IsraaQ Member


  • Wow your messages made me feel so much better you are truly amazing people thanks to each and every one of you for taking the time to drop a line.. Also for the nice words and birthday wishes.. God Bless!
  • Thanks a lot to both of you well it's still my birthday for just another ten minutes here in London lol
  • Thanks and welcome back ;)
  • Congrats And so happy for your success.. Hope I can post mine one day and be able to brag like you.. You totally deserve it lol
  • Mine is set to 1200 .. I'm 5'3 and the shorter and smaller you are the less food you ll want to eat to lose weight.. So use the tools in this site and it will automatically direct you and give you the many choices of calorie goals you can pick in relation to weight loss each week best of luck
  • I normally use a heart rate monitor when I exercise and tbh with you found out that mfp DOES actually overestimate calories burned.. But that's only my observation. I suggest you buy one and use it just to be safe. Good luck
  • Thank you all for your comments.. They really helped.. I will take in everything everyone here said and will update the results in a few weeks so watch this space .. Goof luck to all of us
  • I am a big fan of zumba's. I know someone who literally lost 40 lbs in less than nine months by only doing zumba. It's fun you don't feel like working out at all.. The dvd is def not your stereo-typical workout DVD. It's basically a dancing routine. The DVDs are nice because you can do them at home but the classes are more…
  • And please feel free to add me .. I really need some more helpful friends
  • When you have hunger pangs like that just chug in water and/or have a salad it's healthy few calories and fills u up nicely
  • Wow you should be so proud of yourself congratulations
  • I'm def in I would like to lose 40 lbs though but I ll do as much as I can to lose 14 lbs by April
  • Hello you .. Hope ur having a good time already all the best to you and remember we re all here on the same boat
  • I like a woman who knows when to stop.. If her bmi is 25 and/or under she shouldn't try to lost any more weight or build muscles.. I dunno but in my opinion men should have the big muscles and women should only care for a thin waste that looks the normal way to me
  • Hello there First of all congrats on losing 12 pounds already that's a big achievement on it's own you should be proud.. And secondly if you're looking for fun workouts I recently came across 'zumba' which is a Latin dance workout and is pretty cool and plenty fun.. Check it out it's quite popular anyway.. I know a friend…
  • I know someone who lost almost 40 lbs by only doing zumba at home.. All you do is to go and order the whole set. 4 DVDs are included in the set: 20 minute workout express, cardio party, sculpt and tone, and on a different cd cover: zumba fitness live and flat abs. There are also zumba classes in almost each…
  • 10653+6= 10659 But I am sure I ll lose more as I am just starting :)
  • That's amazing thank you for sharing this and the nice thing is you are doing it together
  • Ooh thanks everyone for your warm welcome and sorry for not replying sooner.. I've actually been quite consistent with c-counting, something I was not sure I would be but happy I am.. The only problem I am facing now is I don't think I am losing that much.. I know it's been only two weeks or so but I've lost just 3 lbs,…
    in New member Comment by IsraaQ July 2010