Terrible week/day

So I've been having a rough week with roommate issues, work stuff, and generally life just taking a dump on me. Yesterday was the last straw, so it's just been a rough week. This morning my husband brought home orange rolls to make for breakfast, and I decided to say "You know what, I just need a day where I don't care" and ate 4 orange rolls for breakfast, a soft pretzel with cheese for lunch, and Wendy's nuggets for dinner, with snacks of a Twix bar and some chocolate.

Judge me all you want, but you know what, sometimes I just need to eat some chocolate in excess! I know I did a bad thing and I should have tried to be healthy regardless, but I just couldn't. It'd been too long since I'd had a soft pretzel or orange rolls. They're my weaknesses.

ANYWAY, I fully plan to get back on the wagon tomorrow. I had my day. I'm over it. Things will get better.

Have you ever had a terrible day and just said screw it? What are your comfort foods?

(And please, don't post things like "How awful! Those things are so bad for you! You suck for not keeping to a diet!" I already beat myself up about today, but it's done. At least I was honest. I'm trying to make the experience a positive one.)


  • NH_1970
    NH_1970 Posts: 544 Member
    Have you ever had a terrible day and just said screw it? What are your comfort foods?

    Nutty Buddies, oh their crunchy crispy fatty crappiness. I have a love/hate relationship with them. LOVE them, hate that they're like my crack of food, especially since I generally eat whole food or try to all the time now.

    I had a nutty buddy yesterday, today I didn't, I haven't had a nutty buddy in months before yesterday and it will probably be months before or if I ever choose to have one again.

    I even got on the scale to see if I had gained weight from having an nutty buddy LOL how crazy is that? and I wouldn't beat you up, sounds like you're doing that to yourself. be gentle -one indulgence won't ruin your goals, don't let it.
  • ThePhatMan
    Hi, you did the right thing, you had a day and now your back on the plan. Anyone who says they never stray is lying or hasn't been on a diet for very long. Your back the next day, that is what your suppose to do. Good for you.
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    I think I got a B or C on my accounting exam on Thurs.So, I had a 1/4 of a three layer chocolate cake, and chips and salsa. It was great : ]
  • eharvey
    eharvey Posts: 32
    Congrats on your release day. hope you enjoyed it. I admire your ability to eat only 4 of the orange rolls because if I ever let them back in my fridge I will eat all of them. sharing is not caring when it comes to orange rolls :)

    Comfort foods? It would be a huge list and would include just about every food that you DONT see in my diary. But if I had to pick one ultimate cheat food it would be Chocolate. Chocolate in any form is my ultimate favorite food. I used to like my fast foods but havent eaten at one for over a year and a half.
  • OlenaS
    OlenaS Posts: 125 Member
    Sorry to hear you had a bad day. I believe things like that do not affect you in the long run if you only do it once in a while. Don't beat yourself up over it!! :):) Just start fresh again, as you are planning. I have had a few days like that since I started here (4 months ago). Lately, my most favorite thing is Reese's peanut butter cups... I never even liked them before, but now I turn to them if I feel like chocolate :) Ice cream is a big vice, but now I have fudgesicles or orange creamsicles or skinny cow bars (all 100 cal each).
    Have a good weekend!
  • ceredonia
    Congrats on your release day. hope you enjoyed it. I admire your ability to eat only 4 of the orange rolls because if I ever let them back in my fridge I will eat all of them. sharing is not caring when it comes to orange rolls :)

    I only had 4 because there's 8 in the package and my hubby gets the other 4. :laugh: Otherwise I'd eat the entire batch myself!
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Sounds ok to me - gotta let off steam some way. So long as you make progress over time you're still making progress.

    For me, I plan my bad days in advance (Friday evenings) so when things get me down, I've got that to look forward to, and if I arrive at Friday a happy bunny, then I don't blow out and things are even better.

    Wishing you health and happiness :-)
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    YUP!!! I've had PLENTY of bad days in recent history. :love:
    I have so many big life issues pending right now it's ridiculous.

    I've had days where all I want to do is eat handfuls of M&Ms alternating with salt & pepper pistachios. :bigsmile:
    Or drink wine like it was only grape juice. :grumble: :noway:

    But those crappy days pass and my brain reverts back to normal (whatever that is!)
    and I realize everything is actually OK and tomorrow will be better.
    WORKING OUT is really important, and I'm back on schedule there!

    BRAVO for sharing! Hang in there baby! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • jeanineadele
    I love the orange rolls too. They never give you enough frosting though so I usually mix the frosting with an equal amount of cream cheese. Oh YUMMY!!! I had a Nutty Buddy incident myself a couple of weeks ago. I don't think it really hurts anything to have a little comfort food once in a while. I am more careful and try to think, if i'm going to indulge today is this what I want. I realized that one day after I blew like 600 calories on a stale, store brand cheese cake.
  • princessmedic
    About once a month I cheat and get breakfast burritos for me and the kids on my way home from work (I work nights). So, right before I go to sleep I end up eating about 700calories...I get potato, bacon, green chili, cheese, and sour cream. The only halfway good part of the burrito would be eggs-and I order it without them because I hate scrambled egg in burritos. But, oh its like heaven! I had to make myself realize it wasn't that I couldn't ever have anything I wanted....I just couldn't have it everyday.
  • k1979k
    k1979k Posts: 94
    (And please, don't post things like "How awful! Those things are so bad for you! You suck for not keeping to a diet!" I already beat myself up about today, but it's done. At least I was honest. I'm trying to make the experience a positive one.)

    If anyone here said that you suck for not sticking to a diet they'd probably be the world's biggest hypocrite - lol! We've all had days like this :) Chocolate is my weakness - I asked my fiance to bring some home the other night and rather than the respectable portion I was picturing he brought back 4 chocolate bars and a block of rocky road! We ate the lot between us in one sitting :blushing: But OH - it was good :)

    I'm also pretty weak if I have biscuits or cake in the house - I can't stop at one! Hence I don't have that stuff in the house...

    An occasional day isn't going to ruin you, unless you let that one day become 'the norm' or more and more regular. I read a quote recently (it may have even been on this site) - ‎"Consistency is king; it's what you do every day, not every once in a while, that counts."

    Let yourself have treats, but make sure they are uncommon enough to be real 'treats' - I don't think eating chocolate or dessert everyday under the guise of having a treat is a real 'treat'! (but that's just my opinion, based on my experience that if I do that I just crave more! But we're all different)

    Anyway - hope you enjoyed your splurge - don't let it mess with you and get back to your good food tomorow :smile:
  • wlkn4him
    wlkn4him Posts: 28 Member
    I'm right there with you! Aunt Flo is on her way, my husband left this morning to fly back to the states for 2 months for work (we live in Japan), and I've been exhausted and eating in excess all week. Oreos, chips and salsa, pizza, burger, candy, candy, candy. I went grocery shopping with a new resolve this morning and my fridge is stocked with fresh fruits and veggies, but I bought a bag of candy corn and it's already gone! I vow to start over tomorrow and stick to it. I want to look hot when my hubby gets back and I know candy corn isn't going to get me there!