Starting weight for Lose 20 Pounds by Halloween..



  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Karin, your schedule sounds crazier than mine! I admire that you are able to still do so much for your kids!

    Though it's not perfect, you can lose weight with just diet. It tends to take longer, but it's better than nothing. There are also exercises you can do while you're at work! Several people where I work go on walk/runs on their lunches and bring changes of clothes/baby wipes just for that. It's not optimal but it's what works, right? Also weekends are a great time to step up the outdoorsy stuff, especially with family! I can't speak from a parental point of view but my dad used to coach on some of my softball teams and practicing with him was some of the best times I had! It kept both of us exercising.
  • DKWaggoner
    DKWaggoner Posts: 185
    Hi everyone..I would love to join the 20 gone by halloween..My name is Deb and I live in Eugene Oregon but I am originally a Missouri girl. My start weight will be 229 here I come,so get ready for me!! ha ha
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Hi, I'm Stacy. *Hi, Stacy.* lol

    By the time I was in high school I weighed over 300 lbs. I was a fat baby, a fat child, a fat teen, and now a fat adult. There was never a time in my life when "fat" didn't accurately describe me. I used to have really bad self esteem issues up until 6 years ago when I started doing plus size modeling. I ended up really loving my body and loving my size and gained a lot of confidence. I still have a lot of confidence and am happy being me. :) Yes, there ARE fat and happy people in the world, we aren't a myth. lol At my highest weight (485 lbs) I was also at my most confident. It was also when I met the sweetest man in the world and have been in a very happy relationship with him for over 2 1/2 years.

    I've seen that the motivating factor to lose weight for most people on this site is because they don't like the way they look. Not so for me, I did and do like the way I look. So why am I losing weight? Two reasons.

    1) I'm losing weight because I want to buy cute clothes that fit me. I've had to shop in plus size stores since I was 12. I don't like it, the clothes that are my size are ugly, frumpy, granny clothes - lousy with sequins and gaudy colors.

    2) I'm 31 years old. I've lived the first 31 years of my life as a fat person and now want to experience life as a thin person. Life is about the journey. The experiences. So I want to experience life from the "other side" for the next 31+ years.

    My starting weight was 385 lbs. I've lost 44 lbs (as of this post) and my goal weight is 140 lbs. The total weight I will end up losing is 245 lbs. This journey will probably take me a couple of years, but slow is definitely the healthy way to go. :)

    I'm in this for the long haul. This is a lifestyle change, and not a diet. I've never really tried to lose weight before, so all of this is pretty new to me and have only been at this for a little under 4 months. I'm losing at about 10-13 lbs a month so far but know that will probably slow down a bit. But if it takes me one year or 3 years, I'll get there. :)

    My inspirations are David Smith who lost over 400 lbs through diet and exercise and is now a personal trainer, Susan Blech who lost 250 lbs, Jennette Fulda who lost over 200 lbs, and a ton of other people who have lost over 200 lbs though diet and exercise. :D

    Oh and I forgot - Starting weight as of this challenge is 241 lbs. Goal weight at the end of the challenge is 221 lbs.

    Sorry about the really long post... I guess getting all that out was kind of like therapy for me. lol

    Its ok Stacy.. Part of the challenge.. Were here for emotional support.. :) You can do it.. Maybe we can do it together.. :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Michelle. My husband is currently deployed and I would *love* to lose 20lbs by Halloween and keep it off. That seems to be my downfall. I can lose the weight relatively quickly but keeping it off is another story...
    Right now I'm 162ish after a week and a half of really bad food choices. Ugh! My ultimate goal is 145lbs so it's a little less than 20lbs but hey, if I lose 20lbs I won't complain :smile:

    Maybe your next goal can be to maintain the 145 pounds.. If you follow us with our next challenge.. Even if you dont lose, maintaining is just as hard.. :) You can do it.. Gotta find something to turn to instead of food.. Keep your chin up.. You can do it.. Things will be better!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I would like to join. My name is Karin and I just joind MFP this past Tuesday.

