Week 5, "H20" Lose 20 Pounds by Halloween Challenge.



  • nursee67
    Ok...today's weight....199.6! That is a 1.4 loss. TOM left tbhis week...I drank a LOT of fluids....hopefully I stay in ONEderland for awhile!
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Great to hear that everyone is doing so well and on track for Halloween. I haven't had a chance to weigh myself in a while so I don't really know where I am at right now. I am doing pretty well with working out and eating well. This weekend was a little tough. It was the TOM for me, so I was craving sweets like woah.

    I am hoping to do a 5k in a week. So, that will be tough, but that gives me a reason to have to run.

    I think that I am doing ok though. We will see. I can't believe it has been 5 weeks. I am pretty sure I will not be down 20 pounds, but this was an inspirational group to be in no matter. Good luck everyone and keep up the good work.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I am hoping to do a 5k in a week. So, that will be tough, but that gives me a reason to have to run.

    That's great!!! I just finished my first ine (ran half walked half) and WOW, it's such an experience! Can't wait to hear about yours!! YOU CAN DO IT!!

    Congrats to those dropiing the pounds and inches, every bit counts!! And Linda, congrats on 'ONE'derland!!! I'm so happy for you!!!!

    To those (like myself) in a funk on the scale, remember, it's just a minor glitch. For me, the foods I ate over the past week were high in salt, so I know I need to keep downing the water. I'm also bumping up my exercise a bit. There's always little things you can tweak when the scale and measuring tape doesn't budge. We can do it, we just need to find what works best for us:)

    Keep up the great work and I'll see you all throughout the week :) XoxoxoX Bru
  • ang696
    ang696 Posts: 38 Member
    Hey everyone! Hope your week was great! Mine was! Lost 4.4 lbs since last week!!! 8 lbs left til Halloween!!!!!!

    H20 Start weight : 253 lb
    I forget what the other weeks were lol
    Week 4 : 245.4
    Week 5 : 241

    Total so far.... 12 lbs!!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Hey all! Grats to everyone with loses there were some big ones this week, Awesome job!

    Nursee WTG on reaching Onederland! Sooo Awesome!

    Weigh-in is Thursdays for me so we shall see how this week is going. My dad made Eggplant Parmesan last night which is one of my favorite things he makes and I just can't say no. Sooo very yummy! SO I overdid it a little there. My schedule is also all over the place again this week with night shift straight into swing tonight and tomorrow. Gonna try and stick to my eating schedule but tomorrow might be rough as between the two all I'm going to do is sleep.

    April- Been ridding around like crazy. This whole bike thing seems to be working out for me and I really enjoy it. I ride everywhere I go along with the couple long rides I do in the week. I got an app on my phone that tracks my rides so I can compete with old times and speeds which helps keep me motivated. It helps me keep pushing myself to do a little more, go a little faster. My dad is also really into cycling so it's he's been very encouraging. My whole family is actually very encouraging about my new lifestyle and that helps a lot I think. I think the best thing is to find something you really enjoy doing, that's really helped me. I also try and mix it up some throw in a nice walk or some pilates to keep it from getting to monotonous.

  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I took myself a 4 hour nap, and part of this junk has dried up. Still miserable. Hoping I wake up tomorrow back up to par. I need to get back on track.. Gotta get back to myself. So I can be an effective group leader.. I think this cold been slowly coming for weeks.. I had hot and cold flashes.. ect. I thought I was pregnant.. Took a test and it was negative, which is ok with me for now.. I wanna get down to 250ish before I start gaining baby weight. I hope I can maintain a decent weight while pregnant when it happens. Hope all is going well with everyone. Hope everyone else is in better health. I know ms Stacy and I are ill.. ugh..
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    hey everyone!!
    Wow~already week 5!!??...
    gonna keep my weigh day as saturday ..
    getting sick-always do this time of year :(
    hang in there everyone!!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Sooo.. still working on this challenge even though i have so little time to do a thing!! My daughter has her 4th Pneumonia in 9 months...need less to say with that and a 3 month old.. its been a rough few weeks. BUT last week my weight in was 187. I weight in on mondays so hoping next time i add it its lower! :) Have a blessed week all!

