Roller Coaster Weight Loss

I thought I'd try on this board....not getting any help on the other.

I just got back from my 4th weigh in for a weight loss contest at work. I lost 0 pounds, but didn't gain either. I am extremely frustrated. Here's my track record:

Week 1: -8
Week 2: 0
Week 3: -3
Week 4: 0

This week I started a little weight training (4 times a week) a workout designed to keep the muscle you already have and burn fat. I also have been doing cardio interval training 2-3 times a week.

The ladies at the health clinic told me that the 1700 calories daily could be too much. I am a 32 year-old male, 5'11" and currently weigh 223. I don't always even get to 1700, but that's the total I was given for a 2lb. weekly loss. I will say that I follow the plan 6 days a week, with Saturday being a kind of cheat day. This lifestyle is so much better than the way I used to be, however, my loss is rather inconsistent.

Any thoughts and/or ideas?


  • bigplayclay34
    bigplayclay34 Posts: 22 Member
    Could my weight loss be sporatic because I am not eating ALL of my recommended calories each day?
  • I am 5 foot 10 inches and according to MFP I am on 1410 calories a day, but I am pretty sedentary at work and I am 40 years old. I weigh 250 lbs right now. I started this 3 weeks ago and this was my weight loss:

    1st week -6 lbs
    2nd week .4 lbs
    3rd week I think it will be around 4 or 5 lbs.

    We should become friends on MFP as we have similarities.

  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    11 lbs in 4 weeks is a great pace. Your weight will fluctuate up and down. You need to track the trend. And your trend is down.

    Keep up the good work.
  • doubglass
    doubglass Posts: 314 Member
    My weight loss followed this pattern. Be patient -- this isn't unusual.
