bigplayclay34 Member


  • I'm not really sure how I would use flax seeds or chia seeds, as I've never had this issue until I started watching my caloric intake. I purchased some Psyllium Husk in the form generic Metamucil capsules. It says take 5 capsules up to three times a day, but I haven't had the guts to take that much yet. If anyone has…
  • You guys are all so great! Tomorrow is a new day and I'm going to start tracking again. I have breakfast planned and WILL be under my calories. Thank you guys so much for the support.
  • How many do you take at a time? The bottle says take 2-5? How do you know?
  • Sounds great! I am going to give it a try this weekend. We'll see if my friends are right and I really am full of it.
  • I was thinking about the capsules, but was worried about the timing of the effect. I am a school teacher, and I can't just take off to the bathroom whenever I want :-)
  • I was wondering if anyone has any experience with psyllium husk? I am thinking of trying some to get fiber in my diet and jump start my system, so to speak.
  • Please explain.
  • Could my weight loss be sporatic because I am not eating ALL of my recommended calories each day?
  • I have read this both ways. I have read that your spike day should be about 2x what your normal calorie intake has been. I have also read about people who have a complete cheat day and eat anything they want. Which is better? That I don't know for sure. My best guess would be that your spike day would be twice your normal…
  • I drink whiskey and diet coke (although, trying to give up the diet). An ounce of whiskey has 69 calories. If I drink it, I figure it in to my daily allowance. There are also great beers like "Bud Select 55" and "MGD 64." I think just like anything else, moderation is okay.
  • I never really believed that Diet Soda was bad for you. Honestly, I still haven't. However, since starting my MFP journey, I have noticed I was drinking more of it to replace snacking. Shortly after, I started to notice that I was experience intestinal discomfort on a more regular basis. I know that the fake sugars like…
  • Wow....thanks everyone. It's good to know that I'm not the only one. I just had high hopes after the first weigh-in and I probably got a little ahead of myself. I'm going to keep working hard. I am going to try and drink more water though as I don't drink very much right now. Thanks for the replies fellow life…
  • Has anyone had any success with calorie cycling? I've read about keeping the same number of weekly calories but distributing them unevenly to keep your metabolism guessing. Thoughts?