Week 5, "H20" Lose 20 Pounds by Halloween Challenge.



  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    way to go Everyone!!!..
    not sure how to post what to who (yet)
    Am feeling better today ...........or it could be the weight loss (am weighing in today!!)
    so I weighed myself at 3am (went to bed at8pm)took a nap since not feeling well but still eating~not THAT sick yet~got up and thought why not for funs!! and lost 3.4 pounds in my sleep!!? I even re did it twice!!yay!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hey where'd everyone go? Perk up, people! We've only just begun! :bigsmile:

    Anyone else in here watch "Glee"? The season premiere is two minutes away for me. What did everyone think of it? I'll have to wait to check back in here in an hour, just to keep away from any potential spoilers. HA!
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    OOh I want to join!!! My BD is Halloween!!!! I want to be 12 lbs less by then. From this past sunday. :)) :bigsmile:
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    OOh I want to join!!! My BD is Halloween!!!! I want to be 12 lbs less by then. From this past sunday. :)) :bigsmile:

    Welcome aboard.. Wanna introduce yourself just a little bit??

    Glad to have you join us. We always havel ots of fun.. :) woo hoo!!

    Pinky & Bru help me along with alot of others to keep this group going.. Halloween wont be the end of it.. I goes beyond halloween.. :)
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    OOh I want to join!!! My BD is Halloween!!!! I want to be 12 lbs less by then. From this past sunday. :)) :bigsmile:

    Please tell me wdw = Walt Disney World! *beg* Welcome aboard!!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    GLEEEEEEEEE! I'm stuck at work so I can't watch it until it posts on HULU! I'm soooo looking forward to the new season! Hopefully it will be even more awesome!*crosses fingers* Maybe they'll bring back NPH!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    GLEEEEEEEEE! I'm stuck at work so I can't watch it until it posts on HULU! I'm soooo looking forward to the new season! Hopefully it will be even more awesome!*crosses fingers* Maybe they'll bring back NPH!

    HULU can be such a lifesaver. Will "Glee" be posted tomorrow? How long will it take 'em until you can get your dose of crack?
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    I really really hope so! I need a fix!!!!
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    Hey so I know I'm late with this but I only made it home for 1 day then had to come back to the rig. Then because of the storm the net was down. So anyway, while I was home my scales say 144.2 and well grrrrr I've been stuck here for a while! I put on those 2 lbs then dropped them in like a week but otherwise I've been 144.2 for like a month! :mad: This isn't looking good.
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    OOh I want to join!!! My BD is Halloween!!!! I want to be 12 lbs less by then. From this past sunday. :)) :bigsmile:

    Welcome aboard.. Wanna introduce yourself just a little bit??

    Glad to have you join us. We always havel ots of fun.. :) woo hoo!!

    Pinky & Bru help me along with alot of others to keep this group going.. Halloween wont be the end of it.. I goes beyond halloween.. :)

    A little about myself. single mom of soon to be 15 yo son, I am 41 years old soon to be 42 :cry: But want to change that to this :bigsmile: I have just graduated a three year college program that helped add about 90 lbs to my body over three years. :noway:

    I also have fibromyalgia which has terrible bouts of extreme fatigue where I can sleep 15 hours a day or be an insomniac and be awake for 28 hours at a time. :yawn:

    So I am concentrating on getting my weight back to normal taking care of myself trying to excercise gently so as not to flare up the fibro. It is working so far and will work better once i get through this bout of fatigue. Trying to eat better but sometimes its easier to eat fast processed foods but I will get there!!! I have done good so far, and want to keep going. I want to feel the best I can and manage this illness the best I can so I need to take care of myself finally cause darn it, I am worth it. Plus I just feel better not being so heavy, it is much easier to get around.

    So yes I need a challenge and will report my weight every wednesday. I plan to get to approx 125 - 135 we'll see when we get there! I would like to weigh 170 by my birthday!!