    My biggest challenge is TIME. There is never enough of it! I wake up at 6:15 to get two kids out the door to school (with a lot of help from hubby). I get to work just before 9 and have to work until 6. Then it's a 30 minute drive to daycar to pick up my 7 year old. By the time we are in the house it is 6:45. Then dinner prep and the homework battles begin. By the time dinner is done and my 7 year old in is bed, then it is time to help my 13 year old with his homework. We usually finish that up about 9 or 9:30. By the time we send him off to bed, it is about 10:30, much too late to exercise. But then I like my quiet time and stay up until about 11:30, just in time to turn around and do it all again tomorrow. So, needless to say, TIME to exercise is slim to none.

    I did squeak in a walk Thursday evening after dinner, only because DD's teacher was out and did not assign homework. Then today I bought the 30 Day Shred and did that for the first time. Thought Jillian wanted to kill me!!!

    I want to lose 20lbs by Halloween!!! Actually, I'd be very happy to lose it by the beginning of October. Hopefully, my son will be back from his deployment by then and able to head home for some leave time. I would like to be down 20lbs before I see him again.

    I started this week at 228. Today I was 224.4. Twenty pounds from now would be 208/204 range, in which case I could have made my first mini goal, which is 10% of my starting body weight and would put me at 205.

    Looking forward to there being much less of me!

    I know sometimes its hard to find time to work out.. Remember house work is concidered a workout.. Im sure you do that.. And I know people who use there lunch hour to get a short workout in if that works for you. I hope you can find something that works for you.. Good luck. We are here to support you..
  • I am a 33 yr old SAHM, Domestic Godess and Wife =) I live in Jax, Florida and I am trying to become a better person for Me and for my husband and daughter.
    I do work out once a week with a trainer however I still need support on my food intake and goals I need the support more than anything and I need help keeping myself accountable. (Like reminders to post my food intake!) I am trying to at least lose 20 by then. I want to go from my current 318 to 300. Then go down from there.
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I'm Christine, 25 years old, born and raised in Los Angeles. It isn't easy being around all of these gorgeous and (sometimes startlingly) thin people all the time, but Hollywood will do that to a town. I was a skinny kid, but then during the teenage years didn't learn how to eat appropriately. I'm near my heaviest weight ever now, and have topped out at a size 16 pants. This year I've been trying to learn portions, and to drink more water than liquid crack (a.k.a. Diet Coke). I'm also a big fan of beer and wine, so I'm working on finding that balance of enjoying the alcohol without letting it wreck my dietary goals.

    My main issue is sticking to a plan. I'll get motivated, so whatever plan I'd prescribed for myself, and then three weeks later, be back planted on the couch. I'm trying to coordinate my exercise with my husband's schedule, but it is hard when we bump heads (i.e. he wants to go hiking and I want to go run around a golf course) and then end up just not doing anything.

    I started this year at 197.4, and am currently at 189.6. To reach the 20 lbs. by Halloween goal, I would need to reach 169.6 by 10/31. Wow...typing out that number just seems strange. LOL I do my weigh-ins on Wednesdays (easy to remember, with the "w"s and all), but will bend my habits to what will best suit the group.

    Let's do this. Let's get our rears in gear and accomplish our goals.

    Anyone else already thinking about what sexy little costume they're going to buy? :D

    OH, and just 'cause I'm a fan of abbreviations, I'm going to call us Team H20. (Get it? H= Halloween, 20= our goal. Cheesy, I know, but may make a cool little signature additive.)
  • Hi my name is Rosy. I'm really excited to be a part of this goal. I've never done a diet, calorie counted, or exercised a whole lot. Now I find I'm hooked on this site and all that it offers. My weight has been going up for the past ten years, I'm ready to take control of it. I want to feel healthier, fit into more feminine outfits, and be able to keep up with my three year old. My starting weight is 209 lbs, by halloween I WILL BE 189lbs.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Anyone else already thinking about what sexy little costume they're going to buy? :D

    OH, and just 'cause I'm a fan of abbreviations, I'm going to call us Team H20. (Get it? H= Halloween, 20= our goal. Cheesy, I know, but may make a cool little signature additive.)

    I'm gonna be a pirate! I already have the corset and boots, my fried is working on making the skirts :)

    I LOVE the team name!!!
  • This is perfect for me! I had already set a mini goal for myself to be under 200 by Halloween and this challenge will fit in with that. :happy:

    My name is Christine. I am American but I have lived in England since 2008. My husband, Andy, is English and he lived with me in the States for 8 years but we finally made the big move over here... along with our three cats.

