Starting weight for Lose 20 Pounds by Halloween..



  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I'm gonna be a pirate! I already have the corset and boots, my friend is working on making the skirts :)

    I LOVE the team name!!!

    I first read that as "I have the corset and boobs". LOL! Your pirate costume sounds like a great idea!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    StacySkinny - I'll give the alternating thing a shot. Thanks for the suggestion. :)

    cmcgrae - I LOVE your name! :P

    Team H20 is growing strong! I am so jazzed to see so many of us locking down, ready to give this a go.

    ETA - I made a little team badge if anyone would like to put it in their siggy. :) Here's the URL if anyone would like to use it: And let me know if anyone needs help putting it into the sig - it takes a little bit of coding.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member

    Team H20 is growing strong! I am so jazzed to see so many of us locking down, ready to give this a go.

    ETA - I made a little team badge if anyone would like to put it in their siggy. :) Here's the URL if anyone would like to use it: And let me know if anyone needs help putting it into the sig - it takes a little bit of coding.

    Hahah! How cute! I'm so putting that in my signature! :D
  • monkeyfood
    monkeyfood Posts: 106
    Hi everyone I'm Mandy.
    I would love to join this! I haven't really had a deadline for any of this so I think it would be good for me. I've only lost 9.5lbs in 6 weeks so being down another 20 by Halloween would be awesome. :)

    I weighed in today my starting weight is 210.5.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Welcome, Mandy! :D Congratulations on the weight loss so far! Excellent work!

    I love your icon pic by the way! You're totally a cutie!
  • mom23kids
    So this is the end of my first week at MFP. I am proud to say that I've lost 3.8 lbs my first week! :bigsmile: 16.2 lbs to go for H2O. I will get there!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Howdy people, would love to join :D
    I'm Katy, from Sheffield, England. I had a baby 8 years back and have never really lost all the weight, I went into my second pregnancy already on the big side, so did have about 62lb to lose, been losing since march and managed 23lb.

    One of my personal goals is to have lost another 12lb by 29th, 30th or 31st October. Its my bday 29th, my childs first bday 30th, then halloween obviously. Fantastic, if I can lose 20lb, would be more than happy with 12lb though, the more I lose the harder it gets it seems.

    Today is also my first day of not smoking, not sure if I can keep this up but will need to be extra careful between now and halloweeen if I can, I have recently started upping the exercise and can really tell smoking isnt doing me any favours.

    I started this weight loss at 192

    Starting weight for this challenge 169

    Hoping for 157 -149
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    StacySkinny - I'll give the alternating thing a shot. Thanks for the suggestion. :)

    cmcgrae - I LOVE your name! :P

    Team H20 is growing strong! I am so jazzed to see so many of us locking down, ready to give this a go.

    ETA - I made a little team badge if anyone would like to put it in their siggy. :) Here's the URL if anyone would like to use it: And let me know if anyone needs help putting it into the sig - it takes a little bit of coding.

    Lol loving that, added it too my sig. Anyone wants to add me as a friend feel free also :D
  • suzikelley
    suzikelley Posts: 210 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm Suzi... :smile:
    I have 5 children - 4 boys of my own(ages 13, 11, 11, and 3), and I have a beautiful stepdaughter (11) that my husband has full custody of . I'm pretty busy with the kids and I'm totally pooped by dinner time, so I make sure to get my workouts in the morning.

    I just started MFP a week ago Friday (8/13) and started at 194. When I weighed in Friday my weight was 192! :bigsmile: I have my goal set at 2 lbs. a week - so I'm not sure if I can lose 20 lbs. by Halloween, but it's a GREAT goal to shoot for!! And whatever I lose I will be happy with.

    I absolutely LOVE this website and all of the fabulous people here! It's addictive.. in a very good way!! I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you and supporting you all the way!! Go Us!!! :drinker:
  • Kristinplus2
    My starting weight is up from last week :( Im starting at 193. Im so motivated to do this! work out for today already done!!!
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Starting weight as of now is between 201 and 202 so we're gonna say I wanna be at 182 by halloween (Wow, even the thought of it is amazing!). I have a crazy, crazy, schedule... alarm goes off at 3 am. Have to get up, get my 20 month son up, dressed, off to the babysitters and to work (45+ min drive) by 4:30 am. Work til' noon thirty lol, pick up my son get home, feed/water horses and dog, play with my son, hubby wakes up at 5 pm (he works nights) then its dinner and get my son ready for bed. And hopefully bed for me by 9 pm. Whew!

    Trying to fit workouts in the afternoons at home, so keep me motived... add me as a friend and tell me to get my @ss in gear!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I'm gonna be a pirate! I already have the corset and boots, my friend is working on making the skirts :)

    I LOVE the team name!!!

    I first read that as "I have the corset and boobs". LOL! Your pirate costume sounds like a great idea!

    Ahaha, well the corset certainly helps enhance those!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Jsecret I love that you say Noon thirty! People always make fun of me for saying that and midnight thirty. I just like to make the differentiation between noon and midnight :)

    Kristin - don't let the minor weight gain get you down! My first month here I gained weight before I finally started really figuring stuff out!

    Adding the logo to my sig!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    I'd love to join.

    My current weight is 252.9, which is about what I was when I got married 10 years ago. When my husband and I started dating about 13 years ago, I was at my lowest adult weight of 167. Obviously my relationship has added to my life in some negative ways :laugh:.

    My current challenge is that my husband and I are out of the house for our hour commute to the office by 4:45. We don't get home until after 5 pm. Dinner is usually rushed (and if it's a healthy meal, we're not eating until close to 7pm) so I'm already working against my body. I try and take my dogs for a walk after dinner, but I have significant spinal degeneration and although I'm not in pain regularly anymore, I tend to get pain after exercise - except stretching - of any kind because the discs are so bad and I'm then out of commission for a week or more.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Hey to all! I started adding as many people as I can but I can send five requests in 10 minutes! If you didn't get one from me it's nothing personal but feel free to send me a friend invite too! Motivating others motivates me and having a strong support group is something I don't have offline!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I'd love to join.

    My current weight is 252.9, which is about what I was when I got married 10 years ago. When my husband and I started dating about 13 years ago, I was at my lowest adult weight of 167. Obviously my relationship has added to my life in some negative ways :laugh:.

    Way to take control! Welcome to H20! :D
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I have added you, I need all the support I can at the minute. Not only is today stop smoking day, its day one of the 30 day shred. Has anyone done this?
  • madhousenmich
    madhousenmich Posts: 45 Member
    Hi guys I am new to my fitness plan and I would like to join 20 by halloween.
    Mt name is Renee and I live in MIchigan, I am married mom of 3
    My starting weigjht is 218
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I have added you, I need all the support I can at the minute. Not only is today stop smoking day, its day one of the 30 day shred. Has anyone done this?

    I've quit smoking recently too. I did it a bit ago because the guy I was interested in wouldn't date a smoker and then again about three weeks ago without really meaning to... I've had a few on and off but nothing really presses me to buy a pack, ya know? If you need help with quitting smoking I'm totally here for you. The habit is the hardest part! I used to smoke when I would read and I read a lot....
  • monkeyfood
    monkeyfood Posts: 106
    Welcome, Mandy! :D Congratulations on the weight loss so far! Excellent work!

    I love your icon pic by the way! You're totally a cutie!

    Thank you. Thats a really nice thing to say. :)