Week 5, "H20" Lose 20 Pounds by Halloween Challenge.

Hey Ladies and Gents.. here we are at week 5.. woo hoo!! Times flying along a little too fast. I hope you are doing well..

Welcome to all the newbies that would like to join. Its never too late to join. We will be continuing Team H20 after Halloween. We will had a new challenge. :)

Hey everyone. Im horribly sick. I have congestion and my sinus are draining horribly. ugh.. I hope I get over this so I can get serious about losing this weight.

I want to thank everyone who does there part to help keep this group going. I <3 it! Its done soo well.. A special thanks to Pinky & Bru.. You ladies help me out tremendously. Sometimes I cant get on here but you help out with replying to those who are newbies.. And those who report there weight.. : )


  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    Hey April,

    I can not find the link to the reporting site. Can you post it again.

  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Wow, week 5 already?! Time really is moving too fast!!! :) Hope you all had a great weekend and here's to a great loss this week for us all..my whole week has been a crazy emotional rollercoaster and my food choices were ok, but the sodium in it all just plain sucked! So, thanks to sodium, I had no loss this past week, so I;m hoping by Friday of this coming week all should be back to normal...my luck, TOM will start and I'll be all screwy for another week...lol.

    Thank you April for starting and keeping the challenge going :) Glad I am helpful to you and the others. If anyone needs anything, just ask!

    Welcome to all of the newer members and good luck! Together, we can rock it out! :drinker:

    Here's the site: http://teamh20.webs.com/ or you can always just post your weight here on MFP :)
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Hey girl! I know how you feel. I have the flu so I'm right there with you sweetie. I'm also on period and cramping too, so yah, double whammy! heheh I haven't felt this physically miserable in years!

    Anywho, enough *****ing and moaning from me. lol My weigh in today:

    332.2 lbs

    8.8 lbs lost since the start of the challenge.

    11.2 lbs to go before Halloween!! I hope I make it! :D

    I just wanted to say welcome to the new people! Be sure and add what you've lost in the past 4 weeks toward your 20 lbs by Halloween goal! :D

    Happy to see so much progress with this challenge! You all are doing great! Every pound lost is a victory!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Hey April,

    I can not find the link to the reporting site. Can you post it again.


    I think you just report it here. I'm not positive though.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    First Page! Week Five!! YAYYYYYYY!!

    April, I hope you feel better soon, dearie. Y'know one good thing that might come of you being under the weather? Your appetite will be down and your weigh-in may be better than you expected! Silver lining...:laugh: And I'm very proud to be a part of this club that you started. :heart:

    Bru, congrats on your 5K! The picture you posted in the last thread is so awesome! You look like a star.

    mommaski4 - www.teamh20.webs.com is the auxiliary website. But you come here to post your weekly weights. That outside site is just another little fun place to get together and chat about random things. It is also where the word document weigh-in logs are posted. You're in the right place. :)

    Stacy, congrats on the loss! Hope you feel better soon. Tell your uterus to play nice.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    What is everyone doing to keep on losing poundage? After this stuff breaks up in my chest Im going to get back into the saddle. Kinda looking for some ideas to switch things up a bit. What works best for you? What inspires you to keep on going? What do you do when you dont feel like trucking along?
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    First Page! Week Five!! YAYYYYYYY!!

    April, I hope you feel better soon, dearie. Y'know one good thing that might come of you being under the weather? Your appetite will be down and your weigh-in may be better than you expected! Silver lining...:laugh: And I'm very proud to be a part of this club that you started. :heart:

    Bru, congrats on your 5K! The picture you posted in the last thread is so awesome! You look like a star.

    mommaski4 - www.teamh20.webs.com is the auxiliary website. But you come here to post your weekly weights. That outside site is just another little fun place to get together and chat about random things. It is also where the word document weigh-in logs are posted. You're in the right place. :)

    Stacy, congrats on the loss! Hope you feel better soon. Tell your uterus to play nice.

