Shoulder Pain

Ever since I was a kid, I'm talking junior high, I've had pain in my right shoulder. There is no arthritis and no cause/reason for it to pop and grind as it does, but.... it's there. I have tried multiple ways of working the muscles in my arms, but have never really accomplished much.
People always say "Do push ups!!". Kind of hard when your shoulder is popping and in a lot of pain. I tried lifting weights, same thing. I even resorted to swimming laps, hoping the resistance of the water would help, hahahah guess what!!
I have tried the "off the wall" push ups, they help, and I can do more of those without my shoulder hurting than anything else, but I'm not seeing any results...

So bottom line... any one know of exercises that will shoulder/chest/back muscles without doing damage to shoulders?? Please and thank you!! =^.^=


  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    Look up Californiacrossfit on youtube. That is the user name. As well as They are the same person/group. They have a number of ways to increase the mobility of joints which MAY help you.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    See a physio/PT and they can give better ideas.
  • See a physio/PT and they can give better ideas.

    Oh trust me, if I could afford a visit with a PT... I would be all over their office lol
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    "Hey, Derek, you know what's good for shoulder pain?"
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    See a physio/PT and they can give better ideas.

    Oh trust me, if I could afford a visit with a PT... I would be all over their office lol
    Can you afford the surgery if you accidentally screw up your shoulder?

    I'm not saying it for fun, I've had problems all my life too. And exercising wrongly led to two years practically unable to use my arm due to it getting injured, weak and then dislocating because nothing I did had helped to stabilise the joint, it had made it more likely to self destruct.

  • Oh trust me, if I could afford a visit with a PT... I would be all over their office lol
    Can you afford the surgery if you accidentally screw up your shoulder?

    I'm not saying it for fun, I've had problems all my life too. And exercising wrongly led to two years practically unable to use my arm due to it getting injured, weak and then dislocating because nothing I did had helped to stabilise the joint, it had made it more likely to self destruct.

    Well I have insurance in I need surgery, but as I have not done any exercises to ruin my shoulder, (I'm aware of it enough to stop if it even feels the slightest bit wrong) I was simply asking if there were variations out there that I have not heard of or missed in my searching.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    See a physio/PT and they can give better ideas.

    Oh trust me, if I could afford a visit with a PT... I would be all over their office lol
    Can you afford the surgery if you accidentally screw up your shoulder?

    I'm not saying it for fun, I've had problems all my life too. And exercising wrongly led to two years practically unable to use my arm due to it getting injured, weak and then dislocating because nothing I did had helped to stabilise the joint, it had made it more likely to self destruct.

    this. it's cheaper to go in for a visit than to take advice from people on the net with no medical background.

    as someone who has shoulder issues off and on, you definitely want to at least get it evaluated by a professional who can give you an idea what's going on and what to do about it.

    and no, there is no variation of a push that wont affect a wonky shoulder joint
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Okay, first off you really should talk to a physio, but barring that I'm going to guess you may have a rotator cuff issue, only because what you describe sounds similar to what I've dealt with. Start by working your rotator cuffs first and strengthen them. There are some basic exercises here that can help.

    I did these for quite a while and, at the same time I worked on my deltoids. Over time, all popping and wonkiness went away. Again, I have no idea what your shoulder issue is, but this did work for me.
  • Okay, first off you really should talk to a physio, but barring that I'm going to guess you may have a rotator cuff issue, only because what you describe sounds similar to what I've dealt with. Start by working your rotator cuffs first and strengthen them. There are some basic exercises here that can help.

    I've had it looked at, doctors never said anything was wrong with it. "It just pops" they said. The pain is "probably from lack of strength when you work out" is what they other said. I could get my GP to look again, but I doubt anything new would come up.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Okay, first off you really should talk to a physio, but barring that I'm going to guess you may have a rotator cuff issue, only because what you describe sounds similar to what I've dealt with. Start by working your rotator cuffs first and strengthen them. There are some basic exercises here that can help.

    I've had it looked at, doctors never said anything was wrong with it. "It just pops" they said. The pain is "probably from lack of strength when you work out" is what they other said. I could get my GP to look again, but I doubt anything new would come up.

    It's sounding quite similar to what I dealt with. Just build your shoulders, but take it slowly.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    There is a book: treat your own rotator cuff by j. Johnson.

  • MiamiKid305
    MiamiKid305 Posts: 357
    cable internal/external rotations will help strengthen your rotator cuffs which is the reason for the majority of shoulder pain
  • @BeachIron : I will take it very slow. After almost 20 years with a popping shoulder, I would hate to sudden actually screw it up now =^.^=

    @EvgeniZyntx : I will look that up, thank you for your help. =^.^=
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    There is a book: treat your own rotator cuff by j. Johnson.


    really? I just bought this book and I am waiting for it to come from Amazon!! so excited
  • @MiamiKid305: Well the weird thing, is my shoulder only hurts when I actually try to work it. Lifting my arm, vaccuming, waving, even picking up laundry, doesn't hurt it. But it does if I use weights, resistance bands, even swimming. It's selective pain?? Too strange for words!!
  • Dear Tazminicat,

    As a Family Practice physician, I have to say that shoulder popping and crunching certainly leaves room for concern! If the shoulder is truly popping, it may indicate a tear in the cartilage that keeps the joint stable. Impingement syndrome whereby tendons are being trapped under the bony structures of the shoulder is a possibility. Have you had an MRI done? Have you seen an Orthopedic surgeon? Things you might consider letting your GP know are these:

    I cannot do the basic things I need to do, ie get dressed, wash hair due to shoulder pain
    I cannot do the basic things that I need to do to enjoy life, ie exercise

    The problem is almost certainly a result of relative weakness of the rotator cuff muscles, which stabilize the joint, and improving the strength of these muscles is certainly an important part of rehab. However in this case a significant amount of damage might have already been done. It needs to be checked out by a specialist. If your GP is still reluctant to refer for further evaluation then you might consider getting a second opinion from a different physician.
  • By the way Tazminacat, any physician who says your shoulder "just pops" without doing a thorough investigation, which would include an MRI and Ortho referral, then this doc needs to retire!
  • LeenBess
    LeenBess Posts: 12
    get that shoulder looked at by an orthopedist. I am very healthy but somehow I tore my rotator cuff at the gym. Had shoulder pain and could not lift and hold anything above my head. had to have surgery and am fine now. Don't fool around with the shoulder!