Any one else like to drink?

I can't be the only one who wants to lose weight without giving up drinking, right? lol. So a question for my fellow imbibers; what's the best drink option for us? Light beer? White wine? Straight vodka? ;-)


  • bigplayclay34
    bigplayclay34 Posts: 22 Member
    I drink whiskey and diet coke (although, trying to give up the diet). An ounce of whiskey has 69 calories. If I drink it, I figure it in to my daily allowance. There are also great beers like "Bud Select 55" and "MGD 64." I think just like anything else, moderation is okay.
  • Flemstica
    Flemstica Posts: 65 Member
    Do you log the whiskey? How do you measure, is a shot glass an ounce or an ounce and a half?
  • maura1110
    maura1110 Posts: 171 Member
    i really like red wine so i still have that sometimes. unfortunately its usually about 120 calories for a glass so i have to factor it into my daily limit. but one of my usual go-to drinks its vodka and club soda with a splash of cranberry juice. it's only about 90 calories per drink.
  • Flemstica
    Flemstica Posts: 65 Member
    Mmmm that sounds good =)
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member

    The lower the calorie-to-alcohol number (CAR), the "better" it is for you.

    I like rum and diet coke, or tequila with water and zero-calorie water flavors (crystal light, mio, etc).

    A shot glass is an ounce and a half.

    Usually if I'm having more than 2 shots I start over-estimating when I log, 'cuz the odds of you pouring more than you'd like into a glass increase. :P
  • Flemstica
    Flemstica Posts: 65 Member
    Awesome link, thanks for sharing!!!
  • debilyn574
    debilyn574 Posts: 92 Member
    I just came across this article, so I thought I'd share:
    I stopped drinking completely for 6 weeks when I lost my weight (20 lbs), but have started having the occasional drink again. It's hard to do!