    I'm so proud of you for continuing to make healthy choices despite the challenges and stress in your life right now. I pray that your little one gets better soon. *hugs*
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Been ridding around like crazy. This whole bike thing seems to be working out for me and I really enjoy it. I ride everywhere I go along with the couple long rides I do in the week. I got an app on my phone that tracks my rides so I can compete with old times and speeds which helps keep me motivated. It helps me keep pushing myself to do a little more, go a little faster. ...I think the best thing is to find something you really enjoy doing, that's really helped me. I also try and mix it up some throw in a nice walk or some pilates to keep it from getting to monotonous.

    It's so wonderful you found something you really love! That makes all the difference in the world! I'm so happy for you sweetie!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I took myself a 4 hour nap, and part of this junk has dried up. Still miserable. Hoping I wake up tomorrow back up to par. I need to get back on track..

    I'm glad you are starting to feel better, the "junk" is drying up! yay! Hopefully by tomorrow we will both be back to our healthy selves so we can kick some mega fitness booty! That would be great! :D I miss my workouts already!
  • nursee67
    Hope you feel better soon April!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    hey everyone!!
    Wow~already week 5!!??...
    gonna keep my weigh day as saturday ..
    getting sick-always do this time of year :(
    hang in there everyone!!

    I feel for you.. hope its not as bad as this cold that keeps holding on to me.. ugh.. I feel like crapola.. But feelin gbetter slowly.
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    My goodness. I sure do hope everybody feels better soon!

    Week 5. Wow. Time sure flies when you are having fun. I am having fun. I don't feel deprived. I am enjoying working out. I am running for 7 minutes of my 30 minute walks which is more than I have ever done. I can do 2 mintues at a time which impresses me.
    So far, I am down 10lbs so I am officially halfway there. Yay! I won't make 20lbs before my son comes home but hop to make 15 before I see him.

    Everybody keep up your great work! Go H-2-0!
  • cstibbe
    cstibbe Posts: 47 Member
    Wooo! Week 5 is a good one! I weighed in this morning at 165 which is 3 lbs down from the 168 I was last week. I worked my a** off last week in the gym and eating was very disciplined. What a pay off! Week 4 was a terrible week for me, I ate everything in sight and slacked off at the gym. It goes to show you that just because you have a bad week, doesn't mean you can't turn things right around the next week. So for all of you who may have hit a bump in the road, don't give up! We AREN'T PERFECT and we ARE ALLOWED to have imperfections!

    Good luck everyone we have about 6 weeks left! (I think). I personally have lost 7 lbs so far with this challenge and have 13 to go. Doesn't sound realistic or healthy to lose 13 lbs in 6 weeks for me, but I will certainly try my hardest to get as close to that goal as I can. Here's to a great week 5 for all!
  • LWatson43
    LWatson43 Posts: 65 Member
    Well I guess it is to late for this challenge but would love to join the groups next challenge, I am currently staying under my calories and doing my exercise however, I am not losing the way I thought i would I am doing something wrong.:embarassed:
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Well I guess it is to late for this challenge but would love to join the groups next challenge, I am currently staying under my calories and doing my exercise however, I am not losing the way I thought i would I am doing something wrong.:embarassed:

    Your not late.. your can do it with us.. Even though you probably wont lose the 20 pounds by halloween. Its just a place for us all to chat.. and we keep track of how much we lose.. ect..

    Were on fb and we have a website.. thanks to Pinky.. :)
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    This has been a really hard two weeks. I had that awful flu that just knocked me flat for a few days....and then...I guess I started to overeat. I have never thought of myself as a stress eater. Always a boredom eater. But I realized this last week that I'm an anxiety eater, it just masks itself as boredom eating. I've been really anxious about starting college next Monday. It's been subconsciously coaxing me to eat more to keep away the panic feelings. I haven't put on weight, but I haven't lost any either. I really need to get out of this pattern. Starting now I will find another outlet for my anxiety!

