What am I doing wrong?

megan_mp Posts: 77
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I started MFP 3 weeks ago at a weight of 277. Week one I lost 7, week 2 I lost three. Week 3 I GAIN 3 - HUH?!?! Surely I have not hit a plateau yet.

I'm eating roughly 1600 cals a days (recommended by MFP) and I've walked at least 2 miles EVERY SINGLE DAY for 6 days a week. This is clearly beyond my usual lethargic threshold.

I am eating better and sticking strictly to my calories. There have been times I've gone over the recommended 1670, but I've always made up for them by exercising and earning some back. I try not to eat my exercise calories and sometimes I'm not even hungry for them.

I'm drinking about half of the water recommendation, but again, this well out of the range of my normal routines.

I feel as if I'm changing and improving the things that made me fat to begin with. My body is resisting and must want to stay within this weight range. I was so elated last week when I was in the 260s (it's been years!) and now...well now I'm not anymore.

I'll just have to keep telling myself 'rome wasn't built in a day...rome wasn't built in a day'.

Can someone please tell me this work that I'm doing will be worth it in the long run? I just want to cry and eat cake right now. :)


  • sallyLunn
    sallyLunn Posts: 381
    Try changing up your workout plan by alternating walking different speeds and distances on different days. Other than that, drink lots of water and keep up the good work.
  • luvmakeup4ever
    luvmakeup4ever Posts: 60 Member
    wow you are doing great! I started this site 17 days ago and have lost only 6 lbs using this site. How about changing it up a bit. Instead of walking, do intervals and briskly walk, then slow down, then briskly walk again. How about cut back the salt or start measuring is the advice i got up here. they say your measurements tell you more than a scale ever could. good luck and stay on track. the pounds lwill leave as long as u continue to do what youre doing. i wish i was an optimistic person to give you more feedback but im pretty negative when it comes to weight loss.
  • crc822001
    crc822001 Posts: 19 Member
    Have you reviewed your sodium, protein, and fiber amounts? I stalled on my weight loss for about 2 months before I looked at these 3 areas. I found that I was consuming way too much salt and not enough fiber or protein. Also, water consumption is key, especially if the sodium is high. Can you throw in a different exercise a couple times a week to keep your body guessing? It may be that your body has gotten used to your current regimen and needs a little jolt from something else. Try walking for 5 minutes and jogging for one minute twice a week. Hope this helps!
  • kfrazier
    kfrazier Posts: 28 Member
    I am just getting started on this myself (week 1)! I have been exercises and eating good foods for awhile, but had hit a plateau - they weight was not budging! I started logging my foods (and saw some suprises) and changed my workout routine completely! While the scale shows I have dropped 4 lbs, I believe part of that is just our general weight fluctuation. But I do count week 1 as a success! If you are staying true to the food goals, then I would suggest that you make changes in your exercise routine! Instead of walking, try biking or a slow jog. Or even an exercise video! I am seeing a difference in my fitness now that I have changed the exercise routine!

    Good luck and KEEP GOING!
  • Don't give up...increase the water and keep at it! Just DON'T get discouraged...this is not an easy process, but what I like about this site is that you can refer to the stories of others for motivation. Just keep at it! I just got back from vacation and I logged on to this site just about daily and it really helped me think about what I was eating!:smile:
  • Bellydance
    Bellydance Posts: 105 Member
    You are not doing anything wrong. Give you body time to adjust. You might try changing up some of the foods you eat. I have noticed that if I eat wrong foods and still stay under my calorie limits, I don't lose (and I can feel that I'm not losing) as fast as I would if I had eaten less red meat, less bad fat, less dairy, no cheese, and more veggies, yogurt, and less meat all together. That 3 pounds you gained could have been water, at least partially. Just don't give in to the scale and like someone told me, "Make friends with your measuring tape." Hang in there. I am losing very slow (should have started doing this when I was younger) but I'm not going to give up. Enjoy your indulgences and eat NORMALLY (the MFP way) all the other days. You ARE doing it!!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I agree switch up the workout and watch the sodium and drink water .....
  • shell1205
    shell1205 Posts: 138
    My suggestion would be to drink more water... even though you are drinking more than you did, you are also exercising more, and your body will need more water. It is reccommended that you drink half your weight in ounces of water. For example, I weigh 201, so I should drink 100.5 ounces of water every day. Believe me, I know it's hard... I add crystal light packets to my water to help... just make sure you log the calories of your drink mix (crystal light is 10 calories for a 16 oz. bottle)...

    You may want to also check your sodium intake.