    Today is my weigh in and I lost 2.6 bringing me down to 216.8. I would LOVE to be 196.8 on Halloween! :smile: Halloween is not really the same over here in England as it is not as popular as it is in the US but that doesn't change that it is still one of my favorite holidays.

    I have a dodgy right knee also that really hurt the first time I started Couch 2 5K back when I started MFP at 247.6. I have told myself I will attempt it again after I have gotten down below 200. So that is another motivating factor!

    I know we can all do this!!!! :flowerforyou:

  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    This is perfect for me! I had already set a mini goal for myself to be under 200 by Halloween and this challenge will fit in with that. :happy:

    My name is Christine. I am American but I have lived in England since 2008. My husband, Andy, is English and he lived with me in the States for 8 years but we finally made the big move over here... along with our three cats.

    Today is my weigh in and I lost 2.6 bringing me down to 216.8. I would LOVE to be 196.8 on Halloween! :smile: Halloween is not really the same over here in England as it is not as popular as it is in the US but that doesn't change that it is still one of my favorite holidays.

    I have a dodgy right knee also that really hurt the first time I started Couch 2 5K back when I started MFP at 247.6. I have told myself I will attempt it again after I have gotten down below 200. So that is another motivating factor!

    I know we can all do this!!!! :flowerforyou:


    Welcome Christine.. :) I hope we can help you achieve your goal.. :)
  • Hey everyone! I'm Callie. I'm 21 years old and live on the Gulf Coast. I have been overweight most of my life and haven't had the right support system to work on getting it off. My grandmother was my biggest problem - she would do everything but encourage me. If I lost weight, she would tell me that I was lying. She passed away in January - so I feel free now. I can lose the weight I've hid behind for the past 10 years without fear.

    I think one of my major down falls is I have the tendency to binge.

    As of this morning, I weigh 248.9 lbs - so if I lose 20 lbs by Halloween, that would put me at 228/229. I would LOVE that!! My over all goal is between 150-180 lbs.

    I have recently become more active than I have been in YEARS and I love it. I do CrossFit (which is highly addicting) and get one-on-one help from my trainer whenever I need. I go to the gym 3 to 5 times a week.

    This week, I was able to fit into a size 18 (which I haven't been able to fit into in over a year). I am hoping that with 20 more pounds gone, I will be back into my size 16 (which I haven't been in since 2008).

    Feel free to add me!!!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Callie. I'm 21 years old and live on the Gulf Coast. I have been overweight most of my life and haven't had the right support system to work on getting it off. My grandmother was my biggest problem - she would do everything but encourage me. If I lost weight, she would tell me that I was lying. She passed away in January - so I feel free now. I can lose the weight I've hid behind for the past 10 years without fear.

    I think one of my major down falls is I have the tendency to binge.

    As of this morning, I weigh 248.9 lbs - so if I lose 20 lbs by Halloween, that would put me at 228/229. I would LOVE that!! My over all goal is between 150-180 lbs.

    I have recently become more active than I have been in YEARS and I love it. I do CrossFit (which is highly addicting) and get one-on-one help from my trainer whenever I need. I go to the gym 3 to 5 times a week.

    This week, I was able to fit into a size 18 (which I haven't been able to fit into in over a year). I am hoping that with 20 more pounds gone, I will be back into my size 16 (which I haven't been in since 2008).

    Feel free to add me!!!

    Callie.. Good Job on your accomplishments thus far.. I too have become more active recently and I absolutely love it. :) Looking toward to doing this journey along with you.. :)
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I would like to join. My name is Karin and I just joind MFP this past Tuesday.

    My biggest challenge is TIME. There is never enough of it!

    Hi, Karin! :D Is there a way that you can get a friend or family member to come over 2 or 3 nights a week so that you can get a work out in? Or maybe your hubby can watch the kids during homework time so that you can have time to work out? There has to be a way you can work in a workout 2 or 3 times a week. :)
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I am a 33 yr old SAHM, Domestic Godess and Wife =) I live in Jax, Florida and I am trying to become a better person for Me and for my husband and daughter.
    I do work out once a week with a trainer however I still need support on my food intake and goals I need the support more than anything and I need help keeping myself accountable. (Like reminders to post my food intake!) I am trying to at least lose 20 by then. I want to go from my current 318 to 300. Then go down from there.