    Thanks for having me.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    OOh I want to join!!! My BD is Halloween!!!! I want to be 12 lbs less by then. From this past sunday. :)) :bigsmile:

    Welcome aboard.. Wanna introduce yourself just a little bit??

    Glad to have you join us. We always havel ots of fun.. :) woo hoo!!

    Pinky & Bru help me along with alot of others to keep this group going.. Halloween wont be the end of it.. I goes beyond halloween.. :)

    A little about myself. single mom of soon to be 15 yo son, I am 41 years old soon to be 42 :cry: But want to change that to this :bigsmile: I have just graduated a three year college program that helped add about 90 lbs to my body over three years. :noway:

    I also have fibromyalgia which has terrible bouts of extreme fatigue where I can sleep 15 hours a day or be an insomniac and be awake for 28 hours at a time. :yawn:

    So I am concentrating on getting my weight back to normal taking care of myself trying to excercise gently so as not to flare up the fibro. It is working so far and will work better once i get through this bout of fatigue. Trying to eat better but sometimes its easier to eat fast processed foods but I will get there!!! I have done good so far, and want to keep going. I want to feel the best I can and manage this illness the best I can so I need to take care of myself finally cause darn it, I am worth it. Plus I just feel better not being so heavy, it is much easier to get around.

    So yes I need a challenge and will report my weight every wednesday. I plan to get to approx 125 - 135 we'll see when we get there! I would like to weigh 170 by my birthday!!

    Thanks for having me.

    iluvwdw, congrats on graduating college! That's fantastic. I completely know what you mean about the fast processed foods being easier. Not to mention cheaper! I also weigh-in every Wednesday, so I'll see you then! :)
  • iluvwdw
    iluvwdw Posts: 287 Member
    OOh I want to join!!! My BD is Halloween!!!! I want to be 12 lbs less by then. From this past sunday. :)) :bigsmile:

    Please tell me wdw = Walt Disney World! *beg* Welcome aboard!!

    WDW = walt disney world OF COURSE, I am a disney freak, have everything mickey LOL Been twice. First time in August 2007 at 135 lbs second time in December 2008 at 200 lbs :sad: Definately much harder to walk around at that weight. That is my motivation, get healthy manage my fibro better so I can continue to go to Disneywwithout a electric cart. I refuse to do that. I will walk disney again.

    I see your avatar. Did you get married there?? Ya, sigh my friends don't understand my disney addiction. :love: Was hoping to get back there next sumer for free dining but don't think it's gonna happen then. But my reward will be a disney tattoo when I am done losing my weight!!!

    What can I say, I am just a big kid. :bigsmile:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hi all, I've been busy in real life..my hubbys' Grandpa fell last week multiple times, also on concrete and after arguing about going to the hospital and not the lakehouse like he wanted, he finally saw a doc who admitted him to Barnes Jewish Hospital in St Louis. He's been there having test after test run on him since last Wednesday to find out why he was falling so much and finally had surgery yesterday to fix the issue. At first I was told scar tissue, it wasn't scar tissue, just something that swelled that shouldn't have swelled. It's much worse than they thought, BUT, it should not get any worse. It will either stay the same or get better. He has lots of theraphy to go through when he's done with the hospital. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers and all around continued support and concern, I take Grandma back in a couple of hours to see him and if I hear anymore, I'll update you all again. *hugs*
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I weighed in the same.

    SW 169
    W1 171
    W2 171
    W3 169
    W4 168
    W5 168

    19lb to go still haha

    In my defence, me and my youngest child have been dying of man flu, this week and I havent done any exersise and have eaten what ever is to hand. I am 168.2 so hopefully I can at least lose the .2 by next week.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    oooppppsss double post :)
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I weighed in the same.

    SW 169
    W1 171
    W2 171
    W3 169
    W4 168
    W5 168

    19lb to go still haha

    In my defence, me and my youngest child have been dying of man flu, this week and I havent done any exersise and have eaten what ever is to hand. I am 168.2 so hopefully I can at least lose the .2 by next week.

    Haha, Man flu XD
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I'm sorry I've been absent this week guys!

