wlkn4him Member


  • We lived on Kinser and moved off base about a year ago.
  • Okinawa, Japan! There are a few of us! We've been here almost 3 and will be here for another tour.
  • I always understood the "bump" as a way to put that thread into "My Topics" to that you can easily find it when you want to look through it later. I've never thought of it as a way to keep it in the "Recent Posts" section for others to see. This makes more sense to me.
  • Merry Christmas! Congrats Izobel! Keep it up Esorcel...you're amazing and will finish this challenge!
  • Back to the gym tonight and...I'm finished!!! +6.5 on elliptical and 1.5 walk on treadmill to get it DONE! Woohoo!!!!!!
  • +7 mile run this morning...1.5 miles to go.
  • Went back to the gym last night and added 5 more elliptical miles. 6.5 elliptical, 8.5 running left.
  • It's the final countdown... +4 run...8.5 remain +6.5 elliptical...11.5 to go.
  • Jumped on the elliptical this morning for 7 to bring my remaining miles to 18. Ran 5 miles this evening...12.5 running miles to go. I'm tired!
  • Added 7 elliptical miles this afternoon to bring it to 25, 25 to go.
  • Ran 7 this morning to bring the total to 82.5. 17.5 more running miles and 32 more elliptical miles to go. I've been so focused on running that I've put off those elliptical miles I'd challenged myself to do. Bring on the double days and keep the holiday pounds away!
  • Ran 6.5 miles this afternoon...75.5 down, 24.5 to go. WooHoo!!! Izobel- my husband and I are doing the Okinawa 10K this year, and we're looking for a marathon to train for sometime later in the spring. There are usually so many here that it's never hard to find a race. My husband and I met in Iwakuni (I was visiting my…
  • Ran a Jingle Bell 5K with my hubby today to add 3 miles to my total. It's been a crazy week but now that school's out for Winter Break, I'm hopping to finish this challenge off with a bang since I have some extra time on my side, Smiles- I understand the perfectionist mentality and have been there myself...it sounds like…
  • + 6.8 mile run tonight. 66 down, 34 to go.
  • +4 mile run. 59.2 down, 40.8 to go. +4 elliptical miles, 18 down, 32 to go. It's been quiet. How's everyone else doing?
  • Esorcel, congrats on meeting your 1st mini goal this last week! Way to go!:happy: Added 3.5 mile run and 3.5 mile walk for a new total of 55.2.
  • Ran 6.7 this morning. 48.2 down, still a lot of miles to go and 2 weeks to get it done. Time to crank it up a notch.
  • + 3.5 mile run. 41.5 down, 58.5 to go. + 7 elliptical miles. 14 down, 36 to go. A little Monica (FRIENDS) inspiration, "We're workin', we're movin', we're in the zone, we're groovin'."
  • +4 mile run for a total of 38 so far. 62 running miles and 43 elliptical miles left. I was also not feeling it today and I probably wouldn't have pushed through if I didn't have this challenge in the back of my mind. So, thank you all for the motivation today. Keep it up friends!
  • +7 miles on the elliptical. 43 elliptical miles and 66 running miles to go.
  • Previous total: 24 Pushed through a 2 hour run/walk this afternoon to add 10 miles. Whew! 34 down, 66 to go. I think I might start on those 50 elliptical miles tomorrow. Enjoy the weekend everyone!
  • Thanks Melissa! Love to see others motivated and to myself be motivated by others. I truly believe this is why so many people using MPF are so successful. You're rockin' it girl! Keep it up! I added a 3.14 mile run this afternoon. 24.03 total. 75.97 running miles to go. Motivated, dedicated!
  • I'm in! Great idea. Goal: 100 running miles, 50 elliptical miles From 11/25 through 12/1, I've logged 20.89 running miles. 79.11 to go. I'm Chrissy. I'm a teacher trying hard to stay out of the lounge and away from the treats. I'm married to a Marine and a natural runner and I have to work hard to keep up with him. I…
  • My wonderful husband Chris, currently serving in the USMC, almost 13 years and counting... Brother Alan USMC Father Phil Navy All my uncles and both grandfathers And to the fathers of 17 of my 19 students who are currently serving, it's an honor to serve you and your families in return for the sacrifices you make to keep…
  • I'm right there with you! Aunt Flo is on her way, my husband left this morning to fly back to the states for 2 months for work (we live in Japan), and I've been exhausted and eating in excess all week. Oreos, chips and salsa, pizza, burger, candy, candy, candy. I went grocery shopping with a new resolve this morning and my…
  • A book I recently read (either "YOU on a Diet" or "The Best Life Diet") said to eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. I've had to rearrange my intake around a bit but the pounds are coming off way faster, especially when I stay out of the kitchen a few hours before bed. It's been an…
  • Happy New Year teachers! I love this time of year. School starts on the 30th. I had access to my classroom a week early to set up so I feel great about starting at a new school in a new grade level. I've taught 3rd and 4th and am moving down to 1st. We moved overseas and are away from family and old friends so MFP has been…
  • Does the treadmill give you an estimate of your calories? Usually if it has the option for you to enter your weight/age (which most treadmills I've used do) it will also give you an estimate of your calories burned. You can then enter that data into MFP when you track your cardio and it will save it for next time. I've had…