

  • I have the complete set and LOVE it! I started doing classes locally as well but I still love the DVDs for when I cant get to the class. But ya I love the set to!
  • Sooo.. still working on this challenge even though i have so little time to do a thing!! My daughter has her 4th Pneumonia in 9 months...need less to say with that and a 3 month old.. its been a rough few weeks. BUT last week my weight in was 187. I weight in on mondays so hoping next time i add it its lower! :) Have a…
  • awesome thanks girls! Just making sure im doing the right thing. I was doing the 30 day shred but injured my knee and couldnt kick the pain for a week or so now i just need to get back on the ball of doing that as well.
  • weighing in for week to. i was up last week so i was really happy to see i went down 2.6 lbs this week. so right at 191. Feeling very motivated by this! Hoping for more great numbers to come!
  • My starting weight is up from last week :( Im starting at 193. Im so motivated to do this! work out for today already done!!!
  • I forgot to add.. I weigh in on Monday mornings so ill add my weight in the morning. But Last week i was 191.5(ish) So lets hope i can say im starting lower!! If I kept regular that would put me at 171.5... MAN I cant wait to see that on the scale!!
  • Hi all, My name is Kristin. I currently live in southern Iowa. I was always 'big boned' as my mom would say. But kept my weight manageable for my body through high school by being very active. After i got married slowly the weight built on. After having my daughter my husband deployed 2 months later, I learned a week after…
  • I'm so in. I was in a group or at least followed it :) to loose 5 lbs this month. Its the 21s and I'm already down 5.. so id LOVE to be down 20 by Halloween! I am feeling very defeated lately so i could for sure use the support! Cant wait to get started!
  • I am currently nursing my 2 month old. I have been dieting and exercising for 3 weeks now and am down 6 lbs! I am very happy and both me and baby are very satisfied in the food area. I am not eating my exercise calories either. I started overweight so i have a ways to go! My doctor says as long as i get my 1200 cal. We…
  • I am loving the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels. Im on day 6 and lost 2 lbs. and 1 inch. I also ordered 'No more trouble zones' by her and there is one more in the mix. I love to mix it up. Hope those help.
  • I started the 30 day Shred a week ago. I took two days off so today was day 6 for me. I weight in and lost 2.9 lbs! I have also lost an inch. I just do the shred and cut my food intake WAY down since I was snacking a lot before. Hoping to see more results. The hubby and I are going to get a elliptical, bike and home gym…
  • I started the Shred on Monday. I didnt know this thread was going! But ill def keep up! The first couple of days kicked my butt. My legs hurt so bad! Now on day 5. I am tired and worn out and dont want to start the workout. But by then end am glad I did. I really hope to see results from this workout, I have been really…
  • I am actually in the same boat. I have been on MFP for 2 weeks. And working out everyday (just had a baby) for 2 weeks now and havnt lost a pound. ok.. i lost . 02.. ugh.. I hate that im trying so hard and nothing is happening.. What exercises are you doing??
  • Forgot to log in my start weight.. 197. I was pretty bummed that I had to quick the P90X. I was getting some serious migraines that were making me dizzy. I started the 30 day Shred on Monday. SO far so headaches so im pretty excited about that. Im feeling good this week about working out. I was sweating more this week than…
  • Im so in.. iLl weight in monday (my weigh day)
  • I to suffer from IBS. Mine is the diarrhea side of things and have found just recently that Digestive Advantage for IBS is AMAZING!! I to have tired just about every medicine out there! I found that while i was pregnant I was super regular but now that im breast feeding it makes it worse. I was going 10 to 15 times a day.…
  • Thank you all! :) this one is a boy. I have a 19 month old girl to. Im really excited to get this pregnancy weight gone. I had my Daughter then a miscarriage shortly after. Then my son so my body is very confused!