    Thanks Pinky.. thats sweet of you!! <3
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Wow, week 5 already?! Time really is moving too fast!!! :) Hope you all had a great weekend and here's to a great loss this week for us all..my whole week has been a crazy emotional rollercoaster and my food choices were ok, but the sodium in it all just plain sucked! So, thanks to sodium, I had no loss this past week, so I;m hoping by Friday of this coming week all should be back to normal...my luck, TOM will start and I'll be all screwy for another week...lol.

    Thank you April for starting and keeping the challenge going :) Glad I am helpful to you and the others. If anyone needs anything, just ask!

    Welcome to all of the newer members and good luck! Together, we can rock it out! :drinker:

    Here's the site: http://teamh20.webs.com/ or you can always just post your weight here on MFP :)

    Thanks Bru.. :) You are definately inspiring.. Ive been keeping and eye on your changes in your pics.. You are doing soo well.. Hoping to kick this cold to the curb and kick it in high gear. I need to start making myself go to the gym, or walk more, clean more, or something. Ive found myself eating worse things lately. Maybe its because I thought I may be pregnant but thats out of the question. Iwant to look good for my anniversary pictures I only have one month So I hope this cold doesnt hold on. Im going to go get my flu shot after Im feeling better. Then Im gonna kick this in overdrive.. Any suggestions? Youve done sooooo well!! <3
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I walk every day, sometimes 2x a day. I also am doing 30 day shred and now that my 5k is complete, I can do more days throughout the week. I was doing couch to 5k over the summer which really helped, and I like doing pilates on youtube. Just depends on the day and the midwest weather :)
    Food-wise, it's been hard here lately since hubby is just getting a steady paycheck, which is good and bad..good so we can play catch up on bills, but bad b/c that's where almost all of it is going which is putting a dent in my good food choices. Stay determined and stick to your guns :)
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    What is everyone doing to keep on losing poundage? After this stuff breaks up in my chest Im going to get back into the saddle. Kinda looking for some ideas to switch things up a bit. What works best for you? What inspires you to keep on going? What do you do when you dont feel like trucking along?

    I think challenging myself every week is what's helping to keep the weight coming off. Every week I try and stretch a little farther, walk a little longer, etc. I'm up to over 4 miles on my Monday walks and I hope to get up to 4 1/2 miles this Monday. What's keeping me motivated is the thought that the stronger I get the sooner I'll be able to start jogging and then RUNNING! I've never really been able to run much. I weighed 300 lbs by the time I was in high school. So the desire to be able to run is something that really motivates me to keep going. I know I'll get there, I just have to drop some more weight and get a bit stronger. :D I actually think I could probably jog now but I still weigh over 300 lbs and that might be dangerous on my knees and joints. I'll get there though! Every day gets me closer to what I want! :D
  • Kristinplus2
    Sooo.. still working on this challenge even though i have so little time to do a thing!! My daughter has her 4th Pneumonia in 9 months...need less to say with that and a 3 month old.. its been a rough few weeks. BUT last week my weight in was 187. I weight in on mondays so hoping next time i add it its lower! :) Have a blessed week all!
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    As of this morning current weight is 194.8

    Roughly 9 lbs to go!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Weekend wasn't full of good choices for me unfortunately. I think I was just wiped. Yesterday we had a birthday party for a friend and what I thought we were having, we weren't. So where I planned for a hamburger and a garden salad, we had steak wrapped bacon, french fries and KFC macaroni salad :ohwell: Good news: I did a great job of estimating portion sizes when I didn't have any clue what they actually were. Bad news: it was way higher in sodium than the originally planned meal and higher in calories too.

    Also, I noticed before we even went that I was seriously bloated - my brand new pants that I could just get into two weeks ago didn't fit quite as well yesterday (even though my actual weight was down). I did well with drinking just water and black tea, but still I think the water campaign in my house is going to have to continue even harder this week.

