Question...Running Safety?

Hello all. I need some opinions on my running route. I run at 5 AM, so it's still dark when I go out now. I'm not a fan of this, but I don't have any other time to go. So, is it safer for me to run along a busier road, but have to run by an open field at one point in the route, or is it safer to keep to the neighborhoods amongst a lot of houses? After reading on here that someone was approached by a van while running, I'm a little freaked!

I already have a reflective vest, run with my phone, and only 1 ear phone in so that I can listen to things around me....


  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    id take pepper spray or a stun gun personally but check for rules and laws in your area about carrying that kinda thing
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    It's a tough call, but I think I would prefer to stay in neighborhoods at that time of day. The open field idea skeeves me out! Definitely look into carrying pepper spray though!
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Yep, I already told my husband I want to get some pepper spray to carry with me. He thinks I'm overreacting, but I don't care.
  • timboom1
    timboom1 Posts: 762 Member
    Personally I am more scared of cars that aren't looking than the much less likely random attack. That is assuming the neighborhood is not sketchy and there is not a known issue in your area. If you are worried, be sure to have your phone and don't run with headphones so you can hear someone approaching. If someone approaches, run up to a house, as if it is yours, and if they follow start banging on the door, that will generally scare off anyone that is up to no good.
  • heytherestephy
    heytherestephy Posts: 356 Member
    I just take my phone, I run during the day usually mid-morning though, half my run is in city streets the other half is on a quiet trail into a fairly large park in the north end of our city.

    Then again... As I've found in the past, people are less likely to mess with you when you're a muscular, 6'0" 200+lb woman lmao.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    I will say that there are also a ton of houses along the busy's just the field that creeps me out! So I can run to houses either way. But staying within the neighborhood puts me closer to MY house, rather than running 1.5 miles away from it and then having to run back.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I have avoided running in the dark. I switch to morning or evening, depending on which works best with my schedule. But, coming up soon, I'll probably start running at night in the dark. First, I'm a guy, so while I'm not super worried, it's still a concern as people do get attacked in my area. Carry a small whistle, learn self-defense. These 2 things alone will help a lot. They also make small air horns that can blast some sound. Look into it. Pepper spray is a good option too. But, if someone grabs you and immobilizes you, some self-defense will teach you how to escape. You wont be able to grab your pepper spray. They have free classes in most areas, and they are good enough to learn some quick and important techniques. Lastly, I'd stay in the neighborhood. If you think someone is following you, you could always jog up to a random porch and wait for them to pass or leave, then run in a different direction. Or, knock on the door if it's a real threat.
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I have a little mace can I clip to my shorts. Just gives me a little more peace of mind! Useful for dogs too. I run when the sun is up, but there still aren't many cars out and I am running past fields too.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Unfortunately since I work 8 - 4, and it's getting towards fall/winter, I'll have no choice but to run in the dark. During the winter, the sun doesn't start coming up until around 7 and goes down around 4 - 4:30. So even if I switch to evening running, I'll be running in the dark!
  • Cpsnisi
    Cpsnisi Posts: 22 Member
    When it comes to personal safety, I'm a fan of trusting your instincts. If running by the big open field doesn't feel safe and comfortable to you, don't do it. You're the one there to see it and see what hazards exist. Could be your subconscious is picking up on something, you never know. And even if it isn't, if you're uncomfortable, you aren't going to enjoy your run, so you might as well run somewhere where you will. Just my .02

    I'm interested in safety tips for running in the dark too. In another month or so, I won't be able to get around running pre-dawn or post-dusk. I'm more worried about visibility than random attacks, since most of my running is on rural roads with no lighting, no sidewalks, and no shoulder. I just don't feel like a few reflective strips on a jacket or vest is enough. Anyone have any visibility tips or can recommend some good (hopefully inexpensive) products?
  • draculaspointer
    draculaspointer Posts: 106 Member
    I run at night sometimes and wear reflective belts/vests but was still concerned about people not paying attention. So I found at walmart these little bike lights that wrap around the handlebar of the bike...well, I wrap the red blinking one around the back of my reflector belt. I also wear a headlamp. Im sure I look like a complete dork...but everyone should be able to see me (and probably laugh). The bike lights were about 10 bucks for a red one and a white one and the headlamp was about 10 as well.
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    I run at mostly in the dark, too. To make sure i can be seen, I have three reflective bands and an LED flashing light wrist band that I wear. Mostly I stick to residential neighborhoods and I agree with the other posters - the large field, in the dark would probably freak me out Children of the Corn style.

    If you're looking for anything for additional protection, I'd try either the pepper spray, as others have recommended (just remember that may not work on everybody as every individual has their own tolerance to capsaicin). Or, you can get a collapsible police baton (similar to what's pictured below). A bunch of runners I know carry them to deal with hyper-aggressive dogs that aren't always inside their fences. could go that route, too. Run with a dog. A big dog. BIG dog.

  • kaajay
    kaajay Posts: 62 Member
    Another suggestion, If you can, try to stay as far from the road side (so there's some distance from someone trying to grab someone).

    Also switch up your routes. Don't make it consistent/routine - that they'd figure how where/when you'd be.
  • _canuckrunner_
    _canuckrunner_ Posts: 364 Member
    I run at night quite a bit as well (Northern Canada gets dark pretty early in the winter!). I run with my phone, reflective strips and a light (I got mine from RoadID - it was about $12), I also wear a RoadID bracelet. I stick to residential streets and vary my route from time to time. There are great ravine trails right outside my door but I don't feel comfortable running there by myself when its dark (they aren't lit at night). I say do what feels comfortable, make sure you carry ID though (you didn't have that on your list). When I run at night I also text a friend when I leave for my run and where I'm planning on running and tell them I'll text them back when I'm home. I honestly don't remember to do this every time but I'm pretty good about it in the winter.
  • mortyfit
    mortyfit Posts: 354 Member
    I have a little red blinking LED I attach to my hat/headband so that I can't see it (so it doesn't distract me) but it can be seen up to half a mile. You can also buy little knuckle lights, or a small headlamp. I believe Saucony makes a running hat that has a light built into it (USB rechargeable), as well as gloves with the same. So there's plenty of visibility aids that don't add much weight or distraction.

    If you're worried about protection........I would just choose a route that I know I can veer off the path/sidewalk/road to where a vehicle can't follow. My early morning routes are generally on wide sidewalks/bike/walking paths that are set a good distance from the road; but I have an ample supply of those because there are three elementary schools and a middle school within a mile of my house.

    Or........convince a training partner to run with you early in the morning. Safety in numbers.