vee1217 Member


  • Snacks cottage cheese with blueberries baby carrots and hummus fage greek yogurt with 5 pecan halves protein shake Breakfast egg white fritatta-bake on Sunday and eat most mornings add feta after I microwave it or banana and premier nutrition chocolate drink or steel cut oats, craisins, pecans lunch grand parisian…
    in MENU Comment by vee1217 January 2014
  • I started Sunday!!This is my second attempt. I made it through weeks 1 and 2 and didn't stick with it. I'm hoping to push through this time! Finished pure cardio tonight. the sweat was dripping off my face! Ahh!! Good luck all!
  • Hi everyone:) I started May 26th. Its so nice to see so may people doing the program! Good luck everyone!! :)
  • I will finish my fist round of JMBR on FEb 25 adn was thkining about doing another round:)
  • @erinkelly-the guy in the back does help too ahahah!!!
  • I am almost finished with the entire program(phase 3 week 10). I do my workouts as soon as I get home from work. I change right into my sports bra/shorts and start doing it. If I even sit on the couch for a minute or do anything other than workout right when I get home I find myself second guessing. I've tried P90x and…
  • I am on week 8 and have lost 3lbs. I've noticed more tone in my legs and I actually can feel it when I am just at rest. My arms and my abs too. I was hoping for more weight loss but I am happy with the results so far. I'm sure if I followed the diet plan the results would be more significant/
  • Good luck whenever you decide to start:) I started on 11/26/2012 and will finish sometime in February. It is a great program and very manageable since most workouts are btwn 30-35 minutes start to finish. I pop in my DVD when I get home from work before dinner and have been sticking with it! Best wishes!
  • Way to go Ashley!!! I started the program on Nov 26th. I am on week 1 of Phase 2. I didn't follow the food guide and I am realizing now that I probably should. I am doing really great and haven't missed a workout...the food part I think is going to be the hardest part for me. Especially around the would be…
  • You can do it!!! I had a tough workout today too. Phase 2 workout 5. You are not alone :) I hope it goes well for you!
  • I started on November 26th:) So I just started phase 2 today....and I was surprised at how tough wkout 5 was!!! Phase 1 I think really improves balance and I noticed my abs were more more firm, my legs, and my triceps:) Good luck to you!!!