bethad5 Member


  • Thanks for the advice! I might just take a rest week now. I have four workouts left of the stage but if I really am injured and force myself to do them I'm just going to end up even MORE injured in the long run. I was talking to one of my friends about my wrists, she's in PT school right now, and she said it's probably…
  • Well, ladies- I didn't read any of these helpful responses until now. I just got back from doing B3 at the gym. Definitely did something to my left wrist - it feels like a twinge now, but I'm sure it will get worse as the day progresses (if its anything like last time, anyways). Will probably call the doctor Monday. Any…
  • Hi all! I started NROLFW back in August and just did my first stage 6 B workout this morning. Whew! I did 6A1 on Sunday and was still feelings the DOMS, especially in my arms, when I went to the gym this morning. Judging how I feel right now, I don't think my DOMS are going to go away anytime soon ;)
  • 1 cup Greek yogurt 1/2 cup canned pumpkin 1/4 container of sugar free, fat free, jello cheesecake mix 1/4 cup special K protein plus cereal for crunch = ~250 cals and a delicious, protein packed dessert-for-breakfast :)
  • I eat at 40/30/30 as the book suggestions
  • so how much cardio are you doing now? i started NROLFW and cut out all cardio (except for warm up) because that was the suggestion in the book... at least for stage 1. i know stage 2 introduces intervals.
  • I had a great workout this morning, increased my weights in everything.... I am much peppier today! Scale is going out of reach until at least the end of a rest week......if not longer
  • I openly admitted to the 'over' days in my post - or at least I think I did. Emotional eating = almond butter and oreos :) So I know my weighing could have just been all of that catching up with me, along with water retention from lifting, etc. I'm sticking much closer to the book's recommended 2100/2400. I want to at…
  • weighed this morning (since yesterday i weighed after eating, and the day after lifting) and was 161. god I am depressed.
  • Lucia - thanks for the comment on my status - but I did my reset at 5-6 hours of strenuous activity from when I was doing 5-6 hours of cardio a week. at the end, i had gained 2 pounds, but i was so happy - that i could eat 2655 and 'only' gain 2 pounds, etc. and then I finally listened, and hard as it was, accepted that…
  • & that's the other thing - I was whining about it to my boyfriend and he was like 'it's because your butt is bigger!' and I must have given him the most outright look of horror because he quickly back-pedaled and was like 'no! not bigger as in wider (holding hands horizontally) - bigger as in HIGHER. it looks good!' that…
  • I do love my skinny jeans - I think my major problem is I bought most of my jeans last winter right after getting a cast off my foot (I had stress fractures in each feet, it was a long autumn) so I lost any muscle mass I may have had from running and had chicken legs. Even before NR the skinny jeans were a bit tight around…
  • Yes, I've looked at Scooby - for 'light activity' it puts me at 2100 a day for maintenance, which is what the book suggests for nonworkout days. I'm not sure I could eat that every day - or, god forbid, a 10% cut from that everyday - and ever feel like I'm not restricting myself! When I started, I was hovering between…
  • I just mean prior to lifting. We have 'jean day Fridays' at work and some of the jeans I was able to wear this summer prior to lifting fit! If anything the issue was a muffin top - now my jeans won't go past my thighs to even see if they'd button! It isn't TOM time - I'm right in the middle of my cycle. It could be sodium…
  • well, prior to NR I was doing 5-6 hours of cardio and did a metabolic reset eating my full tdee of 2655 cals a day, including days I went over. At the start of reset I was 154, and at the end I was up to 156 (after 9 weeks). now, I'm eating the book's recommendations - 2100 on nonworkout days, 2350 on workout days. I have…
  • Doing A5 tonight - kind of scared about increasing to 3 sets! I've been trying to up my weight every time in each exercise, but towards the end of the second set I was definitely feeling it. So now 3?!? Ahhh. For those of you who are farther than me - did you decrease weight when you went to 3 sets?
    in Stage 1 Comment by bethad5 August 2012
  • I wanted to follow the book true to form - I know some HIIT/interval stuff is added in stage 2, so I thought doing it as written and focusing just on lifting during stage 1 was a good way to go. Maybe not though?
  • I'm a member there as well. Prior to NR I was doing 5.5 hours of cardio a week and doing a metabolic reset eating 2655 calories a day. By the end of reset, I was up 2 pounds, which I'd say is pretty much maintaining. But now I've cut out all cardio minus a quick warmup before lifting and just lift 3 times a week... I don't…
  • what do you mean about step ups and touching your foot down?
  • Masters of Social Work here as well. Graduate in December! taking 5 classes this fall....wish me luck :)
  • I think I'm going to stick it out for a couple weeks (like the book recommends) and see what my weight is a month in. I haven't weighed myself since I started lifting, kinda nervous what the scale's gonna say ;) ps- saw on your profile that you're from STL! I'm in Maplewood :)
  • I would do your TDEE -20%. Just make sure you recalculate every 5 pounds (the more you weigh, the more you need to eat - as you lose weight you'll need to eat less). 1600 calories is working for you right now, but you'll plateau. Also what a pp said about losing muscle mass - you don't want to do that, either. 2400 may…
  • well, so far with HIIT warmup, warmup stretches, and actual lifting, both workouts i've done this week have taken an hour, so if the third one also takes an hour, that'd put me at 3 hours for the week. my boyfriend is doing it with me, so my rest periods are a little longer than 60 seconds (we switch off) - but sometimes…
  • I hear you- I lost 60 pounds in a year, maintained it for months, and then steadily gained 10 pounds back. I gained those 10 pounds back by overexercising and not eating enough. For my reset I jumped to 2655 calories a day, doing 5 65-minute cardio sessions a week. I had trouble with binging and, honestly, ended up over…
  • Adding up the hours of activity you're doing, assuming body pump is an hour, puts you over 3 hours which puts you in the moderate activity range. Don't underestimate your activity level. I'm also not really sure what the stance is with your age- teenagers need to eat a lot more than adults to continue growing. You might…
  • I definitely think I did the squats wrong - the back of my neck is super sore, I think I had the barbell in the wrong spot. Maybe trying to get better form with just bodyweight is a good way to go?
  • starting the program today, but i'm torn about cardio and whether to add it in or not. i am also a bit anxious because i have never lifted heavy before (ok, i've never really lifted before...) scale-wise, i'm about ten pounds above where i'd like to be, but i don't know if doing cardio on off days is really worth it or…
    in Stage 1 Comment by bethad5 August 2012
  • wow! i was confused about which activity level to go to because from what i understand stage 1 workouts are only 25-30 minutes... so 3 a week would only be an hour and a half of activity! but it's very inspiring to hear it's working for you :) this is my last week of reset/off week of exercise and today is my official 7…
  • This is very uplifting to hear! I only have 9ish pounds to lose, so I'm fine with it going slow - and who knows, maybe when I start lifting if my body changes I won't care what the scale says - but right now I'm a skinny-fat cardio junkie completely burnt out on running/elliptical-ing for an hour a day! So are you on light…
  • What type of exercise are you doing? If you're strength training, it could be loss of fat/gain of muscle...