

  • I bought mine online at LaneBryant. It's Cacique. And they are HEAVENLY!! I bounce a little, but not enough to get the black eyes, and the nice wide back and straps take all the pain off my shoulders. Oh, I would not be able to do what I do without these sports bras. And I don't have too bad of the uni-boob, until I put my…
  • Hi everyone, haven't stopped by in a while. My mom was coming home from jersey, wanted to make sure she came home to a clean house so she could relax. I don't know why I didn't log all that cleaning in my exercise diary, but oh well. Haven't had much success with the scale recently, but I'm doing measurements tomorrow so…
  • @Tnsumner : Please, I would LOVE that recipe! It sounds deliciousness!!:bigsmile: Is it a recipe that is easily cut to a single serving? Cuz no one in my family would eat that but me. I love me some feta and bell peppers!! Also, I am kind of getting over done with all the microwave meals or turkey breast with veggies. Need…
  • Trust me, I agree, but I was a kid when I got it looked at, and didn't have the girl balls to argue with him. Live and learn they say.
  • Like I said, when I see my GP (who was not the one I told my shoulder problems to) I'll let her know. But my shoulder does NOT hurt when I go about my daily activities. It only hurts when I do push ups or lift weights, or even try to swim. I can pick up my laundry, or vaccuum my house with no popping or pain. It's just…
  • Hi hi, I'm Leanne (Aka Tazzy) from Colorado... finally got a warm day here!! How is everyone?!?!?! =^.^=
  • @MiamiKid305: Well the weird thing, is my shoulder only hurts when I actually try to work it. Lifting my arm, vaccuming, waving, even picking up laundry, doesn't hurt it. But it does if I use weights, resistance bands, even swimming. It's selective pain?? Too strange for words!!
  • @BeachIron : I will take it very slow. After almost 20 years with a popping shoulder, I would hate to sudden actually screw it up now =^.^= @EvgeniZyntx : I will look that up, thank you for your help. =^.^=
  • I've had it looked at, doctors never said anything was wrong with it. "It just pops" they said. The pain is "probably from lack of strength when you work out" is what they other said. I could get my GP to look again, but I doubt anything new would come up.
  • Thanks.
  • Well I have insurance in I need surgery, but as I have not done any exercises to ruin my shoulder, (I'm aware of it enough to stop if it even feels the slightest bit wrong) I was simply asking if there were variations out there that I have not heard of or missed in my searching.
  • Oh trust me, if I could afford a visit with a PT... I would be all over their office lol
  • I understand how you feel. You are lucky to not need to be on medication regularly. I wish I could be there. I have to take pills all the time, every day! Strange how I went my whole life never even bothering with aspirin for a headache, to 7 pills a night and a weekly injection. I have found that staying up, moving,…
  • Hello everyone. I was browsing the threads and saw this. I would love to have people to talk to and get ideas, help, heck even a "hello" from. Normally when I try to lose weight on my own, I do well for a while, but then get discouraged. Last success was several years ago, lost 40 lbs, got into a bad situation and gained…
  • I've never considered myself ugly, despite how much my brother told me I was. But it's apparent I'm not fully happy with my appearance as I spend at least 10 mins a day putting on make up. I don't load it on to make me look fake or "dolled up" but I don't like being seen without it. If someone tells me I look pretty with…
  • Agreed... but I also believe beer helps with the answer...
  • This is funny, true, realistic and a great reminder. I hope you don't mind if I copy it. I think I wanna print it out and put it next to my calendar. This is something that will help dispel all the negative thoughts I get every second of everyday about my weight loss (or lack there of on some weeks). I'm glad people…
  • Oh and I didn't run away to never be heard from again. I have been at work and I worked out the second that I wrote this! [/quote] EXCUSES!!!! [/quote] You made me snort. Grown men should not snort. [/quote] Oh I disagree, everyone should snort, it's like earning a funny medal!!
  • Although many people are sick of hearing excuses for not getting healthy, especially when people have worked past their own and actually done something about it; it's what people do. Hell, I'll admit, I did it. I was diagnosed with RA, Fibromyalgia, a generalized anxiety disorder, on top of arthritis in my neck, shoulder…
  • I can go to sleep really early.... and not cry and whine when I have to get out of bed the next morning to go work out. I complain, but that's because my cat is still in bed all warm and comfy looking at me like I'm a sap for getting up. Hmm... this makes me want to go take a nap. Can't, gotta take the doggie to the park.
  • ! Right about now, I would kill to lose about 40 lbs. But since the first 20-30 is the hardest, I would welcome the motivation and support!! Please add me so we can help each other out!
  • I have very similar weight loss goals. About 50 pounds (lost the first 7) but its not moving along as fast as i would like. I know exercise is a big key but I cant do fitness work outs as strenuous as most; the next day i usually suffer too greatly. I am hoping to get to my tai chi again. For me eating better (made a deal…
  • I don't know if you can find the video any more, but it was called Calinetics. This women does anerobic exercises and there are great ones for your hips, thighs and butt. The best thing is they are very gentle but man do you feel them working. Luckily I have an old copy. It works!!!
  • I know exactly what you are talking about. I have the same double belly you described. I don't know what made my stomach divide that way or how to get rid of it, but I am hoping that losing the weight will at least lessen the double bulge. I do sit ups on my exercise ball but haven't seen results from that......ever.
  • Not really new to this, been on MFP for... quite a while, off and on. But now I want to stay on and motivated. I'm horrible when left to my own devices. Any help, ideas, encouragement would be greatly appreciated it. And I will gladly return the same help to others. Thanks!! =^.^=