    Hello, Domestic Goddess (love that by the way! :D )

    Once you get into the habit of keeping a food journal it becomes so much easier. Buy a cheep note book (I think I scored mine for like 70 cents) and write down everything you eat. Adopt the motto - If I bite it, write it.

    It gets easier and soon you won't need reminders. You just have to make a habit out of writing it down. I even keep a separate notebook in the kitchen and grab it every time I start cooking. I just jot down everything I put into what I'm making so that my counts are accurate. I've been doing it for 4 months now and it's totally become second nature. :) It will be for you too, you just have to start doing. Good luck on your journey, just know we are here for you!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Hey ladies!

    I'm Christine, 25 years old, born and raised in Los Angeles. It isn't easy being around all of these gorgeous and (sometimes startlingly) thin people all the time, but Hollywood will do that to a town. I was a skinny kid, but then during the teenage years didn't learn how to eat appropriately. I'm near my heaviest weight ever now, and have topped out at a size 16 pants. This year I've been trying to learn portions, and to drink more water than liquid crack (a.k.a. Diet Coke). I'm also a big fan of beer and wine, so I'm working on finding that balance of enjoying the alcohol without letting it wreck my dietary goals.

    My main issue is sticking to a plan. I'll get motivated, so whatever plan I'd prescribed for myself, and then three weeks later, be back planted on the couch. I'm trying to coordinate my exercise with my husband's schedule, but it is hard when we bump heads (i.e. he wants to go hiking and I want to go run around a golf course) and then end up just not doing anything.

    I started this year at 197.4, and am currently at 189.6. To reach the 20 lbs. by Halloween goal, I would need to reach 169.6 by 10/31. Wow...typing out that number just seems strange. LOL I do my weigh-ins on Wednesdays (easy to remember, with the "w"s and all), but will bend my habits to what will best suit the group.

    Let's do this. Let's get our rears in gear and accomplish our goals.

    Anyone else already thinking about what sexy little costume they're going to buy? :D

    OH, and just 'cause I'm a fan of abbreviations, I'm going to call us Team H20. (Get it? H= Halloween, 20= our goal. Cheesy, I know, but may make a cool little signature additive.)

    Hahah! I love it! We're team H20! NICE!

    Oh I had an idea about your hubby. You say you butt heads about what to do exercise wise so you end up not doing anything. Here's what my sweetie and I do - one week we will do what he likes to do, then the next week it's my turn. We alternate like that so that we both can be happy. :) So you can tell your man - Ok, we can go hiking this week, but next week lets go run around the golf course ok, deal? :)

    Maybe that will work for you too?

    And in the end, if he still won't budge, just say screw it, and go by yourself. :) Don't let him hold you back from getting healthier! :D
  • I'd like to lose 20 lbs by Halloween. I don't know if that will be possible since it's almost September. I will try it though. My ending weight IF I lost 20 would be 151.
  • Hi all, My name is Kristin. I currently live in southern Iowa. I was always 'big boned' as my mom would say. But kept my weight manageable for my body through high school by being very active. After i got married slowly the weight built on. After having my daughter my husband deployed 2 months later, I learned a week after he left we were expecting again. I lost that baby and the weight kept coming, 6 months later when my husband came home we conceived yet again * ya we are a little to fertile :) We welcomed our son in June. I am really wanting to get back to my 'normal' me again. Fitting into the clothes in my closet that i have been moving around for several years. I am a stay at home mom but with a toddler and a new born as well as helping my husband on our farm I have VERY little time to work out. We recently bought a mini home gym. I now have an elliptical a stationary bike and a weight machine, (and a treadmill that i HATE!) as well as my wii I WILL get this weight off!!! I plan on using the elliptical the most and doing the 30 day shred ( i have been slacking at it in the past)
  • I forgot to add.. I weigh in on Monday mornings so ill add my weight in the morning. But Last week i was 191.5(ish) So lets hope i can say im starting lower!! If I kept regular that would put me at 171.5... MAN I cant wait to see that on the scale!!
  • Hi, my name is Amy and I want to join on losing 20 pounds by Halloween. I weigh 181 right now and will weigh 161 by Halloween(I hope with the help from support by everyone). I use to weigh 125 and in 3 years I went to 220. I don't know what happened. Oh, yeah. Now I remember, I moved to Texas, fell in love with all the food, and had my second baby. So, I am totally in. Sign me up.
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