

  • Thanks Emmy! This is a GREAT website!
  • I ALWAYS use the sodium free soy sauce! :)
  • haha czech, mine too! which is why i need to lose weight! LOL
  • running works to tone up a little, but diet and cross training are what makes the running effective. When I first started running, I weighed 185 lbs, and I lost about 8 lbs. I ran for two years, staying at 177 ish. When I started doing P90X and watching my portions, that's when the weight REALLY started to come off. I got…
  • Stacy, I am proud of you for taking the first step! You are brave! Listen, I'm 28 and still single. I have been through all the weddings, baby showers, etc. Don't worry about those things. When you take time for yourself to feel good and enjoy life- people will take notice! I have been going on a lot more dates since I…
  • This is the best chili recipe I have ever had- I got it from my weight loss coach. This recipe makes 4 servings: 1 lb very lean beef, browned...pour off any fat 4 Tablespoon of tomato puree, with no sugar 2-16 oz cans tomatoes, no sugar (recipe says fire-roasted) - I use Muir Glen fire roasted tomatoes. 1 onion peeled and…
  • I'm an ovo vegeterian/ pescaterian most of the time- mostly for health reasons. On occassion I will eat meat as a splurge. I would love to be buddies! I eat a lot of gardein and smart products. one of my faves is Daiya Cheese Shreds. They melt and everything, but they're tapioca based! Makes my tummy happy while giving me…
  • hey yosho2k: i know what water tastes like....but i don't know what white tastes like. your post is informative, yet hilarious. white water. too much! thanks for making me laugh. I hope you will be m,y friend! :) J'Layne
  • I have 25 lbs to lose and i'm a distance runner...and that 30 day shred is soooo freaking hard. i think that's the point. jillian is mean and scary (but i still love her). i was so super sore for the first 5 days. and i have never been able to do it 30 days in a row. too hard. but the point is that you are trying, and if…
  • i really like Balega and Smartwool socks. They wick away sweat and keep your feet dry to prevent blisters. Balega socks are also cushiony and they dont' squeeze my feet tightly (which some brands do to me, like Feetures). Trying out Wright Brand-they have two layers of fabric so they rub against each other instead of the…
  • proud of you for getting motivated. but everyone had been saying the truth- this needs to be ablout you. Your helth, your body, your happiness. Not to prevent her from looking at the skinny hobags on the cruise. I do think it's a great idea to work on your helth together- it will add a new dimension to your relationship.…
  • great idea. sometimes they will also match competitor's prices. you could get them for the online price at the store. :) i'm a cheapo too! J'Layne
  • you really need to go to a running store and have the sales associate help you. at my local running store, they watch you walk, they look at your old shoes for wear patterns, and they let you run around outside with the shoes you try on. another thing to remember is that the more you run, the more often you have to replace…
  • i own it, and i have done it....but let me just tell you that yes it's only 20 minutes. but it is NOT easy. Be prepared to literally work your butt off for those 20 minutes. I enjoy it very much, but i was definitely sore for the first 4 to 5 days of all 3 workout levels on the dvd. good luck!
  • this is true (good point), but the point i was trying to make is that whatever sodium is in there, occurs naturally. there isn't any added sodium for preservation's sake. and usually turkey or chicken lunch meants have less sodium than ham. i like applegate farms brand. :)
  • i agree with tori. i always have a day of rest between my running days, and i do other stuff to repair my muscles like yoga, weights, or swimming. when i did c25k, i ran on mon, wed, and sat. keep it up! :)
  • the best thing to do is go organic. pick up some lunch meat at whole foods or central market. you have to eat it within about 4 days of opening it- but it tastes a thousand times better than the kind with all the sodium. good luck!
  • i have the shred too. not doing it at the moment. but after day 5 the soreness lets up...until you switch to level 2! haha! that's a whole different group of muscles.... but i love jillian and her workout really works!
  • i do fruit leather (like a fruit rollup without the added sugar and artificial junk) and 1/4 c. of unsalted sunflower seeds. I buy a big bag of the seeds and measure them out into ziplocks, then throw in a fruit leather (they come individually wrapped) and i'm set. I also drink tons of water which really helps keep…
  • I did c25k in january 09 and it took me 13 weeks to complete the 9 week program. after that, i joined a local running group that also had coaches that could help with running form and different workouts. doing the running with a group has made all the difference for me. i just finished my first 15K and am now training to…