Stage 1



  • stfriend
    stfriend Posts: 256 Member
    Great job on the inches lost, chubbycowgirl. Soon you'll be just cowgirl. :tongue:
  • elg1982
    elg1982 Posts: 167 Member
    Completed workout B2 last night and I feel great!

    Last week, I asked a trainer at the gym to show me how to deadlift.

    I was looking at the book again last night and I realized that what she showed me was what is in the book as "Romanian Deadlift."

    Should I keep doing it for Stage 1 and then when the plan calls for a Romanian Deadlift later do a real one?

    Or switch on my next B to regular ones and then do the Romanians again later?
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I suggest you try deadlifts as described. You can see a good video on Stronglifts. If they don't work for you, then switch back. I love doing the deadlifts, I feel so strong!
  • NewInnerStrength
    NewInnerStrength Posts: 25 Member
    TheGsMama, I think the bar is definitely easier than trying to grip the huge DBs. I use it for the lunges too. It makes it easier to focus on form and really working the legs, like you said.

    Finished 8B this morning. However, I heard the news of the CO movie theater shooting in the middle of my workout and it was hard to concentrate after that. My prayers got out to the victims and their families. Makes me want to hug my babies close today.

    I'll give my stats for weights now, but I'll post my measurements/BW change later.

    Squats: 20lbs---->95lbs
    Push-ups: Knees---->Floor (although I can improve on form)
    Row: 60lbs---->100lbs
    Step-ups: 12lbs--->75lbs (on 13in step)
    Jackknife: Sloppy 8--->15 with good form

    Deadlift: 65lbs--->135lbs
    DBSP: 12.5lbs--->25lbs
    Lunges:BW--->65lbs barbell
    Swiss Crunch: BW x8 --->25 lbs plate with good form x15

    Looking forward to AMRAPS next week!

    You do lunges with a barbell?? Sweet!!
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I officially started Stage 1 this week and am loving it!

    Quick survey about deadlifting: Did you pick a starting weight you knew you could barely do 15 reps with or did you pick a lighter weight? And did your low back protest at all?

    I think I started a bit too high since I have major low back problems. Didn't injure myself, but my back is way more sore than I would like!
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Oh, I forgot my starting stats!

    Height: 5'4.5"
    Weight: 197-199lbs
    Chest: 42in
    Waist: 33in
    Hips: 44in

    Starting weights:
    Squats: 65lbs
    Push-ups: Knees
    Row: 30lbs (did these bent-over because I couldn't find the right machine, but definitely will be doubling the weight once I find it!)
    Step-ups: 20lbs on 13in step
    Jackknife: easy 8 (my core is ridiculous since I sing opera)

    Deadlift: 135lbs (too much?)
    Bicep Curls: 15lbs
    Lunges: 20lbs
    Swiss Crunch: easy 8 with 10lb weight
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Those are impressive stats to start but I think you're not doing everything according to the program. There aren't any bicep curls, I think you're ocnfusing them with shoulder presses. Also, did you do A & B on the same day? Nonetheless, I can't believe your deadlift starting weight! 135 is superb!
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Those are impressive stats to start but I think you're not doing everything according to the program. There aren't any bicep curls, I think you're ocnfusing them with shoulder presses. Also, did you do A & B on the same day? Nonetheless, I can't believe your deadlift starting weight! 135 is superb!

    I meant the shoulder presses! I knew it was bicep something. It's the one that like the lat pulldown but you're lifting up with dumbbells instead lol.

    And no, different days.

    Did I start too high for deadlift? I'm still trying to decide! I can make it through the fifteen with some difficulty on the last three, but my back is very sore. Not injured, just sore.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Those are impressive stats to start but I think you're not doing everything according to the program. There aren't any bicep curls, I think you're ocnfusing them with shoulder presses. Also, did you do A & B on the same day? Nonetheless, I can't believe your deadlift starting weight! 135 is superb!

    I meant the shoulder presses! I knew it was bicep something. It's the one that like the lat pulldown but you're lifting up with dumbbells instead lol.

    And no, different days.

    Did I start too high for deadlift? I'm still trying to decide! I can make it through the fifteen with some difficulty on the last three, but my back is very sore. Not injured, just sore.

