Pescatarians / Vegetarians / Vegans add me!

I'm looking to connect with others who eat mostly just veggies... sharing ideas on how to get adequate protein, etc. :] thanks


  • mindfulmunching
    mindfulmunching Posts: 62 Member
    I' ll add you lady!! Love having vegetarian friends!!
  • nani726
    nani726 Posts: 70 Member
    vegan here :)
  • janac777
    janac777 Posts: 22 Member
    going vegetarian as of the last few days. done losts of reading and have summed up that im a ovo vegetarian. meaning vegetarian plus eggs, no dairy or meat. all new territory for me and unfortunately i have a husband and kids that i still have to cook everything for cuz they wont do it with me. im excited to start this and am feeling good already on my 2nd day only.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Absolutely!! Anyone else feel free to add me as well (please include a small message) :D
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Feel free to add me! I am a vegetarian. :flowerforyou:
  • I've just decided last week that i'm going back to a vegetarian way of eating. I was when 17/18/19,and last year did about 3 months off meat purely because I went off the texture. I too have been doing a lot of reading the last couple of months and have decided that eating meat is no longer for me. I always feel healthier when I don't, and find I eat way more nutritious food! My husband is an absolute carnivore and my children are to young to make the decision, so it's just me here too!
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    vegetarian! kind of a crap one though, i need to eat less processed foods. :/
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    Feel free to add me too, I'm also vegetarian! :)
  • oceanrose78
    oceanrose78 Posts: 133 Member
    Anyone can add me! I became a Pescetarian in March, and now am eating almost entirely plant based (no dairy, no eggs, but sometimes sushi). I'm loving my diet and cook almost everything from scratch but we also end up eating out which makes some challenges too!
  • jlayney
    jlayney Posts: 22
    I'm an ovo vegeterian/ pescaterian most of the time- mostly for health reasons. On occassion I will eat meat as a splurge. I would love to be buddies! I eat a lot of gardein and smart products. one of my faves is Daiya Cheese Shreds. They melt and everything, but they're tapioca based! Makes my tummy happy while giving me that cheesy taste i sometimes crave!

  • Tjantik
    Tjantik Posts: 16
    I'm trying to go vegetarian, it's difficult sometimes. My Dr has told me no more meat, no green leafy veggies, no soy, pretty much everything that I used to eat. I am allowed pastries though -go figure. My husband is a vegetarian, so I have support. It's just so hard not to eat meat. I have been doing poached eggs -so no fat- and had one chicken sandwich this week. #fail
  • kerrifair
    kerrifair Posts: 30 Member
    please add me too! anyone who wants to.. I am looking for all the support I can get! I am vegan.. down 14 lbs so far. Once I got off processed foods (and beer...) haha
  • gentsevetzak
    gentsevetzak Posts: 147 Member
    Add me if you're a fat vegetarian ;-)
  • Vegetarian here! Looking for ideas and healthier ways to eat! Friend me if you like!
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    I sent you a message/friend add. I'm vegan, almost two years and loving it!
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Polo-Vegetarian here. I only eat chicken like 2x a month tho.

    Feel free to add me if you want.
  • Why would your doc tell you NOT to eat leafy greens, Tjantik?

    Me... Vegetarian for about 30 years. Definitely believe in a plant-based diet but have over-indulged in it for the last few years and gained too much weight (yes, you CAN be a fat vegetarian!). Just lost about 10lbs,now trying to lose another 20 or so to get back to my fightin' weight. Live in PA, USA. 46 yr old woman. Love my husband, love my cat, love my friends, love to travel.

    To everyone: Feel free to friend me if you're a generally-positive person. :-)
  • AnnaMaus
    AnnaMaus Posts: 167 Member
    Vegan here, diary's open too. Add me!
  • I'm vegan! Feel free to add me anyone! :-)
  • rachaelmae79
    rachaelmae79 Posts: 23 Member
    I've been a pescetarian for years now. I get a lot of my protein from the Morningstar and Boca brands of fake meat. I eat fake meat sandwiches, sloppy joes, tacos, pizza, hotdish, hotdogs, corndogs. My favorite right now is a veggie reuben. I use fake lunch meat, sour kraut, fat-free thousand island dressing, rye bread and a slice of swiss cheese. Toast it all together like a grilled cheese. Yummy!!!