

  • Ive started to use avocado in place of dressing on sandwiches so the sandwhich isn't dry. I will take a Brownberry 8 Grain Pita Pocket - only half, put lettuce, oscar meyer rotiserre chickn breast slices - up to 6 but usually only about 4, lettuce, and add the avocado sliced up. I will vary it sometimes and add tomato…
  • I haven't been checking in but today I will be completing Day 19 Level 2. Today and Tomorrow left of Level 2 then on to Level 3! I have been taking a rest break 1-2 times a week. I was using 1 lb weights with level 1 and level 2 went to 5lb weights. BIG MISTAKE!! LOL I struggle, I wish I would have gotten the 3 lb weights.…
  • Try Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred with 5lb weights - you will be surprised on how tuff it will be :) Stay strong and once you get through that dvd you will walk into that gym with a stronger head!
  • Feel free to add me, I work 40 hours a week, with a commuite of 45 miles one way - so pratically 2 hours of my day are taken up by communiting. My husband has become supportive of my weight loss/getting healthy as well. Each week my shift changes so I can't have a set routine. I recommend Jillian Michaels 30 day shred DVD.…
  • Thanks everyone, Im going to check out the compression pants/carpris. I have a few yoga ones, one pair does stay up okay, another pair with the rolled waist rolls down under my stomach.
  • I would love the motivation - this is great! I just began my journey right around memorial day, I started at 185 and am hoping to loose 55lbs. You are an inspiration! Are you eating your exercise calories also or strictly 1200 food calories only? I would love to friend you.
  • I do mine at night, so tonight i will be completeing Level 1 Day 7.
  • I just joined this group here are my before stats: Chest: 43in R Arm: 13 1/2 in L Arm: 13 in Waist: 42 1/2 in Hips 46 in R Thigh: 24 1/2 in L Thigh 25 in I am almost 30, 5'1" and currently weigh 185, I am not going to weigh myself until the end and I may take measurements again at the half way point.
  • I just joined this group. I just completed Level 1 Day 6 last night. I am going to do it everyday and I have also added doing a mile a day of jogging/walking. I am going to take my before pictures today, I did however take my measurements before :smile: :happy:
  • I am wanting to join! I am about 5'1" and weigh 185 :( I just started excersising and just got into mfp. I found that I was eating way too many calories and not excersising. This has been an eye opener for sure. I started Jillians 30 day Shred and I have been doing everyday for 6 days and have also been going for a…