SteveHunt113 Member


  • You sure can do it! I've been on this journey (and off) and know it's possible. I'm 47, and sure to *feel* old. But it's all relative. The good news is it's never too late to lose weight and/or get in shape! Good luck to you!
  • OH OH! I want to add my own rant!!!! When creating recipe's, why the heck am I not able to: A) Use my phone to create recipe's so I can scan bar codes to enter ingredients? B) Modify the quantity of an ingredient instead of having to delete and re-add it? C) Provide serving sizes in grams or ounces? Seriously, why is this…
  • One other thing that I'd point out is to never use items that use size as a measurement. Five large baby carrots is not very accurate - granted, the number of calories off due to inaccuracy is minor. But do this often enough and you may be looking at a larger than expected difference. As suggested, weigh everything ...…
  • Steve - you are always full of great advice! No logging on the weekend is a big no-no in my book (my book is not the only book out there). But not knowing what you are doing on the weekend means you don't know if and by how much you've gone over. My wife discovered that during the weekend, she neutralized all the deficits…
  • YES!!!
  • At home I use a "Perfect Portions" scale, which really is overkill for how I use it. At work I have a postal scale. Both allow measurement in grams and ounces. I stick with grams when I can. Does it make a difference? ABSOLUTELY! Weighing your food is more accurate than anything else. A large egg, medium banana, small…
  • My attitude is always to under log exercise and over log food. I only log planned exercise intended to burn calories. When I go to the gym, I start out with lifting weights, and then do my cardio. I only log the cardio session. There are a couple reasons why, but since my goal is to lose weight, under logging my exercise…
  • I do a crazy 24 minute Tabata workout. It may not be considered true Tabata, but is sure does kick my butt! Set elliptical for 30 minutes Set resistance to the low side of medium Set interval timer to 20 seconds work, 10 rest for 8 sets. Warm up for 6 minutes doing light intervals At the 6 minute mark, start the timer and…
  • My first thought is miscalculating serving size and over estimating TDEE. I don't like the TDEE method as that would assume exercise has already been included. I'd rather go with an estimated BMR, and add in exercise. Or, if you are active at work, use BMR and set your activity level to active. If you are not seeing…
  • The best we can do after making bad decisions it to let it go and don't let it consume us. Get back on track and keep your eyes forward! Try to avoid bad decisions, but don't expect you'll always be perfect.
  • It's reading about men who say crap like this that makes me ashamed to be a man.
  • What are your workout goals? Why do you workout? Is it simply to burn calories or is there something else?
  • Yep! Stop talking to him about it, just do it. Take his words and turn the into determination to prove he is wrong. Once you've proven him wrong, let him apologize to you.
  • How often should you workout? When it comes to wait training, you want to give the muscles you worked a good 48 hours rest. If you work your legs on Monday, don't work them on Tuesday! For cardio, it depends on what you are doing. If you are doing steady state workouts, you can get away with everyday. If you are doing high…
  • The problem is that some people are intimately familiar with a situation that goes against a post, and feel they have a duty to tell the OP they are stupid and harming others for not posting every single exception. Along with this they reason that the OP is wrong in all things posted since this exception was not included…
  • More great ideas, THANKS! As for my banana's, I name each one before I eat them. Otherwise, they'd just be bananas. :P OK, I never did do well in English class, though I'm proud that I understood what you were driving at the moment I read the comment about a banana being possessive. :)
  • Great ideas! Thanks for those. We actually do a lot of crock pot cooking and like you say, easy prep!
  • This makes me want to sing a happy "Yes Yes Yes" song! It's possible to lose weight eating nothing but snickers bars ... it won't be healthy and you'll always feel hungry, but you can do it if your body is forced to burn fat for fuel.
  • 600-800 calories is quiet a bit. How are you getting this figure? I'm not saying you aren't burning this amount, but my HRM always records a lower number than what the machines record. Also, if you are weight training, you can't use a HRM for those calories unless you are doing circuits. My experience is that the more…
  • I take it very seriously. I drink at least 10 cups per day most days. I'm one of those awful "water purists" who thinks you need to get at least 8 cups of water - not tea, soda or coffee - water, each day. I have 3 containers I fill each morning. One holds 4 cups which I use for my workout. The other 2 hold 3 cups each.…
  • "BIG CARL" Every time I see that thing full of wine, I start to salivate. :smile:
  • The first time? Yes, I liked it. It was a Pinot and a good quality one at that. My next glass of wine, a Cab, sucked. It came out of a jug. This is an irrelevant question as it depends on the what your first wine was. Did it come from a box and was it "bottled" 2 weeks ago? It probably sucks. Has it ages properly, did it…
  • Since taste is not absolute (not everyone likes the same thing), your logic is flawed and invalid. You work here is only done in that you've proven you don't know what you're talking about.
  • A good red wine (I prefer Cabs) for me is like chocolate for most woman. One sip and I'm calmer and happier. I am not fond of the taste of white wines. The only problem is that the starting price of a good Cab is about $40. So I don't drink as much wine as I'd like.
  • Your weight will fluctuate based on many factors. Here are some: * Weighing at different times of the day. I always weigh myself in the morning after using the rest room. * The amount of food/liquid you consumed at your last meal. * The time of your last meal. This is not a complete list, but you get the idea. Eating food…
  • Not a myth, and already posted, but can't state this often enough: RE-RACK THE WEIGHTS!! Hey, good for you that you used 100 lbs dumbbells! You must be strong! Now go put them back where they belong! What ... you suddenly became weak? Only once did I have the nerve to approach someone who had left not 1 but 2 sets of…
  • After my run yesterday, I found that my calf did not impede my ability to run in any way, nor did it feel any worse after the run. That is good news in that I didn't do any further harm. My hope is that, by slowly adding distance and time to my run, my legs will strengthen to support what I'm doing. When I start out, I was…
  • This makes more sense! I did a little research (google is your friend) and found this site: From what I've read, I would summarize by saying Spinning is a trade mark name for studio cycling (in doors on stationary bikes).
  • It's interesting that you would state there is a big difference after admitting you've never taken a spinning class and then explaining what you *think* spinning is. Often times, spinning is EXACTLY like you describe cycling, but not always. So I would agree that there is a difference, but not necessarily a big difference.…