

  • Congrats on being such a success...keep it up! This is encouraging to so many!
  • Ladies, Can I still join? I am just ending a work Biggest Looser Challenge today...last weigh in...8 week program and I lost 8.2 pounds...whoo hoo! I don't want to loose the momentum and need a challenge. Our weigh ins were on Wednesdays as well. Let me know how this is working, etc. Susan
  • I love wine too, however I am trying to minimize my wine appreciation. I hear wine spritzers which I think that is what you made are better on the calories. However, I would rather just allow myself 1 glass. Maybe you can allow yourself 1-2 a week, but if you have a glass follow it with some water to help flush it out. The…
  • Yes, indeed, but I think it varies...mine just started on Tuesday...our work challenge weigh in is wednesdays...i had went up last week for some reason and weighed in yesterday and the pound I gained from last week came off. I am hoping to knock of a few pounds by next week. Our work biggest looser program ends next week…
  • Thanks everyone for the tips...I am going to have to invest in a Heart Rate Monitor, but for now I will put those videos under aerobics...I have the 45 min cardio sculpt (walking and weights) and the 20 min tank top arms (weights and stretching). Both are challenging. I was only able to do 20 mins of the first video, but…
  • Congratulations...that is a wonderful accomplishment...keep up the good work!
  • Don't give up...increase the water and keep at it! Just DON'T get discouraged...this is not an easy process, but what I like about this site is that you can refer to the stories of others for motivation. Just keep at it! I just got back from vacation and I logged on to this site just about daily and it really helped me…
  • Congrats 20 pounds is a great accomplishment...what has worked for you? I am 5 down and my goal is 55 total. I am relatively new to MFP and looking for tips if you have any...keep up the good work!:smile:
  • Thanks everyone! I am trying to keep it positive! Sometimes it feels like you are working so hard, you just need to see that reward.
  • Thank you....I appreciate the far I have lost 1 pound and my goal is 55 pounds. Its a tough road ahead, but I am trying to be consistent.
    in hello Comment by susanleigh August 2010