Attention wine lovers!!!!!

Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Ugh. I love wine. Love it. I used to drink it every night. Never to get drunk but I'd have a few glasses or more. So the past few nights I've been mixing seltzer h2o with a splash of wine. I do have to say I'm actually ok with this since my brain is telling me "You've got wine" even though I just use barely a spash of it for color and I drink it out of wine glass.

Am I totally nuts or do you wine lovers to any tricks to "fool" your brain into drinking wine??


  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    I'm going to have to try that! Last night I drank a glass of V8 fusion from a wine glass. :laugh: I couldn't convince my brain it was actually wine, but my husband got a good laugh out of it!
  • Try adding a twist of fresh lime in the spritzer. I am just like you! Half wine, half spritzer water, twist of lime - half the calories of a full glass. :wink:
  • I love wine too, however I am trying to minimize my wine appreciation. I hear wine spritzers which I think that is what you made are better on the calories. However, I would rather just allow myself 1 glass. Maybe you can allow yourself 1-2 a week, but if you have a glass follow it with some water to help flush it out. The calories add up, so save calories or work out! It was such a crazy day at work yesterday I had a glass of wine, but then I rode my exercise bike for 40 mins.
  • stressd1mom
    stressd1mom Posts: 151 Member
    Of the many things that I have changed, I will not give up my wine. I have a glass (sometimes 2) almost every night. Red wine is good for the heart & I have heard that drinking a glass will actually help to fill you up & eat less.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Half Andre spamante champagne and hald sprite zero! LOL!!!
  • SweetPandora
    SweetPandora Posts: 660 Member
    When in doubt add more wine! :tongue:

    I enjoy a glass of wine with my supper and on weekends I may have two glasses.

    I've made alot of lifestyle changes and wine with dinner is part of my lifestyle and one that I am not willing to change.

    I have switched to a smaller wine glass.

  • I am definitely a wine lover! I have already cut down on my glass (or 2 or 3) a night and drink only on the weekends (Friday or Saturday nights). I have actually just joined in a 'giving up' challenge. Since wine is my ONLY indulgence, it was the only item/habit I could give up.

    I wanted to challenge myself so I joined other members in 'giving up' for the month of October. Since the next weekend falls into October, last weekend was my last drink of wine. After already giving it up during the week it took awhile for my body/mind to stop craving it....eventually it did, much to my surprise. I am hoping to leave it behind for good after October passes! *Hoping!*
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    Of the many things that I have changed, I will not give up my wine. I have a glass (sometimes 2) almost every night. Red wine is good for the heart & I have heard that drinking a glass will actually help to fill you up & eat less.

    I'm with you. I can't give it up or water it down.

    I read an article that stated that those who drink moderately, even daily, actually don't gain as much weight as those who drink less often. Let me see if I can find the article...

    Here's the link:

    "Moderate drinkers, those that consume one to three drinks per day, had the lowest mortality rates. Heavy drinkers were 70% more likely to perish, and abstainers (those who currently did not drink) were over 100% more likely to die than moderates. Even controlling for past drinking habits (some abstainers were recovering alcoholics), sociodemographic info, and health, heavy drinkers were still only 45% more likely to die than moderates while nondrinkers rated in at +51%. While the authors don’t propose a single cause for why heavy drinking may be less detrimental to your health than abstaining, it seems clear that lifting a cup, especially in moderation, may be a fun means of pursuing longevity. "

    Okay, well that article isn't the same that was in my women's magazine, but you get the gist. Basically, those of us that drink nightly (moderately) build up a sort of tolerance and aren't as affected as those who don't.
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    Thanks for the topic, I've also been wondering what others do to make room for wine in their programs. I drink only red wine, but I drink it cold AND I add ice cubes to it, probably a quarter of the total volume is ice.
    I also tend to drink it while relaxing in a HOT bath. I read that raising your body temp burns more calories.
    I've done a VERY informal study and found that tub and wine nights tend to result in next morning losses on the scale more readily than no tub and hot tea nights.

    every thing in moderation, variety is the spice of life and don't forget to enjoy what you're doing!
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    My names Vicki........and I'm a wine lover!!

    Like alot of you other ladies it is the 1 thing that I won't give up! I have changed from straight wine to spritzers though and limit myself to weekends now. If I tried to cut it out completely it would be unrealistic for me as it's the one thing that I love (along with Jelly Beans but that's another issue - I have removed them from the house for my own good!! lol)

    I think everything in moderation is fine, this is a lifestyle that we are creating for ourselves on here - we can't be perfect all the time and life would end up so boring if we were! We need a treat now and again to keep us sane! :)


  • I also love, love, LOVE wine -- red wine in particular. I used to drink about 2 glasses every night, and a couple of bottles on the weekend. Since I've been eating more healthily and tracking my results for the past three weeks on MFP I have lost 7 lbs., during which time I have significantly reduced my consumption of wine -- weekends only, and not more than one bottle over the entire weekend.

    Though wine does have calories, it's not a lot, unless you drink a lot. A five-ounce glass is only 106 calories (OK, so let's say 6 oz., which is only about 127 calories). So for those of you who are adamant about not cutting it out of your lifestyle, modifying your total caloric intake to allow for an extra 100 or so calories shouldn't be that much of an adjustment. And I'm with those of you who say they wouldn't water it down -- especially red wine -- I just can't see making a spritzer with it (yuck!). Sangria, maybe ....

    Having said this, I believe that wine has been a major contributor to my own weight gain, not necessarily because of its calories, but because having even just one glass removes my food inhibitions. So while I might limit myself to a glass or two, I suddenly find myself craving cheese and crackers to go with it, and then maybe some nice kolbassa, and then, well, what the hell! I'll just polish off the rest of the cheesecake!

    I'd also like to comment on the woman who says her post-wine-and-hot-bath weigh-ins result in greater losses on the scale. Remember that alcohol is dehydrating, as is taking a hot bath. Those extra pounds lost on the scale the next day are likely water, rather than actual weight. Don't want to rain on your parade though, I love a good soak in a hot bath with wine, candles and spa music! That's as good for the soul as losing weight!!!

    Great post! Thanks for this.
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