    Today was probably worst day of all. I had nothing planned before yesterday and so I did nothing. I mean it....nothing. I planned to take the dogs for a walk (I can't do it on my own and hubbie is in no condition this weekend) so that didn't happen. I hoped to mow the lawn today - that didn't happen. I did enough cleaning to tidy up, but no heavy scrubbing like I wanted to. And at around 4 I decided to have a quick nap. Well we just woke up at 8pm.....still tired, so just throwing something together for dinner.

    Blah weekend all over. I'm going to have to fight harder this week I think!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Sooo.. still working on this challenge even though i have so little time to do a thing!! My daughter has her 4th Pneumonia in 9 months...need less to say with that and a 3 month old.. its been a rough few weeks. BUT last week my weight in was 187. I weight in on mondays so hoping next time i add it its lower! :) Have a blessed week all!

    Well I hope things get better for you hun. Were here whenever you have time.. :) Were always here to support you.. :)
  • nursee67
    What is everyone doing to keep on losing poundage? After this stuff breaks up in my chest Im going to get back into the saddle. Kinda looking for some ideas to switch things up a bit. What works best for you? What inspires you to keep on going? What do you do when you dont feel like trucking along?

    I know how you feel April...sometimes I get into that mode. I like walking....tried the running...not ready for that yet. But I will go back. I have done yardwork...housecleaning...both working up a sweat. I also walk a LOT at work...12 hr shift as a nurse on a post surgical floor...can you say pain meds???
    I know I didn't lose this week...but I am trying to stay away from my snacking habits. I don't eat as much fast food as I once did...and I LOVE salad!
    I am getting back on track tomorrow...I am tired of beating myself up for not doing as much. I know the pounds aren't moving so much but the inches are slowly moving.
    Thanks for letting me into this group...you are all wonderful! Have a great week...I will post my weight tomorrow!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I need an idea for a gift for my sissy for Christmas.. I wanna do something special for her. In June she was in the hospital seriously sick, we almost lost her. Shes doing MUCH MUCH better.. I wanna get her something special.. but dunno yet.. Something like a guardian angel or something.. Dunno yet.. Any ideas?
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    The Climb
    By Miley Cyrus..

    I can almost see it.
    That dream I'm dreaming, but
    There's a voice inside my head saying
    You'll never reach it
    Every step I'm takin'
    Every move I make
    Feels lost with no direction,
    My faith is shakin'
    But I gotta keep tryin'
    Gotta keep my head held high

    There's always gonna be another mountain
    I'm always gonna wanna make it move
    Always gonna be an uphill battle
    Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
    Ain't about how fast I get there
    Ain't about what's waitin' on the other side
    It's the climb

    The struggles I'm facing
    The chances I'm taking
    Sometimes might knock me down, but
    No I'm not breaking
    I may not know it, but
    These are the moments that
    I'm gonna remember most
    I've just gotta keep goin', and
    I gotta be strong
    Just keep pushing on, but

    There's always gonna be another mountain
    I'm always gonna wanna make it move
    Always gonna be an uphill battle
    Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
    Ain't about how fast I get there
    Ain't about what's waitin' on the other side
    It's the climb

    There's always gonna be another mountain
    I'm always gonna wanna make it move
    Always gonna be an uphill battle
    Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
    Ain't about how fast I get there
    Ain't about what's waitin' on the other side
    It's the climb

    Keep on movin'
    Keep climbin'
    Keep faith baby
    It's all about, it's all about
    The climb
    Keep the faith, keep your faith, woah

    If you sit and think about it.. The struggle of losing weight goes along with this song.. So I chose to share it.. :)
    Any songs that remind you of the struggles youve been thru?
  • LastFighter
    LastFighter Posts: 175 Member

    Dont think Ill see much of a loss this week I had a fairly bad weekend organizing and participating in a stagndoe.
  • ChandraSinger
    Hey everyone! I lost 3 pounds this week giving me a total of 7 pounds lost since I started this challenge!! Yay! I hope everyone else had a great week!!! ;o)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Love that song April!!

    So far week 1 I wasn't officially here but I weighed 159.4 8/20
    Week 2 165.2
    Week 3 164.8
    Week 4 9/13 164.2
    Week 5 9/20 163.8
    Week 6