    Tonight my mom invited a friend of hers over for dinner. She brought her two girls (both 16) with her. Now...I have no idea why my mother chooses to associate with these people... they are trash. Rude, crude, trash. The girls were both stoned, and the mean skinny one (who has never weighed more than 110 pounds her whole life) decides to call me a fatass...just in passing. The other is a bit bigger than me (mind you I'm a size 16, not that big). These girls talk to each other like that all the time, saying such hurtful things so mindlessly. They don't even know what they're saying. I grew up in a home filled with love an support...so having her say that really got to me. I had a bit of a tailspin tonight, it mostly got to me because I'm insecure about if I can lose the weight. Will I fail? Will I ever look like I want to look?
    I try so hard to stay away from that group of people, nothing positive ever comes out of it for me.

    In better news - I'm going to see Adam Lambert with my best friend tomorrow!!! I got two really cute new pairs of boots and I know what I'm going to be for Halloween this year! I have a beautiful formal dress I bought for winter formal last year that didn't fit. It's opal blue with silver beading and ruffles! I'm going to turn it into a pretty-pretty princess costume!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    This has been a really hard two weeks. I had that awful flu that just knocked me flat for a few days....and then...I guess I started to overeat. I have never thought of myself as a stress eater. Always a boredom eater. But I realized this last week that I'm an anxiety eater, it just masks itself as boredom eating. I've been really anxious about starting college next Monday. It's been subconsciously coaxing me to eat more to keep away the panic feelings. I haven't put on weight, but I haven't lost any either. I really need to get out of this pattern. Starting now I will find another outlet for my anxiety!

    Tonight my mom invited a friend of hers over for dinner. She brought her two girls (both 16) with her. Now...I have no idea why my mother chooses to associate with these people... they are trash. Rude, crude, trash. The girls were both stoned, and the mean skinny one (who has never weighed more than 110 pounds her whole life) decides to call me a fatass...just in passing. The other is a bit bigger than me (mind you I'm a size 16, not that big). These girls talk to each other like that all the time, saying such hurtful things so mindlessly. They don't even know what they're saying. I grew up in a home filled with love an support...so having her say that really got to me. I had a bit of a tailspin tonight, it mostly got to me because I'm insecure about if I can lose the weight. Will I fail? Will I ever look like I want to look?
    I try so hard to stay away from that group of people, nothing positive ever comes out of it for me.

    In better news - I'm going to see Adam Lambert with my best friend tomorrow!!! I got two really cute new pairs of boots and I know what I'm going to be for Halloween this year! I have a beautiful formal dress I bought for winter formal last year that didn't fit. It's opal blue with silver beading and ruffles! I'm going to turn it into a pretty-pretty princess costume!

    I'll hold that skinny *kitten* while you punch her. Who does she think she is to say things like that to people?! I'm sorry you had to put up with those people. :( I'm loving your costume idea! I was just talking about the Pretty Pretty Princess board game the other day to one of the 45 year-old guys across the street. He had NO clue what I was talking about but was entertained by the idea of wearing jewelry and a crown. :laugh:

    LWatson43 - welcome to the group!! It is never too late to start. No matter what your goal is, you're more than welcome into the group. This is a great place to be. :)

    cstibbe, congrats on the 3lb loss! And about where you said
    So for all of you who may have hit a bump in the road, don't give up! We AREN'T PERFECT and we ARE ALLOWED to have imperfections!
    , you're SO right. Thank you, sincerely, for reminding us.

    mommaski4, you're doing such a great job on your running! I bet before you know it you're going to be running a half-mile, and then a full mile, and then a 5K! Congrats on being half way to the H20 goal.
  • dj_stevie_c
    Not going to make 20lbs by Halloween. However that said I'm not too bothered as after a few weeks on a plateau I've started on the downward trend again.

    Weighed in this morning. Another 1lb down. Last weigh in was last Thursday so 1lb in 4 days. Not bad :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    woo hoo.. I did MOST of the 30 day shred.. I feel much better.. Whew I have sweat pouring all over the darn place.. :) Gotta get me something to eat and then i think im gonna take a shower.. :)