    School has been super overwhelming what with two difficult tests that I even had to sacrifice my Monday workout to study for :(

    I will be back at the gym per normal starting tomorrow but I hate having to take three days off in a row. I don't know if it's actually making me gain weight, or if I just am visualizing myself getting fatter when I look in the mirror in the morning. I just feel so much better when I can actually get there and get my run in. I know one day shouldn't matter, and I've been saying within my calorie limits but...

    Diet alone has never been enough for me. It's from my dad's side of the family - unless we workout HARD and diet at the same time there won't be any weight loss.

    Of course it could also be the test anxiety that making me stress and hold on to a few pounds.

    Is it Friday yet? I'll de-stress when my friend Bryan and I do our Disney movie marathon on Saturday. After I work out.

    Oh god my weigh in is going to be on Friday. I'm going to be so fat T_T
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hey guys! Weigh-in day for me:

    SW: 191.4
    Wk1: 187.4
    Wk2: 188.4
    Wk3: 188.8
    Wk4: 187.2
    Wk5: 185.6

    Woohoo! 1.6 pounds down this week! 14.2 more pounds to go. :laugh:
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    OOh I want to join!!! My BD is Halloween!!!! I want to be 12 lbs less by then. From this past sunday. :)) :bigsmile:

    Please tell me wdw = Walt Disney World! *beg* Welcome aboard!!

    WDW = walt disney world OF COURSE, I am a disney freak, have everything mickey LOL Been twice. First time in August 2007 at 135 lbs second time in December 2008 at 200 lbs :sad: Definately much harder to walk around at that weight. That is my motivation, get healthy manage my fibro better so I can continue to go to Disneywwithout a electric cart. I refuse to do that. I will walk disney again.

    I see your avatar. Did you get married there?? Ya, sigh my friends don't understand my disney addiction. :love: Was hoping to get back there next sumer for free dining but don't think it's gonna happen then. But my reward will be a disney tattoo when I am done losing my weight!!!

    What can I say, I am just a big kid. :bigsmile:

    YAY for WDW! Disneyland is my home, but I went to WDW for the first time in Oct. 2006 and I miss it terribly. Especially EPCOT. I could spend two weeks in that park alone.

    I didn't get married at Disneyland (I wish!). Got married in Vegas. BUT we brought Mickey ears with us for all of our bridal party. Had to bring the Disney to sin city! Thankfully most of my friends are also avid Disney geeks, so that's nice. And my family has learned to put up with it. Hell, they support it now! A Disney tattoo will be an awesome reward! I want a Hidden Mickey tattoo. I've got a rhinestone brooch that's a flower with Mickey in the center, made of 3 rhinestones. I'm trying to figure out if it would translate well as a tattoo. We'll see!

    :laugh: @ man flu. Feel better soon, bjshooter!

    Bru, thanks for the update. I hope life calms down soon.

    Kitsune - I wanna bop you on the head right now. Or give you the Care Bear Stare. You can pick. What i'm trying to say is...I really doubt you've gained enough weight to see it in the mirror in just the last few days. You're stressed to high heavens with school! You're going to move past the pressure, your weigh-in is going to be to your satisfaction, and what time should I be there on Saturday for the marathon? I'll bring "A Goofy Movie", "Aladdin", and "Up". :tongue:
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member

    Kitsune - I wanna bop you on the head right now. Or give you the Care Bear Stare. You can pick. What i'm trying to say is...I really doubt you've gained enough weight to see it in the mirror in just the last few days. You're stressed to high heavens with school! You're going to move past the pressure, your weigh-in is going to be to your satisfaction, and what time should I be there on Saturday for the marathon? I'll bring "A Goofy Movie", "Aladdin", and "Up". :tongue:

    D'aww, you just know how to dole out the tough love <3

    We actually downloaded every Disney cartoon movie up till 2008. If you wanna drive down to SD county you're welcome to join us! Haha, we start at nine and will be going until we can't keep our eyes open anymore :)