QueenObscene69 Member


  • judging by your food diary, you're lacking in the fruit and veg department BIG TIME! "eat a rainbow" everyday. eat lots of different colored fruits and veggies to be sure you're getting all the proper nutrients. just supplementing them with vitamins wont cut it. hope that helps! if not you should see your doctor and get to…
  • i have Hypothyroid...and I'm UNDERWEIGHT! (5'11" and 115lbs) living proof that hypo doesn't significantly effect your ability to lose weight. so please don't get discouraged :)
  • listen to your body...if you feel extra hungry today then it's ok to eat a bit more, but don't just eat more calories "because you can" if i were you, i would just resume my normal eating habits and stick to my set calorie goal with disregard to yesterday's food intake. it's water under the bridge.
  • no pudge fudge brownie mix! they taste so sinful for only 120 calories. and you can make single servings in the microwave which prevents you from being tempted to eat the whole pan...yeah, they're THAT good :P
  • weed is WAYYY better for you than alcohol...PERIOD! where did you get the idea that weed has bad chemicals in it?! it's not like it's tobacco!! THC is a chemical (the good kind, duh!) and it doesn't hurt your liver like alcohol does. weed is used for medicinal purposes too. you think they'd distribute it to people with…
  • about an inch above your belly button at the slimmest part of your mid-section. trust me! that's how i've been taught to do it in the modeling industry.
  • every time you get go to sit down or get up from your desk, do a squat! hover over your seat and clench your booty muscles for 15 seconds. do burpees and/or jumprope during your break. go for a walk/jog around the building. and don't forget to put some motivating songs on your ipod to do your new routine to. also, check…
  • I have this same problem! i eat a lot of natural sugars, mostly from fruits and veggies and end up going over the recommended sugar intake for the day...i can't imagine this is THAT bad, considering it's not refined/artificial garbage sugar. hopefully someone can shed some light on the subject! i'm really curious.
  • about an inch above your belly button at the slimmest part of your waist. being a model, i have to measure my waist all the time so you can trust me on this. haha. it's how the pros do it! :P
  • www.bodyrock.tv the couple that runs this blog has proved to me and their many followers that you CAN make time to workout, and you can do it virtually anywhere! their routines only take about 15 min to complete (short but INTENSE!) most of which require no equipment and they also have a really amazing diet approach and…
  • avocado baby beets cucumber onion tomato pepperonchinis sweet butter lettuce miso caesar dressing soooo addictive!! i've been eating this salad (or some variation of it) basically every day for the past 2 months and i can't see myself ever getting sick of it :)
  • I have IBS too! and having gone thru the horrors of it my whole life, i've become the fiber master! haha. try having a BIG salad for dinner, with 1/2 an avocado (7g fiber!!), some baby beets, mixed greens, and any other veggies you like! you could easily add an extra 15g of fiber to your diet with this "trick" if you get a…
  • WOW!! thanks everyone for all the great advice!!...i have mentioned the muscle atrophy to my doctor but she was more concerned about me getting rest and not overstimulating myself. i just don't want to get any weaker than i already am. i'm 5'11" and 114.8 lbs...YIKES!! i lost a pound overnight!! scaarrryyy :(