    If you can lift it and not hurt yourself then I think it's not too high, it's just way higher than I even thought of starting at! How cool!!
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    holleysings - Is your back sore on the sides of the spine? I upted my weight to 115 the other day and my muscles protested like crazy - but they are fine now (happened on Monday). I think as long as it is not a stabbing, jolting, etc type pain then you would be fine doing 135 as long as you can finish your reps (I believe the book said something about not being at the point where you can not finish). I think 135 is AMAZING!! (and hope to be there someday :)

    I completed Stage 1, B#6 today and was able to complete all of my dead lifts at 115 w/no soreness! I did a few second pause in between each rep and that seemed to help. Also adding one more weight to the stack I rest the bar on helped too and brought it up a little higher. I had my husband video tape me to check my form...I wish I could get opinions of other women...maybe I can Youtube It? Does anyone else have trouble w/putting the bar down...I feel like I have to spread my knees out to the side to so that I don't round out my shoulders...? It's hard to explain.

    I also lunged w/barbell at 55lbs. instead of 2/25# dumbbells :) different take on it.
  • stfriend
    stfriend Posts: 256 Member
    I REALLY did not want to workout this morning. I had to drag myself out there. But its done and I'm happy with my results. Went up a little on the back squats, down a little further on pushups and I did on extra jackknife each set. I use the Olympic bar for rows and for some reason it takes me a few minutes to remember the BAR has weight. I did 65 lbs last week and couldn't figure out why 2 25lb plates weren't doable this week. DUH! I didn't manage to row 95 lbs, but I did get it up to 70. :happy:
  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    Stfriend - that's fantastic!! I also did not feel like going today...but you are better than me...I stayed home :(. A lot has to do with my daughter, she hates the kids area at the YMCA. Not sure why because it's a great gym...I think she just likes hanging out with her mom :). But I may be able to bribe her with a trip to the pool later on. I use a bar on my rows, too but it's just a bar for the cable machine. Do you know if that has weight? I feel puny about rows, Im only able to do 32.5lbs...(unless the bar has weight). I think if I were true rowing (by using my legs too) I could do more but not just with my arms...they need a little work. But hey, they are getting there!!

    If your working out today I hope you have a good one!! I only have 2 days each of Stage 1 :) then AMRAP. We go to the beach (Myrtle Zbeach, SC) the 9-12 so I'm hoping to come back finish Stage 1 AMRAP and move into Stage 2.

    Have a good weekend!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I'm impressed with everyones weights and increases.

    I'm sore today, especially in my shoulders, biceps and triceps. I really struggled with my pushups yesterday, tried really hard to keep my form solid. Gawd they are difficult doing elbows in! And my back is tight and fussy - I love that feeling, cuz I know I worked it good. I finally have the squat rack out from the wall and used the barbell instead of holding DBs up at my shoulders! I want to try 80 on Tuesday when I do 8A. I really didn't get a chance to get any real weight on my squats.

    I do 7B tomorrow! I will increase my deadlifts to 90 or 100 and maybe more. I hope I can up my pulldowns and shoulder presses too.

    Nothing much for me today, I took a true break, no walks, no bike, no nuttin
  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    Well, I've now done stage 1 -A twice...much more successful the 2nd time. Better form to the push-ups and stayed ON the ball for the prone-jacknives - Yay!! :love: Made the step a bit higher for the step-ups as well....

    small baby steps....:smile:
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    Results from my very first workout on 2nd July up until the final workout of stage on today - 6th August

    Workout A
    Squat: 11lb dumbbells (each hand) -> 78lb barbell
    Pushups: Struggling with wall pushups -> lowest level of rack
    Seated rows: 35lbs -> 60lbs
    Step ups: 11lb dumbbell (each hand) -> 45lb barbell
    Prone Jacknife: Not able to stay on ball -> good form

