Off the wagon



  • ast219
    ast219 Posts: 8 Member
    Everyone has those bad days! Force yourself to get off the couch! Maybe call a friend to be an exercise buddy! My workout buddies and my friends on MFP help get me back on track anytime I'm about to fall off the wagon! All it takes to get started is to put on some comfy workout clothes and get moving! You can do it!
  • Isn't that easy to day. I was nearly there myself again... then I reached out to this community. It always seems to get me motivated to finish my day for the better.
    That last bite you took, track it and MOVE ON. The next bite you take counts. TRACK IT and move on. Falling off the wagon is easy and staying off is even easier cause it's moving at light speed and it seems impossible to catch back up. You have to just say, no.


    Put on some music. Stretch. Plan a great day for tomorrow. Go shopping in the morning and only buy what's on your list. Throw away anything bad in your house. Start over, yet again.

    I also think that 17 pounds loss is fantastic but that's a lot in only 6 weeks. Try to just maintain for a week or two.
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    i've been on a stress induced binge myself. i just remind myself that tomorrow is a new day and that i really want this. that a day (or week) off the wagon doesn't completely derail my ability to succeed. is it a setback? damn right. but what's done is done - you can't undo it. but you do have the power to change tomorrow. positive self-talk. i have to do it all the time otherwise i fall into that trap myself. you can do it!!!
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    When you wake up tomorrow morning, start at step one. It's not all lost - not by a long shot! They say it takes 2 weeks to form a habit, well you've been at this 6 weeks and only slipped a couple days! Those good habits are still there :-) What happened is in the past and it's done. Even if you have to start by adopting the one good habit you started with, start with that and the other good habits you have adopted will follow. Don't beat yourself up and certainly don't give up! You can do this!

    The next time you have "bad" days log your food anyway!!! Even if you're eating out and don't know EXACTLY the number calories you ate, you can still figure out about how many calories you had using info from the database. Let's face it, it might not be as bad as you think or it might very well be and will help to make you accountable to yourself. Even if you eat a whole bag of chips, log the whole thing (I've done it, and I have logged it!). It will make you see how many calories you actually ate - this isn't an exercise to try to make yourself feel bad, it's so you can take responsibility for what you are doing. It's super easy to get out of the habit of logging and before you know it, those 17lbs will be back.
  • Daphnemomof9
    Daphnemomof9 Posts: 113 Member
    Being on this site has taught me that a couple of bad days will not undo all of the hard work I've done up to this point. If I don't put a stop to it right away when I realize that I don't like where I'm heading, I know I will go back to where I was and probably add some extra pounds to that. What's your choice? You can do this, you can get back on track right now!
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    Well. Stopping the Backslide? Easiest way?

    Step on the SCALE. DAMN, that thing is terrifying after you've been away from it a while.

    I went through about 2 & 1/2 months of being well & truly "Off the Wagon". I went from 143lbs to 155lbs. I was VERY stressed out & freaking about being out of work, having problems in other areas of my life. I just... stopped caring for a while.

    Now... I'm paying for it. Two weeks, & I'm down to 149lbs... I still have 6 more lbs of WHOOPS to take off.

    Learn from my mistake!
  • bigplayclay34
    bigplayclay34 Posts: 22 Member
    You guys are all so great! Tomorrow is a new day and I'm going to start tracking again. I have breakfast planned and WILL be under my calories. Thank you guys so much for the support.
  • mfoy94
    mfoy94 Posts: 228 Member
    You can't change what you have already done, but you CAN change what you do from here on out. MFP is a great tool, utilize it. Plus there are tons of people to support you if you need it!
  • AntShanny
    AntShanny Posts: 359 Member
    You just have to remember each day gives us a new chance to start don't beat yourself up!
  • floweringcurrant
    floweringcurrant Posts: 112 Member
    I know everyone is saying "get yourself to the gym asap" etc. but for me, I usually just ride out the rest of the day, make the best of it (as in, eat what I feel like eating in reasonable quantities and enjoy it) and start fresh the next day. There's nothing worse than eating food you don't usually eat and feeling bad about it. If I'm gonna do it, I'd rather enjoy it and take advantage of it. That way I won't move into the next day feeling distressed and bad about myself and deprived, but truly ready for a fresh start.