geez louise!!!! I thought i was the only one obsessed. i weigh every morning and night. SIck, I know. It is depressing to not see the numbers go down, or up and down, up and down. I started using a tape measure. I have lost 4.5 inches off my stomach just this month. I am working out like crazy and I just cant believe…