

  • you can do this!! youve figured out theres something you dont like about yourself and you want to change!! thats your own motivation right there...keep that go getter attitude and you will achieve your goals especially since you are young and used to be active your body will bounce back quick and it will be great!!! good…
  • as long as you are staying on track with calories and arent going over too much on your carbs and sugars you should be alright.....the more you workout the more you can eat and if you find a healthy balance between junk food and healthy food then youll be alright maybe give yourself cut off times like NO MORE JUNK FOOD…
  • giant NY Style Pizza Slices, Chocolate Chip Cookies, and Chicken Riggies YUM!!! Also, anything with Hot Sauce on it!!!!
  • how do you properly do a juice fast?
  • did you also lose some unwanted excess water weight and the bad stuff that builds up in your body??
  • wow i wish i had seen that is there anyway to see a video of it or a replay or something?? if anyone has a link or something to check it out just let me know thanks!!!
  • thanks yeah i should def be packing my lunch too!! i shouldnt be spending the money on buying lunch but i am always a sucker ugh, and yeah eating smaller amounts more often always sounds good but i dont always have good at my access maybe i should have more snacks handy and such, also i am set to lose 1 lb per week so i am…
  • you can just put it under stretching which will come up as like moderate stretching, then you can also log it as strength training i use those when i do a mix of yoga poses, stretching, and weights stuff so maybe thatll work for you to give you like a general exercise thing, also yoga always works too and you can seriously…
  • Im from the Syracuse area and I am the worst at losing weight even when I did eat right and exercise I felt like nothing happened but I also get very impatient and anxious I think I definitely have exercise and food ADD.....I love food and adventure and I know how when you are out camping and such it can completely…
  • I would love it if this was just water weight.......heck I hope all my 10-15lbs I want to lose is water weight haha.......thanks for the help and support I am just so bad at staying focused and I get bored with both food and certain exercises easily I think I have weight loss ADD ughhh haha thanks the more advice the…
  • Welcome and good luck on your weight loss adventure!! Add me as a friend if you want and we can help support each other.....yay!!! :)
  • good luck withyour weight loss goals!!! If you wanna friend me go for it Im still fairly new to this as well!! Good Luck!! :)
  • welcome to the site so far I am really enjoying the website and it is easy to stay on top of and it really helps you stay focused and in control over what you eat when you lay it out in front of you everyday!! Friend me if you want!! Alright ttyl goodluck!!! :happy:
  • i would say try to do 2-3days a week with each muscle group and always switch it up so maybe this week you do chest and triceps together but maybe next week you do triceps and back together always keep your body guessing and working in different ways and youll always see results :) creativity is the key to success be…
  • good luck with your weight loss goal I recently joined my fitness pal and so far i really enjoy it to help track my calories and exercise its a great resource!!! friend me if youd like some support along the way!! :)
    in Hello Comment by Versha19 July 2010
  • Hey I also have been cutting down on my alcohol intake but I have also read somewhere that alcohol aids in digestion if woman are to have one drink per day and men to have 2 drinks today now clearly that means like a glass of wine or a beer not a sugary drink, margarita, or frozen drinks. I hope that helps because I don't…