    Workout B
    Deadlift: 45lb bar only -> 78lb barbbell
    Shoulder press: 8.8lb dumbbell (each hand) -> 27.5lb barbell
    Wide grip lat pulldown: 40lbs -> 60lbs
    Lunge: 11lb dumbbells (each hand) -> 27.5lb barbell
    Swiss ball crunch: Body weight -> 9lb medicine ball on chest
  • AthenaErr
    AthenaErr Posts: 278 Member
    suelegal - I totally missed that you replied to me! Sorry. yes I mean on the step ups and lunges. Im using barbell, can do the exercise, just cant get it back up safely after. Shoulders ache and shake. H has to take it off me. I think thats just the way it is at home. I could try loading up the dumbbells real heavy I guess.
  • stfriend
    stfriend Posts: 256 Member
    Except for the AMRAPs, I am DONE with stage 1. Once again my body did not want to workout but I made myself anyway because I didn't want to wait. I want my week off, lol. I may do the AMRAPs, I may not. If I do I'll post those results. For now, I'll post stage 1. For those just starting and wondering how long it takes, I started July 3.

    Workout A
    Squats: started with body weight only, holding on to the bar. Finished at 55lbs.
    pushups: I use a squat rack (??I think thats what it is, not sure) and I started at near standing. I finished with the bar set two links below my hips.
    rows: I did bent over rows as I don't have the cable thingy. I started at 10lbs, finished at 65.
    step ups: I use a basic step stool. I have one that is taller but I haven't dug it out yet. I began using 8lb dumbbells. Finished using the 45lb olympic bar.
    Jackknives: Started doing 8 and could barely stay on the ball. Finished at 16 (per set, of course).

    Workout B
    deadlifts: Started at 45lbs. Finished today at 95lbs.
    dumbbell shoulder presses: Started at 8lbs each, finished at 20lbs each.
    lat pulldown: Started with 50lbs, finished at 60. I have a hard time with these.
    lunges: UGH! I started using body weight, holding on. A few workouts ago I stopped though because my form was so bad I wasn't getting a workout. :ohwell: I switched to a basic squat holding dumbbells, today 20lbs. I've seen more definition through the legs and butt doing these.
    crunches: Started at arms crossed, 8 each set. Today I did 15 each set with arms overhead.

    I'm really for a rest week. :happy:
  • bethad5
    bethad5 Posts: 176 Member
    starting the program today, but i'm torn about cardio and whether to add it in or not. i am also a bit anxious because i have never lifted heavy before (ok, i've never really lifted before...)

    scale-wise, i'm about ten pounds above where i'd like to be, but i don't know if doing cardio on off days is really worth it or not.

    so, poll: who's doing cardio in stage 1/how much/what are you doing?
  • TheGsMama
    TheGsMama Posts: 80 Member
    starting the program today, but i'm torn about cardio and whether to add it in or not. i am also a bit anxious because i have never lifted heavy before (ok, i've never really lifted before...)

    scale-wise, i'm about ten pounds above where i'd like to be, but i don't know if doing cardio on off days is really worth it or not.

    so, poll: who's doing cardio in stage 1/how much/what are you doing?

    I am doing little. If I have time after I lift I will do 15 mins of treadmill intervals. I throw in a Zumba class here and there when I can but right now I am focused on lifting & Pilates.
  • TheGsMama
    TheGsMama Posts: 80 Member
    Done. Done AND DONE! (Except for AMRAPs, but meh, let's pretend mkay?) I *may* do before and after pics and measurements after my off week.

    June 24th - August 6th
    Squat: Smith Machine (I DIDN'T KNOW!) 65# -> Power Cage 105#
    Push-Ups: Smith Level 8 -> Smith Level 5 or Floor
    Seated Row: 50# -> 75#
    Step-Ups (All on 18" platform): 20#DBs -> 25#DBs or 50#BB
    2 Roller Plank to Pike (I subbed this for jack-knifes as I needed more of a challenge): 10 -> 18

    Deadlift: 45# -> 75#
    Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 15#DBs -> 20#DBs
    Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown: 20# -> 60#
    Lunge: 20#DBs -> 65#BB
    Decline (45 degree)Teaser (again challenge abs sub): 10 -> 18

    I am SUPER happy with my squat & shoulder press increases! I see changes in my abs, shoulders, arm and a tiny bit in my legs. So stoked for stage 2!