

  • You will probably see improvements in your blood work as you see a decrease in your waist line. If you are seeing gradual decreases in your weight from healthy eating and exercise then you'll probably see gradual improvements in your blood work. If 3 months down the road you are not seeing a decrease in your weight (from…
  • What blood work panels are you needed help with? Are you diabetic with a high hemoglobin A1C (generally the 3 month average). Is it your cholesterol and triglycerides that is high? You don't need to disclose all of this information to me.... but to start off it would be great to know the names of all of these labs, then…
  • Protein shakes are super easy to make, they are cheaper to make homemade and there are tons of recipes online. Do you have a blender? Or can you get one? A lot of protein shakes just use yogurt, milk, protein powder, any nut butter and a variety of other ingredients or optional. It might take some work to find the protein…
  • The old balance scales are usually the most accurate, much more accurate than bathroom scales.
  • Eat more "whole" foods. Its cheaper and healthier. Getting healthy is not just about eating 1200 calories (or whatever MFP tells you) its about learning a lifestyle change and the type and quality of foods you eat make a difference. You have to learn how to cook healthy, eat healthy, enjoy the food you eat & working out…
  • I'm also usually over in my protein. From what I know being over in protein is usually fine. If you are trying to build muscle (that helps burn more calories) it good to have extra protein from lean meats, vegetable sources or nuts. The fitness industry is always trying to sell "protein shakes, bars, etc". Many body…
  • I've found that most bathroom scale (regardless of price) will do this but a large more expensive one is better, I've also found that a sturdy non-digital one is usually better. I've resorted to just using the gym scale, I weigh myself once a week at the the same time 1st thing in the morning.
  • I find that if the water is too cold (even though I like it cold) I won't drink as much of it. Instead of ice water I drink either drink room temp or water cooled in the fridge.
  • From what I have heard from most doctors is that prenatal vitamins are a good solid vitamin for a woman at any point in her life.