    Hope this helps, and hope you figure out what's going on... at any rate, don't give up!!
  • oupridefan25
    oupridefan25 Posts: 4 Member
    You probably aren't doing anything wrong, my guess, is that instead you are doing things right. If you hadn't been getting out and exercising before, what you are seeing is your body putting on weight in muscle. When it comes to weight loss, scales are not always the most reliable thing to look at to see your progress. Another way to see progress is by taking measurements. I try to take mine about once a month, and you can definitely see the weight loss there, and in the way your clothes fit, long before you can see them on the scales! Keep at things, and you will definitely see more progress! You have done so good already, don't give up now!
  • tmcowan
    tmcowan Posts: 322 Member
    Just keep with the plan, it works. I've seen people lose 100+ pounds on here. There are times that you're gonna want to eat cake and you can just not much of it :smile: . You're doing great by getting out there and walking. Try to increase your water and try to eat lots of fruits and veggies. Your on the right track!!!!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    7 pounds in 3 weeks is more than 2/week. So what is the problem, you lost more over 3 weeks then your goal would dictate you lose?
  • Change up the routine but keep in mind right before you cycle you will gain between 3-6 pounds but will go away once you stop...
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    First, what you are doing is correct and a step in the right direction. These things take time. I know that when you make significant lifestyle changes the expectation is that everything will magically change. It will -- just not in the time frame that many of us would like to see. Patience. I agree with what everyone said regarding the water, watching your sodium intake, mixing up the exercises, etc.

    Do you have access to a gym? Sometimes it is easier to switch things up when you have access to different options such as classes, a variety of equipment, pool, etc. If you are looking for a gym I strongly recommend one that offers LesMills programs. (Body pump, Body Attack, Body Jam, Body Flow, and RPM are a few classes).

    If you do not have access to a gym then get a jump rope, a couple of hand weights, and find a dvd work out that you like -- Jillian Michaels are pretty easy to follow -- i.e. 30 day shred. In addition to the walking add the dvd 2 days per week. Jump rope a few minutes in the morning to get your heart going. Start with five minutes 3-5 days per week and add a minute each week.
  • megan_mp
    megan_mp Posts: 77
    Thanks everyone..

    Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for the 7 pounds that I've lost, but I've seen SO many people say that the first week or two of weight loss is fluids. I'd like to think that my work has lost me more than just fluid, but you never know what your body is going to decide to do.

    I am going to try to change up my exercises. I purchased Jillian's 30 Day Shred and maybe I can try that a couple of times a week in between walking days.

    And measurements - I did take my measurements last week and had lost 2.5" in my hips and 2.5" in my waist, so YAY for me!

    Jeez, what am I *****ing about then? I have had some success - I guess I was just anticipating success this week too. It took me nearly 17 years to pack on this weight; what makes me think I'm going to pull it off instantaneously?

    I appreciate everyone's insight though. It's nice to pick the brains of people who have had an amount of success through trial and error. Sodium counting is one of those things people forget about!

    I've already made up my mind that this is just a new week. I'm going to do better this week and change things up a bit in order to maybe see a loss next Monday...

    Thanks again everyone!
  • sarahwright01
    sarahwright01 Posts: 229 Member

    Ok, so it sounds like you have a lot going on! First, take a strong look at what you are eating and how frequently. With eating 1600 Calories, you have to keep your metabolism going. If you eat 1600 cals in 3 big meals, you are putting your body into starvation. I have been losing aout 2 pounds a week pretty steady for 7 weeks now. Make sure that you are eating at consistent times through out the day. For example, I eat 1600 calories too and here is what time I eat at and a general idea of what I eat

    8:00 AM (Breakfast 300 cals ish) Mostly Protein, and fruit
    10:00 AM Snack (about 150 cals) Yogurt or Fruit
    12:00 PM Lunch (about 400 Cals) Protein, a Whole Grain, and
    2:00 PM Snack (About 100 Cals) Fruit, Yogurt, or Veggies
    4:00 PM Snack (About 100 Cals)
    6:00 PM Dinner (About 450 Cals) Protein and Whol grain
    8:00 PM Evening Snack (About 100 Cals or eating some exercise calories)

    Some people swear by eating the exercise calories. I say listen to your body. If you find that you are really hungry on the days that you work out, then plan in larger snacks through out the day. I work out in the evening. Which means that i try to eat more during the day. Otherwise I will end up eating a ton of extra food after dinner.

    Another thing to consider is that you may be gaining muscle. As you gain muscle, it will look like you aren't losing, or that you are maybe even weighing more when you are actually toning.

    A second thing to think about is switching up what you are doing for exercise. Try to do 2-3 different types of cardio a week and implement 2 days of strength trainig. Even if all that your strength training is at home you can do sets of lunges, squats, situps and wall push ups.

    The most important thing is to keep going and don't give up!
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