Bought New Running Shoes $$$$$

Amy154 Posts: 52
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
So, my sister convinced me to go to the local running store for new shoes, and I am glad I did! I am on week 2 of C25K and my arch on one foot is bugging me a little.......I spent 200$$ but I do think that is the best feet!!!
I guess this means I am 'all in' for my training for a Marathon Relay next May!!!


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Hopefully since you bought them at a running store, they watched your stride and picked shoes for your specific pronation "problem". Your feet may hurt for a couple weeks until they conform to your feet. I'm due for new shoes and I'm dreading it. :(
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    How many pairs did you buy?

    While I agree it is nice to go to a running store so that they can determine your stride....that seems like quite an excessive price to pay for a pair of shoes.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    double post
  • edgeno
    edgeno Posts: 9
    $200 That's one way to keep you motivated
    Good luck with the race
  • zeeohhsix
    zeeohhsix Posts: 41
    I have never been fitted but i know i should be. i use asics 2150's right now and never have my feet hurt. I get these for 90 bucks online and they want 100-125 at running stores. Im cheap i guess i should go get fitted then buy online lol.......
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    Congrats!!!! GOOD shoes and running are A MUST! Keeps from getting shin splints and other annoying running injuries
    My advice though, when you're looking at new shoes, look on Ebay for them before paying full price!

    I just saw Savouys Triumph 7s at an athletic store for 150$ .. .I wanted them, Found them new on Ebay for 45$ Wtih free shipping ... You can save a lot of $$$$ Also found heartrate monitor (Mio Shape) for 9$ free shippping ... you can save a TON of $ there!

    All the same! CONGRATS!
  • Amy154
    Amy154 Posts: 52
    One pair--- $125, plus the $ 35 orthotics which fit better than my custom made ones from 18 months ago.....
    And a few trinkets....

    Now that i know my shoe I will be more comfortable ordering them online, plus I do not mind 'last years' styles.....
  • Autumn256
    Autumn256 Posts: 18
    Good for you! You've got to treat those tootsies right! Loving your reward at 154 pounds! Awesome................
  • jlayney
    jlayney Posts: 22
    I have never been fitted but i know i should be. i use asics 2150's right now and never have my feet hurt. I get these for 90 bucks online and they want 100-125 at running stores. Im cheap i guess i should go get fitted then buy online lol.......

    great idea. sometimes they will also match competitor's prices. you could get them for the online price at the store. :) i'm a cheapo too!

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