AlyssaLoflin Member


  • I'd like to join as well please :)
  • I restarted 35 days ago today. I'll send you a request. The support is so helpful. Congrats to coming back, you made the first step :)
  • #1 Right now is: Burn it Down - Awolnation; I seriously run faster and harder picturing myself burning down body fat during this song. Here are some other really awesome ones that have been my #1 or close to it, workout songs Leader - Bif Naked Happy - Pharell Williams Work - Britney Spears Savior- Rise Against (most of…
  • I'm sorry to tell you that you are in a state of starvation which will keep you from losing weight, cause physical changes like your missing period (ammenorrhea) and mental changes such as seeing yourself in a negative way, frustration, anger, memory loss. It would be most beneficial for you to go visit your doctor and…
  • This sounds great. I have 12-15 lbs. left to lose depending on the day, I know its not 20 but I'm happy to provide support and encouragement to anyone who wants to add me. For the past several years I have had a Halloween goal and met it. I'm shooting for the moon with these last few lbs. I'm 5'7" and currently between 146…
  • I'm only 1 pound away from my next mini goal and my reward will be a subscription to Women's Health Magazine. I love that mag and pick it up regularly except when I'm busy with school so it will be a great reward that will keep me motivated while in school too :). I've been thinking for one of my bigger goals (only 2 more)…
  • I love these, thank you all for sharing :). I have 2 that come to mind: I was at Walmart and this guy saw me, turned back around and approached me to say "Excuse me, I just HAD to tell you that you are beautiful" He then proceeded to ask me out, after I told him I was married he told me he hoped my husband knew how lucky…
  • Canned/foil bagged tuna. Starkist and Bumblebee make some great flavors that can be eaten alone, with crackers or healthy bread, on a salad, or my fave on Romaine lettuce leaves. I get a large head of Romaine and tear off and clean 4 large leaves, put them in a gallon ziploc bag and throw my can/bag of tuna in my lunch…
  • Wow, I didn't realize there were so many nurses and nursing students on here! It's great to see so many of you, and the med student too :). I'll be graduating in May of 2015 with my BSN and have a prior BA in psychology. I'm 27, been married for 5 1/2 years and don't have kids yet I work 2 part time jobs; 1 testing infant…
  • I agree that it sounds like a success story. One pound and one inch in one month is great. As difficult as that is to see because I know you want to see more in less time, it is great. Unfortunately prior eating disorders and increasing age (I'm not calling you old because you are not, but an increase from when you were…
  • This is such a common occurrence that Women's Health Magazine made a word for it: hangry - so hungry you are angry. This happens to me for the first week or two every time I go back to 1200. Exercise actually helps me but motivation becomes harder. When you cut back on sugars its a physiological process that makes you…
  • Awesome workout! Great job exceeding your goal :). it's been a long time since I got on a real row machine, We got a 2nd dog about 7 months ago and when I can get both of them to cooperate I make a row machine out of 2 dogs and a rope with me in the middle rowing against their pulling resistance. I always have to swap…
  • You have done wonderfully! I would be happy to friend you. I need motivation some days too. I have been at this for years and am happy to help motivate. I'll add you as a friend. It is wonderful that you have found friends that you can work out with, that always helps and its great that you are working on eating earlier,…
  • I've been in your position many times. I actually had more calories than I intended today between my snack and lunch today. I agree with others, don't beat yourself up, log it and remain accountable. When I do this, I say "Well I guess I owe myself a good workout" today it will probably be a good swim. That way I can have…
  • I was looking for the same thing today and came across this awesome website that has 90 great ideas:
  • I'm 26, I've been using this site on and off for a few years now. I get on here loose some and then get busy stop logging and put some back on. My profile pic is part of my motivation that was the lowest I've gotten as an adult, and I'm only 3.4 lbs from it now, it was taken a year ago, and I'd love to get 5 lbs below…
  • Whether you will gain weight or not from natural sugars found in fruits has a lot to do with your own personal body chemistry. Some people do great on low carb low sugar diets and loose weight but others won't. I do great with eating plenty of fruits and veggies and I just adjusted my goals so that it doesn't look negative…
  • If you want less sugar use green tea instead of juice, I do that some frozen fruit, and maybe a banana, its good and seriously cuts the extra calories :)
  • That sounds good:smile: . I used to use 1-2 tbsp of light olive oil with oregano and a few other Italian spices to dip veggies in it was great.
  • I'm not sure how to set that up, but you could just get some viactiv calcium chews they have 500 and they are super tasty, in either chocolate or caramel, you can get them at walmart or any drugstore in the vitamin section. You can have up to 2 a day, they also have vitamin D and potassium in them so look at that if you…
  • Thanks so much for all these ideas, I didn't even think about hummus and that is one of my fav foods and it totally keeps, all the ideas are super great!! Thanks!!
  • Sushi in general is quite healthy. You can look up different rolls on if you can't find values for them on here, though either way it's probably not exact. I would only do the dragon roll if you have a few extra calories though; I know when I get it here it has lightly battered & fried shrimp on it,…