Week 5, "H20" Lose 20 Pounds by Halloween Challenge.



  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member

    That means you're down .6 this week, right? Nice!

    Kitsune, I wish I could be there for your movie marathon! For reals!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Okay - so I made up for last week's lacklustre performance - been working on the water big time this week. Last week, this time, I weighed in at 248.9. This week, it's 243.2. That's a loss of 5.7 lbs. That means i'm 9.7lbs into the 20lb challenge. Right on target for the halfway point of the challenge!!!

    Time for breakfast!
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Week 5!
    Start weight: 205
    current: 194.2
    goal: 185

    8.8 lbs to go! Should be no problem! :)
  • NNeglectin93
    Hello, I was wondering if you could send me some info on your H2O challenge!

  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Hello, I was wondering if you could send me some info on your H2O challenge!


    NEWBIES: Feel free to join in at anytime. The challenges will continue, even after Halloween. Anyone is Always working..

    WEIGH INS: Thursday Morning thru Sunday Night.. (Looking forward to hearing about your week, of success & struggles)

    We just Chat, about life, help each other in areas we are having problem. just a really big support group.

    We have a page on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=144117988960394&ref=ts)

    Plus we have a website "TeamH20" (http://www.teamh20.webs.com/)

    Welcome aboard.. Introduce yourself a little bit.. :)

    The Challenges will continue after Halloween.. :)
  • cstibbe
    cstibbe Posts: 47 Member
    So on Monday morning I weighed in at 165 (164.8 to be exact but I always round up) and this morning my scale says 162.8! I have been working out like a mad man the past few days and have even been eating more than usual. I usually don't eat my exercise calories so I guess I now truley believe everyone when they say eat your exercise calories. Also at the gym I usually run 3 miles everyday but I have been mixing it up and doing stair climber, bike, and treadmill so I guess changing up your workout routine helps a lot too! I jumped on and off the scale about 20 times before I believed it! I am going to weigh in again tomorrow though just to make sure its right! haha.

    Hope this story helps motivate anyone who has been slacking off a little bit on exercising this week. I know we all have our excuses sometimes but working out feels SO GOOD when your done! I challenge everyone to do AT LEAST 20 mins of moderate-intense cardio today! What I love is to set up a playlist with my fav workout songs at the moment (that lasts 30 mins for me), hop on the treadmill, and just go! Before you know it that 20 mins will be over. Happy Thursday everyone!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Two weeks ago, I started 30 day shred :glasses: ... I only did 2 days the first week (Wed/Fri) and then the following week was a Tue/Fri, then I took a break for the 5k. Then that Sunday I did it 2x (to show the dvd to my mom on the second round) and I've done it every day in a row since. So I've officially completed 10 days (7 straight) :drinker: and tomorrow I am going attempt level 2.. :ohwell:

    I'm gearing up for a walk in the park with my friend Bernie for awhile, probably 6miles like the last time. I gotta be home before the hubby to start dinner tonight...tacos Then we're headed to 'the farm' for a few hours. :smile:

    Oh and about the PG test convo...I'm not late, yet. :embarassed: I miscalculated. I should start by the 28th, and if nothing by Oct 12th, then I'll test. :ohwell: I'll update you as the time comes.

    Enjoy your day all! :heart:
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Two weeks ago, I started 30 day shred :glasses: ... I only did 2 days the first week (Wed/Fri) and then the following week was a Tue/Fri, then I took a break for the 5k. Then that Sunday I did it 2x (to show the dvd to my mom on the second round) and I've done it every day in a row since. So I've officially completed 10 days (7 straight) :drinker: and tomorrow I am going attempt level 2.. :ohwell:

    I'm gearing up for a walk in the park with my friend Bernie for awhile, probably 6miles like the last time. I gotta be home before the hubby to start dinner tonight...tacos Then we're headed to 'the farm' for a few hours. :smile:

    Oh and about the PG test convo...I'm not late, yet. :embarassed: I miscalculated. I should start by the 28th, and if nothing by Oct 12th, then I'll test. :ohwell: I'll update you as the time comes.

