band camp food dilema

So, I am a college student and I am in the band (nerdy, I know). Band camp is fastly approaching and I'm excited about that. I'm not excited, however because basically the only option for food is eating at fast food restaurants.. that'll be 3 meals/day at fast food.


Anyway, are there any suggestions anyone may have about what I can pack to bring?

--I will not have access to a microwave or refrigerator during the day, but have one in my dorm. It will also most likely be very hot outside.

Thanks in advance!!


  • utekeathley
    utekeathley Posts: 7 Member
    Of course any fresh fruit or veggie would be great! Dry cereals ( just watch for the sugar)! Cheese sticks , hardboiled eggs and Joghurt will be ok for a little while in a cooler! Even salads in a mason jar, just google it, are great!

    Have fun at bandcamp!!
  • r5d5
    r5d5 Posts: 219 Member
    If you'll have your fridge in your dorm, you might want to pack a bag of carrots or celery. Apples, yogurt, pears, things like that might good. It would be ideal if you had access to a store so you could replenish your snacks. As for meals out, try to make as healthy of choices as you can. If you have to get a hamburger, get a small one, or get two burgers, but DON'T eat the buns and fries. Most fast food chains have fruit on the kids menu (little baggies of apples or whatever). McDonald's has salads, but be smart about the kind you get. Get grilled chicken instead of crispy, and get vinegar as your dressing not something creamy like ranch or Caesar. If you can, try to eat out at a subway or other sandwich shop where you can load up on veggies.
    Other snacks for your room could be popcorn, special K cracker chips, instant oatmeal, cereals, or some canned soups aren't too bad.
    It's definitely going to be difficult to eat healthy, but don't beat yourself up over it! Try your best to make the best choices and try to work in small work outs if possible (situps, pushups, lunges, squats, wall sits...) Remember, band camp won't last the whole year, so even if it does set you back a wee bit, you can always get back into the healthy rhythm of things after! :) (Apologies for the musical pun. I couldn't resist!)
  • dannibee13
    dannibee13 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks you both so much! I really appreciate your help!
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    There is nothing nerdy about being in the college band. Wish I had talent like that.
  • acheben
    acheben Posts: 476 Member
    I wouldn't worry about it too much. Eat something healthy for breakfast before practice and try to eat something lighter at lunch/dinner. I did marching band in college, and honestly, I feel like we burned a ton of calories during the two sessions each day out on the practice field. Be careful to eat enough and drink enough water so that you don't pass out.

    Most importantly, have fun and learn some kick-*kitten* music/marching :)
  • dannibee13
    dannibee13 Posts: 14 Member
    Great! Thanks!

    Haha, I don't know if I would call myself talented.. I just got lucky enough to get in
  • AlyssaLoflin
    AlyssaLoflin Posts: 27 Member
    Canned/foil bagged tuna. Starkist and Bumblebee make some great flavors that can be eaten alone, with crackers or healthy bread, on a salad, or my fave on Romaine lettuce leaves. I get a large head of Romaine and tear off and clean 4 large leaves, put them in a gallon ziploc bag and throw my can/bag of tuna in my lunch bag. You could also make a healthy tuna or chicken salad with fat free Greek yogurt and/or mustard instead of mayo and whatever veggies or fruits you want, ahead of time to have in the fridge and portion out each day. I like to cut a bunch of veggies for salads (tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, onion, baby portabella mushrooms, matchstick carrots) and/or fruit (strawberries, blueberries, apples, pineapples, grapes) and put them in containers in the fridge to top a bunch of mixed greens/kale/spinach for salads and I also put some in quart sized bags for snacks. Bananas, nuts (be sure to portion out in snack bags), smart pop popcorn (so many flavors now, for evening snack) will all be good out of the fridge. Get a good lunch bag/cooler that you can fill with icepacks for the day and put the ice packs or even water bottles in the little freezer part of the dorm fridge if that is an option, if not bring extra ziploc bags to fill with ice from a nearby ice maker to put in your cooler/bag.