Cpsnisi Member


  • I love thrift shopping. Been a fan of it for decades, and I'm unapologetic. Someone compliments an item, and I'll tell 'em where I got it. Of course I like to save money, but even more I like that I can find really interesting, unique items and create looks that are my own. My daughters love it too. The little one because…
  • Can someone please explain how exactly you use resitsance bands with the pullup bar? I'm just not picturing how you would attach them, etc. It sounds like it would really be hepful if I can figure it out since I'm in the "can't do one pullup yet" camp!
  • Crunches or situps. Hold the dumbell(s) against your chest or behind your head. The higher up you hold it, harder your abs have to work to lift the extra weight.
  • Just updating in case it might help anyone else.... I found the perfect thing- rollerblading! Low impact, the knees don't flex much so no knee strain, it works most of the muscles I'm supposed to be strengthening to help my knee issues, I can rollerblade right out my door the same times I would run, and it's a great…
  • I'm sorry. That's rough. I know we're all supposed to be doing this for ourselves and not other people, it's a personal journey, blah blah blah, but a compliment here and there can go a long way and it's easy to get discouraged when no one notices how hard you've worked. Been there. I totally get that. A couple things to…
  • Listen to plantgrrl. The woman speaks the truth. I had to learn it the hard way-- you don't have to! I second everything she's saying, and only have one thing to add: Bra shopping is made even more complicated for D+ women because once you get above a D cup, manufacturers don't agree on what to call the cup sizes. Some…
  • Boiled eggs Low fat cottage cheese
  • When it comes to personal safety, I'm a fan of trusting your instincts. If running by the big open field doesn't feel safe and comfortable to you, don't do it. You're the one there to see it and see what hazards exist. Could be your subconscious is picking up on something, you never know. And even if it isn't, if you're…
  • It is definitely more work to ride a motorcycle than to sit in a car. Just keeping yourself upright takes more energy - similar to the difference between sitting on a stability ball and sitting in a recliner. Plus your muscles are constantly working as you lean, adjust, and shift your weight. I'm talking major muscle…
  • I have a hard time with this too. Sports bra options for small band/large cup sizes are few and far between. I ordered a Shock Absorber earlier this summer and I really like it. They're pricey -- $60-70 -- but if you have time to wait you can catch a good sale or clearance on discontinued colors. B4490 is the style I got…
  • Love the stuff! Always have. Plain or with pepper or with fruit, usually pineapple or strawberries, or a dip for whole grain crackers. Yum. The lowfat (1%) is a great source of lean protein. I'll serve it as a side with dinner when it's been a low protein day, or offer it as an alternate protein choice for my kids when…
  • If you aren't sure what your goal weight should be, maybe you could set a non-scale goal. Perhaps a clothing size you want to be able to wear? Or a particular body measurement? And please folks, take this guideline with a large grain of salt. This isn't going to apply to everyone and it isn't going to be healthy for…
    in 125 lbs? Comment by Cpsnisi August 2012
  • I did one last year. What training you do depends on what you want to get out of it. I completed it, including all obstacles, with absolutely no training other than walk-jogging 5k a couple times to get an idea what that distance feels like. This was a year ago when I was still quite sedentary and not fit at all. I was in…
  • I order the kids meals at DQ. It's a smaller portion (still plenty for me) and you can get a banana or applesauce instead of fries. They do include a Dilly bar or I think a kid's cone, but as ice cream treats go, those are ok choices. And it comes as a coupon, so you don't have to have it right then. I save them until I…
    in Dairy Queen Comment by Cpsnisi July 2012
  • I got my butt out the door before 6am, ran 2 miles, and posted my personal best time for a >1 mile run. :D
  • I hear ya on it being difficult to find the time with kids at home. Mine are older but still too young to be left alone while I go to the gym or for a run so I've had to be creative about home workouts. My version of circuit training is to do body weight resistance for strength training (crunches, pushups, squats, etc)…
  • Clever idea for those trying to avoid dairy and/or sugar! However, from a strictly calorie-counting perspective, I'll stick to the real thing. 3 medium bananas = approximately 315 calories 1/2 cup of my favorite ice cream = 170 calories
  • Sounds like quite a difficult birth experience! Judging by your profile picture, I take it it all ended with a healthy mom and baby? As for the c-section, you are not alone! Just this morning I was looking at my own little pouch hanging over my scar and wondering I'll ever get rid of it. I don't have any suggestions…
  • This isn't an exercise at all but it worked for me. Invest in some bras that really fit. :smile: You're about the same size, and from what you say, similar shape, as I was before I lost a bunch of weight a few years ago. I had the same problem. Trust me, good bras that actually fit and lift your breasts up to where they…
  • I've done it but I wouldn't recommend doing it the way I did. About 3.5 years ago I went from around155-160lbs to 130lbs in 10 weeks (I'm 5'2"). I got laid off and things snowballed. I was depressed and I was super afraid of gaining weight because I'd be sitting at home with my preschooler and snacking all day. I went…