    Enjoy your day all! :heart:

    WTG on the 30 Day Shred! Enjoy the walk. What kind of phone do you have? If you've got an iPhone, there's a free app called Period Plus. I love it. You use the calendar on it to plug in when your cycle begins as well as details like flow, cramps, soreness, etc. And based off the what you input, it will predict when your next cycle will start. It is quite spiffy. You should look into it!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    My walk was great :) 6.16miles in total at a 3.4mph pace. Such a great burn all around today! I have a droid, and I recently added a cycle keeper (lol) of some sort, just haven't messed around with it yet. :)

    Weigh in tomorrow..if my sodium hasn't adjusted itself by now, I'm seriously gonna scream, lol. Good night all!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    G'nite, Bru!
  • lovemepurple88
    lovemepurple88 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi everyone! I am a bit late in posting lately, but I am just updating my stats for the challenge!

    Sw for challenge=239.5
    Cw =228.5
    11/20 pounds lost! Only 9 to go and I have about 5 weeks to get there! I know I can get this done!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Good morning all.

    Appearently the hospital where Nick's Grandpa is at is n crack as they are releasing him today and the whole family agrees that he needs to stay there for a little longer. He's not well enough to come home, he isn't able to walk without another body helping...yet they are sending him home...looks like we are gonna stay away this weekend and find somewhere to go because it's gonna get ugly quick when he falls the first time back at home.. UGH!!!

    I did weigh in this morning:

    and measurement-wise
    I have lost 1.5 under chest, 1.5 waist, .5 across the belly button, 1 off the pooch-like area, and 1 off the hips.
    In total I've lost since April.... 34.5in off entire body!! So I'm not seeing it on the scale, but that's ok with me!!!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I lost .4lbs this week guys

    I was so expecting a gain because I was tripping about school and then about the lack of gym and then tripping about tripping @_@

    It's better than a gain though! I will take it and keep on trucking!

    I still have 15lbs to lose for halloween. Prolly not gonna happen but I'm just gonna keep on truckin'!
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    9/24 weighed in at 180.2.

    btw, where do i get the code for the cute pumpkin graphic? Want to do some fall deorating <G>
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    I have been so insanely busy this last week! The highlights being teaching my little brother (who just got his permit) to drive and spending a couple days in Washington with my best friend. We went to see Adam Lambert in Puyallup, WA...it was freaking awesome!!! :D

    SW: 220
    CW: 213

  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    9/24 weighed in at 180.2.

    btw, where do i get the code for the cute pumpkin graphic? Want to do some fall deorating <G>

    just add: PumpkinIcon-1.jpg to your signature. :)

    Edit: Oops, here it is: PumpkinIcon-1.jpg You just have to lower case the IMG part
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    9/24 weigh in: 331.2 (About half way there! 10.2 lbs to go! I hope I make it!)
  • Flotus87
    So another crazy hectic week. Didn't get any exercise this week and was so ready to see the numbers on the scale creeping back up again. However pleasantly surprised when the scale read 252.4 this morning that's down another 2 1/4 pounds from last week. Yay!!

    But I need to get myself back on the exercise train. So I went and bought 30 day shred today. Any advice on getting started with it and how to figure calories burned during it in order to log them on here? Any help / motivation would be appreciated! Thanks!!

    I found myself having trouble with not eating my exercise calories and I was unrealizingly putting my body into starvation mode and I would like to avoid this in the future. Not to mention now that I'm down about 20 pounds I need to start toning up so that i don't just have this extra skin hanging around.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    So another crazy hectic week. Didn't get any exercise this week and was so ready to see the numbers on the scale creeping back up again. However pleasantly surprised when the scale read 252.4 this morning that's down another 2 1/4 pounds from last week. Yay!!

    But I need to get myself back on the exercise train. So I went and bought 30 day shred today. Any advice on getting started with it and how to figure calories burned during it in order to log them on here? Any help / motivation would be appreciated! Thanks!!

    I found myself having trouble with not eating my exercise calories and I was unrealizingly putting my body into starvation mode and I would like to avoid this in the future. Not to mention now that I'm down about 20 pounds I need to start toning up so that i don't just have this extra skin hanging around.

    Wow! Congrats on the 17.12 pounds lost! If you keep this up you'll be the first to reach 20 in our H20 challenge!

    I'm not sure how to log those calorie burns from the 30 day shred, perhaps it's listed?

    You're doing awesome! Keep up the good work!